Physical media is for cucks, streaming is the futur--

>Physical media is for cucks, streaming is the futur--

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i haven't checked personally, but to my knowledge they corrected this

only comics should remain as physical media, tv shows and movies are better off in streaming platforms.

yo ho yo ho

They said they'd be adding an option to view it in its original ratio.
My question is how fucking long must I go on searching for a webrip of it.

Plenty of physical releases are like this, if not worse.

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reminds me of the blurred jesus painting. awful

Do you have a Discord?

But how will I get me new R&M

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And here I though pig disgusting filters were only a thing of crappy video game remasters.

Beautiful release 10/10

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>watching simpsons
They just did a low IQ thing for a low IQ show

t-thanks disney

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Tell me, what does someone with such a mighty intellect such as yourself watch?

But you can't see the grain in the right. Objectively better

Richard et Mortisworth of course

Because it BLURS, making it objectively worse.

one more

Attached: disney-animated-movies-ciderella-blu-ray-restoration-ruined-detail-fb20.png (1200x630, 725.52K)

What took you so long? Fancy German car out of gas?

Your mistake was assuming D*sney would allow anything of value to be produced under their brand. Why the fuck would you voluntarily pay for Mouseflix just to watch old Simpsons episodes?

is there an example of any other company fucking this up because it always seems to be just Disney

damn right. If you stream anything you're a city slicker.

Steven Universe

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There's lot of HD releases of pre-HD digital TV shows that are simple filtered upscales, but that's just because you can't create HD prints from digital SD masters and they know customers are gullible anyway and mostly won't care or even notice.

In the case of old Disney movies it seems they actually try to make as terrible a release as possible even though they have the source material and means to do proper prints. In the end, it's probably just a case of producer's mindset: a 4:3 release with film grain won't seem -to their idea of customer- as worth their money as a cleaned up (filtered) widescreen (inevitably cropped) ""remaster"".

Jesus Christ is that even real

Not Yas Forums, but Princess Mononoke on netflicks have a different sub track to the blu ray. Alas, the reliability of physical media (and local hard drives copies) proves itself.

Not Yas Forums, but the Predator blu-ray is pretty notorious.

Attached: predator-dnr-grain-removal-L.jpg (800x530, 118.8K)

fucking with the aspect ratio to appease morons who think HD means fullscreen is inexcusable

But they at least made new one that still has grain in it.

They did? I stuck to my DVD because I thought all the blu-rays were shitty.

The right one looks like an FMV from PS1-era Final Fantasy games

Are we forgetting the shitshow that was their EVA release?

right side looks better tho

In terms on animation, no.

>tfw downloaded seasons 1-10 of the simpsons years ago and can avoid the streaming scheme

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I once got drunk and bought 1-12 in DVD off ebay for like 100 bucks. Best purchase I ever made

Disney just has a bizarre fetish with removing as much film grain and dirt from their hand painted catalog as possible. Unfortunately, that has meant that some of their "restorations" have been, to put it politely, substandard (most notably Cinderella and some of the films that used the xerography process).

The first Blu-Ray from 2008 had grain but suffered from a low bit rate transfer, resulting in compression artifacts and noise. The second Blu-Ray, the Ultimate Hunter Edition, solved the bit rate problem but DNRed the film to hell and back.

Thankfully though, the 4K Blu-Ray from 2018 has a good transfer and has the grain intact.

Noted, I might search that one out.

anime does this a ton, usually backwards though, the tv versions ae rushed and absolutely botched then the bluray comes out fixed, obviously it doesnt always change for the best

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Imagine Futurama on Disney+ lmao

It got that type of jokes every 5 seconds.

Just be warned, the Blu-Ray disc included with the 4K Blu-Ray releases uses the Ultimate Hunter transfer.

Waifu2xing Disney films, now I’ve seen everything.

blind idiot

Streaming is fine but physical media and downloads will always be better since they don't randomly blur or get stuck buffering for absolutely no reason like streaming platforms do sometimes and you don't have to worry about them being taken off of the platform.

They haven't.

Not just cropped, some scenes were crop to 1:78:1, others cropped to 1:66::1 then stretched to 1:78:1.

its a mess.

>Need hacking software wizardry in order to download
>Poor bitrates mostly for SD and DVD-ripped stuff and even some HD stuff.
>Only the version they wanna give you
>Once its Gone, may be Forever.
>Web-DL rippers and sharers mostly operate in MEMBERS DONT SPEAK ABOUT IT ONLY PRAY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS YOU INVITES YOU sites now
>Mostly mainstream normie bait tier
>Waste money on multiple systems and services Due to exclusive cock holding
>Many of em are US only

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Someone with a PowerPC rig needs to downscale the 4k version to 1080p with good bitrate and No DVNR into a 25-30GB version.

bumpin butts

Nickelodeon when it comes to their remasters of SpongeBob


Well, the average streaming service user just want the convenience of availability and variety of content. It IS a system for normies and adults

a shame they dont have the actual film element sfor the 1st season of Spongebob, but then again Nick had a HUGE fetish for the video 2x speed up on scenes cause since their shows were outsourced to korea they couldnt figure out the timing speed on some scenes, so on the video editing they often speed up the footage, a shame that this lead to this shows never getting a proper HD restoration, they will have to recreate the video effects and re-do the sound mixing.

Also, why more companies outside of Discotek with anime have adopted the SD Bluray format for shows only available in SD? heck in germanie many nicktoons were released like this.

Just to show how much S-o.y and apathy there is, not many people are willing to give this issue the attention it needs.

That's a rarity dude. They fucked up the sword in the Stone sure, but most movies look better on Blu-ray

Dragonball has a pretty bad problem of having multiple releases per region that each have different cropping and color correction

>do you want clear sharp image and intact film grain, or do you want characters to be in frame

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Physical media is always better. That's why I buy it for the shit I really like

I just read the manga now and let dbz sit in my memories. We will never get a good home release.

>run the itunes half of the image through waifu2x with max noise reduction for kicks
>it's still nowhere near as bad as the blu-ray release

just fucking how

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Hasbro does it with their Youtube clips of Beast Wars.