HULK Thread

Talk all things Hulk. Dr. Banner, She Hulk, Betty Ross/Harpy, Doc Samson, Abomination, The Leader, whatever! I'll start; Where can I read some good Rulk material?

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There's been some kind of colour blindness on the part of the artist here. The Hulk is green.

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from 2008 till Soule's Thunderbols that is everything about red hulk

user that's Rulk, not Hulk. Hulk is Hulk

Anyone have any good storylines from these cunts?

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There has to be a version of the Immortal Hulk copypasta but for Rulk.

There was some 90s Namor comics with Tiger Shark as a genuinely menacing as fuck villain. He had a different design tho.

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Holy shit that’s him? I actually really like the art from 90s Namor.

They couldn't even bother to give him a different haircut, or Christ a different face, just slap a mustache on the mother fucker, something Jesus.

That looks based as fuck. Was it every collected in a trade?

Here i did it myself

Attached: red hulk stash.jpg (1824x1820, 1.58M)

They actually did later give him back his mustache. See I want more of this shit, mustache and USA shorts. That's fucking awesome. The only reason why he didn't have a mustache originally was to keep up the shitty mystery of Rulk's identity

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Abomination looked badass after a dump in toxic waste. Made him look like a Bizarro Hulk. Don't know why they went back to make him look like a Killer Croc knock off.


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oh that's great, now, if only the asian hulk would turn blue all would be right in the world

I hope Blonsky comes back in Ewing's run. Thus far all we've seen is a husk Rick Jones wore like a suit.
You mean Cho? Was never a fan of him. I think the bigger priority is unfucking what Aaron did to She Hulk

Attached: Abomination Suit Hulk.jpg (1040x1600, 720.27K)

Part of me's still betting they're gonna use the imagery of the corpse on Jupiter falling to Earth and make it look like Lucifer falling from Heaven, then fuse the Abomination shell made by Shadow Base and the one made by the Order of the Shield together.

It's biblical imagery too good to pass up. Blonsky's return might come near the end, perhaps as a second option vessel for TOBA. How could you not push the body horror even further with Abomination?

Yeah. It was a weird turn, he looked genuinely scary, but then for some reason was allowed to semi-reform even though he'd helped kill Leonard McKenzie. He was calling himself Arlys Tigershark and living like he was a full Atlantean for a while.

Attached: arlys.jpg (725x445, 104.25K)

Different guy name Maverick.

Wait, are you serious? That's not Ross?

Part of me wants to see MODOK show up, but for him to be something like the Spider Mastermind from Doom.
That'd fix his mostly weird design, honestly.

I only see MODOK showing up if the spotlight shifts back to Betty, as he was the one responsible for turning her into Harpy

It's from this run.

God dang pic related art is fucking cool.

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I'm enjoying the Immortal Hulk run and I want to read more Ewing comics but I'm not well versed in the continuity of marvel so should I just jump in and read whatever I can get or what ?

It was supposed to be Ross, Ewing even confirmed it back when USAvengers was announced
Then some other writer called dibs on Ross or something like that and he had to turn Maverick in the new Rulk who was then copied and pasted by DC with their new Damage.

Does anyone even like Damage?

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This Namor villain looks cool, like a Aquatic Omega Red.

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First few issues were decent.

Don't think so, the only reason he keeps being brought up is because he was such a blatant rip off he couldn't possibly be ignored.

He's not unsalvageable, but the series was really dependent on "Damage vs ____" which got old really fast. Sideways and Silencer were cool though. Shame we couldn't get a Damege GET IT?!

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What do you guys think about the Savage Dragon?

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The idea someone came up with last thread of Grutan coming back as a government funded biomechanical Hulk was honestly cool as shit.

I thought the shapeshifting frog mutant McGowan was cool

How was this Defenders reunion?

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Yes, it was.

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Yeah. I agree she's probably smart enough to never expose herself to gamma radiation in the actual comics, but it is a fun fan concept.

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Pretty good

Surgery's was the only weak bit

anons, what are some based af Abomination stories? Preferably shit that's in trade form.


Too much porn.

Hulk 383-384 did a good job making him sympathetic and is available in Peter David's Hulk Visionaries volume 7.

And while it completely derails all of his earlier sympathetic qualities, the "Abominable" arc from Bruce Jones's run is a great superhero slugfest if taken as stand-alone.

I'm gonna miss Devil Hulk

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What do you mean? He’s not going anywhere

Indeed, he's in a precarious situation but Bruce and Savage will set things right.

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This art is incredible

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Pic related is the same artist more recent Namor work.

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Sadly he only did covers for this more recent series.

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The kino tv show has a cool 2 parter about Abomination.

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Something about Betty's behavior that really arouses me, it's confusing and I don't get it

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These are all great, it’s a shame he’s not talked about more on Yas Forums, I really like his 90s run and can’t find it anywhere.

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Jae Lee. He more or less stopped getting work and went indie because he was so goddamn late all the time they constantly had to get fill-in artists. Then he shaped up a bit in the 00s and came back

I do but I have an abiding hatred of Tom Joyner, the creator of the 80's Damage so anything that sticks in his craw is ok in my book.

You mean the old man Hulk who gets shot & killed by a cop?

tfw no harpy gf to rip out and eat your heart or fold you up smol

Sounds like a badass

Well at least this proves Betty still loves Banner

She just has to be careful with how often she does this stuff to Banner and Savage. Devil Hulk doesn't like it even if she means well.

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