Itt: Yas Forums images that haunt you

Still have nightmares.

Attached: headersandycheeks.jpg (800x450, 41.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i dont want to get banned
it was bart fucking lisa on a couch

>mfw i know exactly what image this is

Attached: 1546685560284.jpg (610x587, 27.3K)

this is the weirdest start to a summer camp island thread I've seen yet

i dont. link it

Attached: 001960-Bashed_up_runt_held_in_hand_Z_4_copy.jpg (700x618, 212.77K)

I wish to understand this.

I don't know about it

Doesn't even phase me anymore.

i started that thread, ama

Attached: download (2).jpg (259x194, 10.57K)

Attached: Supermans+fetish_d28731_7258961.jpg (1200x784, 221.32K)

Speaking of Spongebob

Attached: Wormy_Butterfly_Close.jpg (1152x864, 53.56K)


search up "sandy cheeks penis vacuum"

The only Blue Nursery image that still haunts me is the blankie one. I don't know why. I've seen so many wrekt videos that don't affect me in the slightest, yet that stupid baby smurf skeleton pic unsettles me so much

Attached: ifonly.png (343x324, 180.07K)

It's cock vore.

I once saw an image of Batman and Aquaman (Specifically the BBATB versions) standing around with their flaccid cocks out. That image will never leave my head.

Oh I thought there was something special to it

there's one with that baby smurf complety naked and crying while a human finger inserts a blanket into her (?) ass

Attached: aaaaaaaa.png (215x231, 119.07K)

I hope that the degenerate that drew that is rotting in prison.


You mean this one?

Attached: 1540502487668.jpg (773x800, 477.07K)

no, the other one, where the runt still has the look

Ah, so this one?

Attached: smurfy.jpg (393x512, 51.89K)

Look Sandy dick vore.

yeah, that one


I ain't gonna look it up again, but that one Spongebob comic where he rapes Gary and Patrick. That was the closest a cartoon ever got to making me vomit.

The wo wo wubzy cock vore
The haunting thing about that image is that is like 9 years old, cock vore wasn’t even a thing back then

The original art that this reaction image was based on is burned into my memory.
It was Jasmine voring Aladdin via her bellybutton

Attached: Scarred_Sultan.png (796x796, 172.88K)

>wo wo wubzy cock vore
excuse me

Attached: Anne is fucking worried.png (207x213, 48.86K)

Sweet fucking lord I remember that image

Attached: corlton.gif (187x220, 607.19K)

did the guy who made that shit ever get in any legal trouble for harming an actual minor or anything? the comics had so much effort put into them that the whole thing felt really off, like he had experience in the field so to speak

Post a link.

The guy who made these went on to create that which is banned from the containment board... Fluffy Ponies.

>making something that is reviled by horse fuckers
How can you fuck up this much in life?

It's cardinal sin to lewd Spongebob characters.

I thought they were a Yas Forums thing. I'm pretty sure I've seen the original greentexts that started it all

To see what it was, go to their booru.
Be warned. There is disturbing imagery. I know. I was one of them - I wrote stories, popular ones too, but never did lean on the Gore like they do.

Even so much as a mention will have you banned on that board.


I thinks he means "Wow wow Wubbzy"

Total Drama Island vore. I don't have it with me but it won't leave my brain. Please help

How fucking dare you.

Attached: uOCkls.gif (320x180, 992.41K)

>Be warned. There is disturbing imagery
I've looked through there, and I mostly just roll my eyes at all the torture and violence.
I wonder what that says about me.

You can tell it’s done for shock factor and not much else. It’s like rolling your eyes to happy tree friends

This one?

Attached: KwX3SIG_d.jpg (640x3200, 98.68K)


Attached: 1D10C224-FFEB-48BB-899D-3AF80D40F752.jpg (255x255, 9.71K)

>Gary, i didn't know you were a girl
>now i'm going to rape you

Attached: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.gif (640x360, 1.15M)

Can you post the part where he rapes Patrick?

I don't have a link, but I do have the whole collection, including the reaction image.
I warned you

Attached: Jasmine_BellyVore.png (848x4898, 3.71M)

sometimes I wonder, what kind of fucked individual creates something like this? There are a lot of degenerates out there, we all know this, but the fact that this particular degenerate at least has some skill at drawing, but chooses to create such a fucked up, disgusting piece of fetish artwork just amazes me.

This one?

Attached: 60EA6AD6-7870-4F8B-8FF0-C549104E9C9E.jpg (600x547, 42.47K)

who's that one artist who draws all those incredibly fucked simpsons drawings? You know the one. Everything he draws is like someone spitting in the face of god himself.

>the screaming face of horror in the belly

i cant

Attached: but_why.gif (500x281, 114.19K)

how did it escalate to that

What characters? I probably have it saved.

I recognize that bulge!

Here's the rest of his stuff:

>Eka's Portal

Attached: 1464590319613.jpg (238x164, 14.38K)


ugh i hope this dude dies a horrible death equal in pain to his baby torture fanfics

>that is like 9 years old, cock vore wasn’t even a thing back then
Trust me, it was
You know that reminds me, you never see mpreg anymore
I mean it's for the best but still