LPS Littlest Pet Shop songs

What do you think of the songs from LPS 2012 and LPS 2018, Yas Forums?


I hate when the funny voices do the singing, it's no better than Phineas(&Ferb) singing over the actual good voices. The lyrics are worth meme-ing at least.

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Nobody wants to ____ the bunny?

s1 songs of LPS 2012 are my guilty pleasures

-sweet shop song
-that song with sidekick panda

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Haven't watched much of the reboot, the little I watched seemed to lack something....which is a shame because the characters were all so cute.

I like a lot of songs from the 2012 one

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I miss these threads. It's a shame whenever one pops up they never last too long.
I thought the reboot was fine but the songs never sticked with me like the 2012 ones did. "Girl Time" has never left my head since the first time it was uploaded.


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God I fucking love fluffy edges.

Humanarian is my jam. I also like Superstar Life and It Won't be Long. I feel like the later seasons don't have as many ear worms, but the Biskits get a few good ones too like their attempt at a viral hit, We're Cuter Than U or whatever it was called.


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Their voices should in a top 10 cringiest voices compilation together with the 85s


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>eyes on the kitty

how dare you insult francis!

Hub stuff was fun in those days, lots of cross brand references, was the prime time

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Not that user, but Francis is a badass for putting up with such worthless one-dimensional characters in the actual show. Doesn't matter how "good" people think they sing - Pacifica (GF), Sasha (Amphibia), Amity (The Owl House)? Far better antagonist girls by a fucking mile.

LOL Shaddup and seethe harder.

This song sounds way better than the other one where she steals Zoe's song. That one is cringeworthy without the music backing her up.

I'm thinking based

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>That bunny
Oh my God another great design choice better than the ones they chose for the main cast.

I'm sad the Border Collie you see as a background character never got featured as a secondary character.
Border Collies look adorable both in real life and 2D.

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Zoe always looked more like a cat.

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Black n white is a hard aesthetic to beat. So are flat faces and subtle snouts. Cats have adorable snouts better looking than rabbits.


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Wait, was this rebooted? The style seems to be the same.

my ancient husbando

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Oh My God it's an older-sounding Double D.

I want to fuck that skater bunny.

for me it's

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He is taken by Vinnie.

His famous doppelganger is sexier.

I always found her 10 second songs to be the best, they seemed to be made with more gusto and intention to impress than the other ones.

For what purpose?

For the glory of the bunny god.

>Not the cunny bunny

Face it 2012 fags, 2018 is clearly superior:

>good writing
>characters are 3d dimensional
>genuinely funny jokes
>no boring-ass humans
>animals actually look like animals

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As much as I like LPS2012, I feel the humans were half the fun, if not most of the fun.

How was she so hot?

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I like both, but 2018 is slightly better IMHO, due to feeling like it knows what it wants to be more. I can agree with that much. However...

>good writing
>animals actually look like animals
Yes, for the most part.

>characters are 3d dimensional
>genuinely funny
Ehhh, you're losing me here.

>no boring-ass humans
Opinion discarded, right there - I actually liked Blythe (as an MC) and definitely her interactions with the pets; the Biskits were boring 1D caricatures, I can agree with that fraction of the issue one would have with the humans sometimes getting in the way of the pets (the true selling point), admittedly enough.

As much as furries don't want to accept this, this is pretty much correct (IMHO). Unless it was pets playing pretend and shit, without a human element to balance things out a little, things become messy in the 2012 show.

This is part of why I admit the 2018 show is better, simply for focusing on the meat of the franchise, anyway.

damn....this kinda sucks

Kinda sucks how the 2012 show would often split its episodes into 2 plots despite having 21 minute episodes. Often times there'd be a main plot and a "what happens back at home in the background" plot which was boring as hell.

God black and white is so sexy.
And so are thick eyelashes, cute accessories and oh my god those mittens.

This is exactly one thing the 2018 show gets right that I wish the 2012 show had done, too.

22 minute episodes for actually something special; 11 minutes for everything else - the 2012 show would have worked better in a lot of cases if it was just 11 minute episodes; the quality might vary, but things would flow a lot better.

As much as Yas Forums doesn't wanna admit it, mostly 11 minute segments worked perfectly for Regular Show / Gumball / Adventure Time just fine - say what you will about the quality of all 3 of those examples, aside. It's definitely something the 2018 show (which is just 11 minute segments all the time) does get just about right (IMHO).

That's the point - too bad if a point is to be cringy, that's pretty damn sad. I'm still watching reruns of this show and that hot shit has always been cringy to me. The twins really are the worst characters on this show, and this is part of why...

LPS had oddly more of a plot than any of those shows though

That user again As much as I did enjoy those 3 shows I've mentioned as examples for what they were (AT/RS/Gumball); I didn't say their storytelling was the absolute best, either. And as much as I do like the 2012 show and find it criminally underrated unlike most of the net who's just about forgotten about it, neither did it (the 2012 show, I mean). For me, LPS2012 didn't get good at something like this until S2 and especially S3, so there's that.

I can't seem to tell what's different between the 2012 and 2018 characters. Are the 2018 pets more 3D like Blythe while the 2012 pets are more 1 dimensional? Can't figure it out.

But I can figure out that 2012 had more shit going on than 2018's perfect utopia where they poke fun around the fact there's nothing happening.

good idea on the writing team to make the 2012 show run for 22 minutes. you could tell some episodes dragged on way too long...

>Dragged on way too long
>Boring as hell
>Good idea
LOL - you serious? I hope not.

The art style is different

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Compare to this, they're different. It's still the same "big head small body" thing the brand is basically known for anymore but there are subtle differences, the new stuff uses either more realistic or softer colors more often than having neon Lisa Frank ass pets. It's a bit more detailed, etc.

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I am dead fucking serious.


>good idea on the writing team to make the 2012 show run for 22 minutes.
>you could tell some episodes dragged on way too long...
I don't know how anyone can say that making all these episodes 22 minutes long when a lot of episodes in this particular series would have worked better as 11 minute plots with the BS cut out completely; basically, like the 2018 (AWOO) series actually did. That's what I mean.

You all forgot the best one.


If it's so good where's it's second season huh?
Reach 4 seasons and then we'll talk.

>could've just used the 2012 pets
>could've redesigned them slightly to meet whiny teenagers demands
God, I fucking miss them.

These women are witty af

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Roger and Twombly were super based.

Yeah - Dear God, I wanna fuck Blythe.

You can keep those twins to yourself.

I only want Blythe.