Martha Wayne was apparently just race-swapped and retconned?

Unless this isn't brand spanking new, but I can't any mention or evidence, and the twitter I saw it from implied it was new....

did they really just race swap and retcon Martha Wayne?

Attached: EUVsHGhUEAE6dLO.jpg (1920x1080, 186.26K)

It's from the Gotham High AU where Bruce is a Hapa Teenager.

Well at least its an AU....still seems strange.

I didnt. Twitter account of someone I follow shared it. Looks like a digital rip, so she prob didnt pay for it either.


It's an out of continuity OGN DC is doing for one of their imprints for kids (either Zoom or Ink). It's not really big news, just like when the Trinity died in Earth-2.

It's more realistic for modern times to see an asian woman latch onto a white man.

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damn bro it sucks that a character whose defining trait is being dead isn't white in an AU

Yeah it is pretty shitty, also Bruce is probably going to become a school shooter since he's an autistic rich Eurasian Tiger.

Next incineration, batmans dad was a conman what banged his employers daughter who had to remarry the only man that would take her the cuck wayne.

yeah its not enough they have to keep dying, piss on the corpse, have little bruce pop a boner while he is garbing his moms breasts, have them bleed on him. so progressive

>Hapa Batman
So he was the shooter this time?

>Opium and sweatshop money started Wayne Enterprises.

Attached: Raughs.gif (320x200, 1.66M)

but ma-sha is neither a valid cantonese name nor a valid mandarin name

>Wayne Enterprises was funded by Chinese microtransaction money from shovelware mobile games

damn son this got intense

Hong Kong was British for decades. Why couldn't her name just be Martha?

Her money starting Wayne Enterprise under do so much lore about the Waynes founding Gotham it hurt, even if this is not cannon.

Her being an Arkham like in Earth-One is way better.

>It's another issue of Bruce cope posting on r/asianmasculinity.

Because comic writers are dumb

because thats not exotic, she has to be named like some brothel madam

What does this mean for Kate Kane in this universe? Since She's suppose to be Bruce's cousin on his mothers side?

** AHEM **

bat soup man


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But Batman doesn't use guns

So Bruce gonna have severe acne and autismo?

he does in this one. If Im recalling it correctly there is some school of assassin dancers and guns them all down and his robin is an ex dancer

the writer doesn't know that, she just saw a few bits of fan art where all of the batman villains were in a high school and wrote a boring book.

>Maiden Name

Can I assume Bruce doesn't look asian at all since nobody shitposted about it in the other threads?

>Gotham High AU where Bruce is a Hapa Teenager

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Bruce becomes Eliot Rodger when?

>Gotham High AU where Bruce is a Hapa Teenager

Attached: wait huh.png (196x196, 48.66K)

>Her money starting Wayne Enterprise under do so much lore about the Waynes founding Gotham it hurt, even if this is not cannon.
well, one could easily have it has Waynes still being Old Money and founders of Gotham but became economically weaker over time, with Martha's money kickstarting the Wayne Enterprise and making them Vewy Vewy Rich again.

...I doubt anybody ever thought this deep while writing it, just making the gal the origin of the mooney because grrrl power and shit.

Then again: Waynes don't HAVE to be deeply interconnected with Gotham

>virtue signaling unspecifically liberal """"""creatives""""" turn out to be super racist in a really hamfisted and condescending way
It's all so tiresome.

would Keanu be a good batman?

>not even Batman, the WASPiest WASP who ever WASPed, is allowed to be white now

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>Born in one of the richest families in the richest part of Asia
>Her money
Said as if she earned it herself

Are you done?

>He's a hapa
But I thought they were making him a beloved and desirable popular kid? Does not compute.

Obviously the more important point is that it makes Bruce a hapa. Which, whatever, it's an AU, as long as it doesn't catch on and spread. But why? Then again nothing about this AU makes sense.


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>still seems strange.
Not really. comics do shit like this all the time.

Do you think you're on plebbit, you low rent retard? You get no upvotes here for shouting movie lines like an autistic sperg. Go back.

>doesn't understand genetics
Based shit skin.

Not really. It's still notably dumb.

It's an alternate universe. Doing strange and/or dumb shit is a necessity.

Or do you think "Superman but a Communist" came about after weeks of intense debate with DC Comics editors and Marxist scholars?

>Doing strange and/or dumb shit is a necessity.
I think you newfags need to read traditional comics more than AUs.

Most AUs aren't as divergent as newfag she (particularly newfag writers) seem to think. They change one small thing and THAT spurs the story. They don't just change things to change things. Not until the influx of newfag writers who never read anything but Alt Us. Bruce being half Hapa doesn't affect this story so it's meaningless to do.

So the Wayne legacy is only two generations old in that AU.

Idk where that "she" came from.

I like The Nail and you're a faggot

>The Waynes were nobodies, really it was the Chinese who made Batman possible
This goes beyond race swapping and shit washing to make people feel good. This is the Chinese thinking they are the center of the universe as always.

Does this means you get Asian Batwoman too?

You seem like a big guy, user

If this book gets a sequel then I’m sure that’s the plan

Why not call him a hothead?

Kill yourself you faggot ass casual scum.

Kinda this.
Why isnt she japanese or just one of the western asians living in america?
No she is from HongKong and she had the money.
Even if this is HongKong and not mainland, this feels like targeting just hapa or chinese audience.
Why not set it completly in Hongkong? Or Tokyo. I liked the chinese Justice League. Why not just write a new character, why the need of brand recognition?

Because everything is about catering to China. They want the whole world and these companies are happy to sell it to them.

>Bruce being half Hapa doesn't affect this story so it's meaningless to do.
By that metric, Bruce being white wouldn't affect the story either, nor would Bruce being black affect the story, nor would Bruce being Indian, Aboriginal, or Native American. Kryptonian, maybe, but if his being Hapa doesn't affect the story then doing so would be completely harmless.

You don't read comics.

>nigger never read the elseworlds line

>Bruce being white does change the story
It isn't a change so that makes sense.

I buy and read more weekly than you'll ever own.

>Le-Le esleworlds
Exactly as I said they weren't as divergent as you casuals claim. You just don't know what normal comics are like cause you don't read them. Any change that was made was expressly made to spur a story. Not meaninglessly changing things to be different.

Sadly this.
But still i hate that they want maximised profit and try to turn brands, aka heroes, into something that is universal appealing but in a dumb way.
Not with trauma, emotions or characters but chantge the skin color or retcon something.

I bet you would ape about Secret Identity these days because Lois is Indian.

Victim Complex much?

do you whitebois know the chinese have a cultural fetish seeing foreign people follow their wishes?

goes back to the whole sinocentric culture that still permeates today that china and its people are so great that foreigners bow to them like lowly sheep. i know burgerland and other nations have this sort of thing but in china is a full blown collective fetish

You don't seem to understand that the change is supposed to be the reason for the story. Making Bruce himself hapa and not having it play in to the plot isn't the same as having him face a hapa villain or save hapa people or something. Having him come to terms with how being an asiatic Batman would differ from being half Jewish (assuming the Kane's are ethnically Jewish) and half white normal Batman.

I chimped about it then.

Nah. It's actually a weird victim complex to need to change every white character into a non-white one.

You don't get it user.
Whitey never did anything. Not even start a business without the almighty oppressed diverse types secretly being behind it.
Literally nothing.

I completely ageee, user

The Waynes helped escaped slaves in the Underground Railroad? Wrong! They were poor nobodies until Thomas married into superior Chinese wealth. All those free blacks in Gotham got there all by themselves. The Waynes were most likely poor while trash who hated them in fact.