voice generation fucking WHEN
time is ticking where's my lewd saying punz??
Fuck you and kill yourself for liking this piece of shit. Tangled is shit. The cartoon is shit. You people are shit with terrible taste in animated anything. And not even the intended demographic gives a damn about Tangled's cartoon.
thread bumping stalker user *wink*
>not moving
any problem on you
where's the kiss?
You can draw one
im sad without the voice
But how does voice generation work? I can't see how to get a good replacement of Mandy's voice for Raps
Isn't there a SU thread you should be in?
I guess it's starcucks more than SUfags
>mfw I'm trying to train a neural network to mimic her voice
I just want her voice to tell me that I'm loved
Which outfit of Raps is your favourite?
When the DoD get around to it.
The labs running it prefer the horse show, so that's up first.
Also, I blame you, Yas Forums, for getting me into this show.
S2 adventuring. Swashbuckling Punz is best Punz.
us gooks are very excited about the voice generation thing
I like her S3 queen regent outfit because it elevated her inner smugness
So Varian becoming royal engineer could be couple of years after the finale and his personal adventure
At least watch the show before trying to call it shit, retard.
I love Mother Gothel
What do you like about her, user?
She made Cass the wreck of a person we all love.
Stop trying to make twink faggot adventure happen.
what program do they use to animate this? It seems like a shit-ton of tweening but they figured out a way to make it so smooth!
Assuming she lives long enough, how would Cass look at Gothel's age? Exactly the same or no?
>'Punz starts to become uncomfortable around Cass as she looks more and more like Gothel as the years go by
Probably a lot worse, sunburnt and scarred from spending her life on the road beating bandits and fucking women. On top of the Sundrop, Gothel probably spent at least an hour a day applying creams and moisturizers.
The show was animated by Mercury Filmworks and I think they mostly use ToonBoom. They built some fucked up rigs, aye.
Transcribed voice goes into a magic program that tries to make a math problem that makes a sound wave given a sentence.
f("yes daddy") = yes_daddy.wav
What if Cass is a homunculus created by Gothel that's why she has no father.
This is the only valid theory
Her birthday suit
>birthday suit
no one above happened on her birthday
I guess you don't know the idiom. It means the clothes you were born in. Naked.
Adventurer with fancy boots (in my mind).
I wonder why there's no illustration of Raps as a teenager
Who else think that way more animation settings should have cute barefoot regent queens in it?
He's not a faggot twink he's just a normal straight shota
AIanon here, still working on it. Considering what I've found from my less-than-half-of-season-1 dataset testing, the models seem to be overfitting (i.e. running out of data) pretty quickly, Cass obviously worse than Punz 'cause she doesn't have that much speech in s1. Basically they're making 'speech' but it doesn't sound much like the characters, not any better than those soundbytes I generated before.
At the moment I've decided to dedicate my time to clipping the whole show rather than fuck around with the scripts and dataset generation (annoying and time consuming). Might be slower than it was before, gave myself a wicked wrist injury that makes it a bit painful. S1 is pretty much almost done in terms of clipping.
Remind me why women like Varian again?
This, Tangled was doomed from the start having a romantic relationship with Eugene, and the show was doomed being a prequel instead of a reboot, Frozen is a huge success as a franchise, something that Tangled never could be, because Eugene killed the franchise, and that's one of the most important lessons in the industry, NEVER put a real or serious romantic relationship with your main character, even eg girls learned that lesson after the first movie, but I still hope that Tangled will have a reboot, in a few years maybe, the IP will rest because it was a total failure for stupid reasons and those stupid reasons have a name, Eugene, a Tangled movie reboot with Cass and Rapunzel can save this franchise, but it will take time
oh i wish she would kick me like that
just pointing this out before someone falls for this obvious troll bait
how about she uses the hair pull you like that
Isn't a bait, imagine being happy that a franchise with potential like Tangled is dead because you like to self-insert as Eugene, imagine being a selfish cunt like you
He cute
Brie Larson wasn't even in "The Room".
He cute
only beta yurifags and fat delusional lesbos are hating on the chadrian
Thanks I stopped reading after the first word
user pls
use this
Because you know, WHITE MAN BAD! White chick should only hook up either on some different chick, or on big black cock.
Skinny delusional lesbos are busy shipping Cassunzel
Don't forget the m*n that are past their prime and feel jealous women lust over younger, cuter, skinnier boys
i would happily volunteer to be her foot stool.
You would have to fight everyone here for the privilege
>everyone here likes feet
don't lump me in with the rest of you degenerates
user you dont like?
If you insist on standing apart, then you'll have to be punished personally