Hello Yas Forums

Hello Yas Forums
Who are your favourite story time animators, and why?

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i really only see theodd1sout, it's the one i found the funniest.
You see, no one worth the oxygen they breathe likes actual, simple storytime, the people who sit in front of a camera and tell a story about how they totally nearly died that one time there was a turbulence in the plane. An animator's job is to tell a story like you'd tell it in an cartoon, except this time it's completely off the 4th wall and talking about a thing that might have happened. So for example, theodd1sout's famous subway series are fun because they're told in a way that it feels less like a boring storytime and more like a comical tale.

Simple, Sam O'Nella

they're all different flavors of godawful, so I hate all of them

Jaiden because she has the most porn.

Attached: jaiden37.png (1280x720, 1.43M)

Wolfychu. I am aware there is a part of it that is acted out for her public character, but I am still amazed of how much of an actual anime girl having escaped in the real world she is.

Also, Odds1out, Jaidenanimation, Swoozie, Tabbes, Emerichi, Shguur (but she has decided to stop storytime and want to start animating her own work of fiction), Letmeexplainsutudio, AmyRightMeow and illymation.

Also, Abitfrank, but she does less storytime and focus on fairytale adpatation, as well as Sam O'Nela.

I follow a lot of female animator, now that I think about it.

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I really want to fuck Jaiden and emotionally destroy her only to build her up again and have her emotionally dependent on me so i can take care of her.
I also want to take a shovel and bash wolfychus dumbass skull in

None of those, for sure.

Jaiden because i want to fuck her
>inb4 Coomer!

Attached: Bean nigga.jpg (365x391, 14.83K)

we need a /yt/

Attached: 3560250 - DamienMinded Jaiden_Animations Let_me_explain_studios YouTube comic illymation shgurr.jpg (1448x660, 249.06K)

>I also want to take a shovel and bash wolfychus dumbass skull in
Because she is already taken and you know you will never manage to make her as happy as she currently is with her current boyfriend, so she is wasted on you, or is there a different raison?

Please, be a lonely lesbian rather than a lonely straight man (it's more hot that way).

Attached: 3494848 - DamienMinded Jaiden_Animations Let_me_explain_studios YouTube comic shgurr.jpg (745x841, 138.21K)

Attached: 3418021 - Jaiden Jaiden_Animations YouTube scarecorrode scarf_boy.jpg (414x359, 30.45K)

I don't watch any of this garbage, and if you do you are most likely underage.

I am 37.

I want to fuck Jaiden and Rebecca (cartoon versions) so hard.

Attached: 1b8b6bb94e9c0024d5dde8acecce0ff948ca455da072ae9b67f4cdeed28c04aa.jpg (843x1551, 138.65K)

He makes makes mundane stories interesting with his introspection.
Also his animations are getting better.

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Oh, and I forgot Pantless Pajama (she hasn't much video, but she has one with a ghost story and an other where she pee herself) and Cypherden (whose father seems to be a protagonist from Delinquent anime).

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He doesn't count, Sam is educational, OP is talking about story animators.

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Shgurr for reasons.

Attached: file.png (444x356, 111.72K)

Totally straight girl owning an home with her female best friend who surely is as straight as her.

Attached: 2296117 - Jaiden_Animations.png (1773x1731, 863.35K)

Imagine being the cat.


She will no longer do Storytime, now. She is trying to make an original fictional work that might come out arround april.

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jaiden is cute but i would rather watch some real animation

>Gets mad at art teacher
>Fail class
>Make a video hit piece on her
She truly is /ougal/

Observe brainlet, a story

He also make a story about how a kid touch someone else's balls.

I don't really like storytime animators... I mean, the stuff i make is pretty awful, but even i reeeally would rather not be associated with them, they're just really cringey to me for whatever reason

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I think Rebecca's videos are pretty entertaining and cute. Also, she's just a very pleasant person to listen to. LMES for sure.

Attached: 3168282 - DamienMinded Jaiden Jaiden_Animations YouTube comic.jpg (720x624, 111.47K)

Attached: 3196362 - Chaos55t DamienMinded Jaiden Jaiden_Animations YouTube comic.jpg (1449x1151, 311.08K)

>for whatever reason
Go into the porn threads (or this thread for that matter) and it's pretty clear. Storytimers attract a massive concentration of assburgers.

Attached: 3196363 - DamienMinded Jaiden Jaiden_Animations Let_me_explain_studios Rebecca_Parham YouTube comic.jpg (1449x2048, 547.71K)

Attached: 3196364 - DamienMinded Jaiden Jaiden_Animations Let_me_explain_studios Rebecca_Parham YouTube comic.jpg (1449x2048, 392.34K)

Who do you think it was?

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she's talking about me

So, you are a Hero? what are your super powers?


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Yeah, and I'm 43.

Attached: 3197405 - DamienMinded Jaiden Jaiden_Animations Let_me_explain_studios Rebecca_Parham YouTube comic.jpg (1449x2048, 422.09K)

Arin Hanson
>Known to be an asshole/hypocrit
>Interested in storytime animations
>White Knighted creators previously, got burned for it

james’s videos have been getting worse

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None. All of them are sterilized, generic variations of "le quirky" friend simulators for children, and none of them give a shit about anything but squeezing as much money out of that audience as they can.
The porn's 'ight, though.

James is a massive fag behind the scenes. Prolly not him though.

Wow, this thread is relatable!

Shut up mattyburrito

>got burned for it
Not really.

And from what I heard, he is actually pretty nice to hang around.

For a little while I would listen to tabbes to fill the silence on my hikes when music wasn't cutting it.

>of "le quirky" friend simulators for children
Fun fact: when someone use the word "quirky" it means they actually can't find a real critic to make, so they think calling them quirky magically made them bad.

Replace "quirky" with "awkward". Better now?