Snowflake and safespace

>snowflake and safespace
Is this a joke? Are these really their names?

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Snowflake has ice powers, Safespace makes force field shields. Makes sense to me.

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It's the product of a brilliant idea Daniel Kibblesmith's wife's boyfriend had.

Safe space actually has a cool power that can be fun to work with.

Like a properly nerfed Invisible Woman. Bleeding form the nose once in a while isn't balanced.

Having to be support is interesting. Charecters that can support others with powers but can't use those powers on them selves shows alot about the charecter.

Western comics need way more niche and limited abilities like that since it encourages interesting writing, rather than "they can create infinite forcefield constructs" or the billionth "they're super strong" where the characters never have to plan ahead and just bruteforce every situation.

It does speak a lot, for any other characters.
This guy, however, smells like a White Knight that can only shield M'ladies with his humble body from the angry incels hordes.

Yas Forums wishes they'd been the ones to come up with this shit

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There is that one book that had superheroes with really limited powers. One of the strongest heros in that setting was a guy who can fuse properties of multiple items into another.

The joke is that the two characters in-universe wanted to hijack "toxic" terms into becoming something powerful and not "toxic".
Looks like it kinda backfired a little, though, some SJW groups on Twitter threw a fit at the character design and the names.

From what I've heard on here this is bankrupting Marvel, there are rumors that Disney is about to sell them off to the Chinese because their numbers are so shit.

>Sell off marvle when it earns money
>Keep starwars when it looses money

Honestly that does sound like something they would do.

But that isn't why they are called what they are. You know this as a fact.

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Jesus Christ, even his name is a fucking joke.

kibblesmith is doing the whole queer thing where they take the name and wear it with pride

From what i have heard DCucks cries themselves to sleep every night.

I assume the idea is kind of taking back the terms to cancel out their negativity.

They could have looked for more psychic-type powers for the blue one though, like freezing time or some shit

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The idea is that Snowflake is offensive and Safespace is defensive. Retarded but that's the rationale.

Yas Forums would start calling them that eventually, they just preemptively took that power from us that's all


Why is Daniel Kibblesmith still allowed to fucking write for Marvel when I can come up with shit thats only half as terrible, but no one will look at my scripts?

>Marvel is going bankrupt AGAIN
You love to see it

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Marvel can't afford good writers

>hijack "toxic" terms into becoming something powerful and not "toxic".
This doesn't actually work when the qualities in question are inherently negative.
It doesn't really matter what you call them; people will just come up with a different word to describe the exact same thing.
How many terms have we gone through trying to paint "AFRICAN AMERICANS" in a positive light by now?

The funny thing is- using these terms as insults is only something boomers do at this point. Even the people who were using them excessively years ago have moved onto new terms.

The fact that the author thought this was 'subversive' just goes to show how out of touch he actually is.

Yas Forums will tell you that every comic book company is hemorrhaging money and is going to 'totally die any day now.' It's been doing this since Yas Forums was founded, and before that, they were doing it on Something Awful. You'd be a fool to believe anything posted here.

Have you guys bothered to see Kibblesmith's twitter? Its oddly bland as fuck and also oddly devoid of people pointing out how stupid his fucking comic is.

I think he might treat twitter like a ...Safespace.

Make his costume red and his hair black. Now he can create a force field around anythig except himself.
He uses it to buff his allies mostly but he can use it on projectiles and hand held weapons if he has to fight.(A baseball enhanced by his sheild and thrown by him could make a dent in steel)

Switch the colours and make her have black hair. She now creates holming projectiles that are Freezing cold to the touch. She can create a variety of projectiles based on her need but its always cold and needs her to concentrate.

That is in my opinion how to improve them.


>The funny thing is- using these terms as insults is only something boomers do at this point.
As opposed to conservacucks being the small niche of pathetic 20-somethings who ourposefully outcast themselves with racist beliefs because they've totally given up on life and can only feel like they belong when they can shout NIGGER without being looked at funny?

The only real way to fix the characters is scrub their entire existence off the internet, pretend it never happened, and leave the comic industry forever. Seriously, some ideas are just bad. Not ideas that need polishing. Not ideas that just need a few tweaks to be good. They just fucking suck, and they should feel absolutely embarrassed that they even let the idea out into the open, instead of killing it before it left their mongoloid heads.

Marvel is dead, bury it

Not wrong. But I feel that most ideas have merit if thought is put behind them. Like in the new warriors could have been hype if thought had been put behind them.
Plus I like to put out this flaming turd with a slightly less shit idea

So this is the future of the dumpster fire previously known as Marvel

Lets be honest, it's the future they deserve. At no point in the last decade have marvelcucks ever said "You know what, no, this quality is unacceptable, you guys really need to do better."

And the best part about this? DC decided they wanted to throw their hat in this cringefest as well!

This never gets old.

Gotham High doesn't look good, but it's nowhere near this shitfest.

Tons of people have but marvel said no you'll buy it because you're angry

I think it's really weird how leftists still think conservatives are the same thing as Yas Forumsfags/neonazis/alt-right.

Leaving this here

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You know I feel almost hypocritical about talking shit about the names in a way. Why? Well I was always under the impression that there were no bad names, just implementation. Like for example with zero context "Kite Man" and "The Penguin" sound fucking retarded, and its up to the writer to convince us that these could be valid titles to elicit a positive response from the reader, essentially owning up to what it is.

However in this context I suppose it doesn't work given that its more about pushing some sort of agenda rather than trying to create an interesting narrative to justify such a stupid gimmick.

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/leftypol/ unironically thinks sites like the Washington Post are "far right".
I haven't seen the same behavior for conservatives or the rest of the right. Commies like "antifa" generally get called commies for waving around communist flags, and even then they seem to understand the difference between literal antifa terrorists and your normal run-of-the-mill libshittery.

At this point, yiu wonder why the left and the right in America haven't started killing each other by now. By their rhethoric, you'd think they'd be itching to drop the nukes at each other, if you go by what Moviebob and Sargon thinks of the opposition. Hell, Yas Forums is no different.

How many of these threads are we going to get a day?

I'll gladly take these threads over the constant Soilent Trannyverse flooding.

Your daddy's concept of a noble conservative doesn't really exist anymore.

what will it take for the last few comic fans to finally abandon an industry that has been creatively bankrupt for well over 20 years?

I doubt this will break the camels back, if all the shitty reboots and retcons and universe resets don't

When manga gets even easier to to get in the west.

>what will it take for the last few comic fans to finally abandon an industry that has been creatively bankrupt for well over 20 years?
It's entirely propped up by speculator boomers, who are dying off by the day.

Good thing those goons have no power to go with their no clue.
Really, they're both just identitarian shills for two flavors of rich assholes trying to squeeze more money out of the system.
Chipman for Disney and the other US oligarchs who play a skin-deep, marketing-friendly representation game.
Benjamin for the British tax-dodging aristocrats who fantasise about ruling England as robber barons again.

Would Squirrel Girl beat Makoto?

how could it get easier? you know how easy it is to read free manga online? admitably harder than it was 10 years ago, but its still pretty easy

Na I am talking professional english translation out the very second its released in Japan.

The funny thing is these terms were never insults, being a snowflake and having a safe space are just things that they would do themselves

>>carl manvers
>Is this a joke? Are this really her name?

As you can see OP, it started 9 years ago

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>Disney profits are down
>so they're going to sell their most stable franchise
Seems legit.

seems more likely they would just close the comic book division for good

I was honestly shocked they bothered to keep it running after they first bought Marvel, since comic book sales are like a drop of water in the ocean compared to Disney's actual money makers

>The funny thing is these terms were never insults, being a snowflake and having a safe space are just things that they would do themselves
that's pretty much every insult "the right" comes up with; it's just shit the left does to themselves
even "cuck" was only popularized by some leftist writing articles trying to argue why "being a cuckold is the intellectual fetish"

They're sexy and you know it