Looking kind of villainous there, Ilganyag.
>doesn't have a First Silver cuckleash
Bitch you can't make him do shiiiiiiiiiiit
Somebody hit that?? Was the "after" shown, or was the whole thing "take my word for it" implied?
The lady's cheeks are bit sunken in. Was Ashley worried people were finding the bird a bit too sexy
Depending on what theories you believe
1. Ssael
2. the "after" is the comic's main protagonist
I think sunken cheeks are sexy. You can have the fatties.
What's with all the titties?
>this is vanity
fuck you titty bird you're a vain ass bitch
I mean that was harsh, but it did seem to snap him out of it.
Honestly I kinda wonder if her first silver body bits might have absorbed the negative thoughts
Would shit like smoke eels even do that IN the Khert?
Given how fetishy she gets with people like Bastion, I'm pretty sure she's comfortable with people lusting after hexatits. It was Vampire she was surprised people liked, but she wasn't upset about it
I wonder what she thinks about all the Sette lewds.
I think that's the saddest we've seen Duane. There's something heart wrenching about him just curling up and wanting to go home to his wife.
IIRC mostly annoyed that they dont get the cannon anatomy correct.
Speaking of, it's disappointing that's where most of the porn went, with the large variety of other options being more or less neglected
He seems really fucked up all this shit his brain's trying to get him to realize about his brother. The khert honestly seems like Hell.
She's right, hes demanding answers from his god and in the face of truth he's abandoning faith, even faith in himself. Knowing everything wont change the past, he's just tormenting himself.
Live in the best world, Duane.
Too bad his wife wont want him cause he a plod
>hey bro you know what would be great for what's ailing your mind? going after that silver haha wouldn't that be cool
laying it on a bit thick, eh tittybird?
Duane is the greatest Wright in centuries, he's already beaten it once as well.
True but that's an enormous existential threat and he's ignoring it in favor of camping in a church and playing with darkie sisterlings. Get your shit together, zombie.
So Duane is coming to terms with the fact that his brother is a deeply disturbed man, huh?
Tittybird giving Duane the divine command to stop pissing around and get the plot moving on.
Still one of my favorite pages.
Duane's also dense as fuck so subtle isn't really a necessity with him
To be fair, its not like he's spending time in a gefendur church by choice. He's stranded atm
Bro he'd totally be on the trail but you might remember the storm bitches and GIANT FOOKAN TURTLE kinda messing up their ride
Sure but he could go all WRATH OF GOD on that place if he really wanted. Duane's so OP but he's his own worst enemy.
eh his options are pretty limited. the storm is being caused by a horde of angry senets AND Hetr is outside now
God damn I want to put my dick in whatever holes she feels like manifesting
cant linger at the shrine if you burn it down
yeah but then Duane would get wet again from the rain and it would be a tremendous bother
>wah! what are we going to do in the khert, Ilganyag onee-chan?
From what we've seen of Murkoph's alone time with a forceful Lady I, nothing nice
don't stick your dick in crazy is, like, rule 0
It's not crazy if it was there before sanity was invented, that's rule -1
He who buggers a fire burns his penis
Gunnerkrigg thread's two blocks down.
god I wish that were me
If I'm also ridiculously aroused by basically everything Ilganyag does but can still notice the fact that every word that comes out of her mouth(s) sounds like a blatant villain speech does that mean I'm smarter than Duane?
Why would Ash be worried about that lmfao
Like mother, like daughter.
Any guesses on what Duane drank?
Holy shit six tits
Weeping plague. They infected him with it for some reason, and that's why they had to put out his eyes, so he wouldn't infect them in turn.
A nice extra layer of suffering.
The khert seems to have two completely unrelated functions: collecting human memories and arbitrating physical reality.
I bet they're not really completely unrelated, though. I bet there's actually some deep thematic or conceptual relationship between them that'll seem perfectly obvious once it's revealed- but as of right now, I've got nothin' about what it might be. Anybody have any guesses?
I still find it so adorable how Sette sees Duane as really handsome when he has the perception glamour on.
Considering how pissed off the memories of the dead are, I wonder if the khert was ever really supposed to hold them. It doesn't seem to do the job very well. Even the fact that it has its own weird ecology, with the yellow fish and the smoke eels and all the other shit that forms in there, it feels untended and unintentional?
What would the most horrifying option be? Let's start with "Leysa's blood."
Menstrual blood, eww!
The Khert is built upon an older framework. It works like it does because that is the only way it knows how to function. It can become something greater and lesser bur in order to do so it has to break with tradition.
Also. The Khert ceases to be out into the ocean. And people can live outside of its influence.
That kinda checks out except for I don't think we know of any way that the plague can be transferred besides eye contact. Do we even have a clue why they put out Duane's eyes?
They put out Duane's eyes so he wouldn't accidentally infect anyone, I'm sure of it.
And I see no reason why Bastion the plague doctor couldn't have concocted some ultra potent drinkable version of the sickness. Discovered it while he was treating people. Actually maybe it was some special property of the plague he discovered that makes tacit casters into zombies. So Duane had to be infected for the process to work.
Duane would have infected everyone he made eye contact with during his and Sette's journey. It's implied his eyes function almost entirely like biological eyes, which includes the capacity to receive/spread the weeping plague. Fun theory, though.
Mm, maybe that's why it's a special drinkable version of the plague then. Maybe Bastion altered it so it's not contagious? Or the false eyes Duane uses are ones Bastion designed that don't spread it, somehow.
This just seems too well connected not to be close to correct. The fact they put his eyes out while he's still alive means those eyes were dangerous somehow. If they needed him to have those fake eyes there was no reason not to wait until he was dead. I think they definitely infected him for some reason, and had to protect themselves by blinding him so he wouldn't accidentally spread it.
It's also possible that you just can't spread plague when you're already dead, so Duane can't spread it as a zombie anyway, or maybe he doesn't even have it anymore.
Fucking bitch, but then again where is the lie?
It's her!
But Duane died. Can you pass on the Weeping Plague if you're a zombie? "Duane" is a ghost telekinetically puppeting his own corpse. Perhaps infecting him with the plague was a necessary component of zombification, and when the host dies, it does too?
Would you still go along with her obviously Villainous plan just so you could continue to be guided by her? She seems to alternate between motivating with pleasure and pain. She'd feed memories of sensual delights into your brain one moment, then choke you out for disobeying her the next.
I know my answer.
But what if hear me out here
Duane was Ssael