How would Steven redeem him?
How would Steven redeem him?
>evil Santa Claus throwing Harry Potter stuff at people
Why is he so much better in literally every other book/comic/anything he appears in than that last book
Probably not
Probably. He’s just a dude throwing magic grenades.
Sneak jojo thread?
Because King is really bad at writing endings
I love Michael Whelan
Another Great Evil Beast / The One Bellow All character, God evil aspect who wants to destroy everything because he is the opposite of God who is a creator
Steven Universe would have to save Rebecca Sugar from being hit by a car!
man the last book was terrible
>skull throne
>implying 40k has the nerve to accuse ANYONE of stealing
True. It's literal sci-fi stew, but it's good stew.
Fuck off zoomer faggot
Warhammer is trash it's literally Dune/2000 A.D. (They literally ripped it from them) and I noticed zoomers fantasized over that bullshit.
Unlike Star Wars that is just a shallow shitty New Gods rip off
Warhammer ripped more than that. Your are right that 2000 AD and Dune was ripped heavily from them.
>zoomers worshipping it.
Dude it's the year 2020. This shouldn't surprise you. It is very irritating though.
Dune it's literally The Foundation.
Star Wars ripped off Dune, Foundation, New Gods (Force is literally the Source) and Perry Rhodan.
No Dune is literally Barsoom
And The Hidden Fortress, George also said that Luke backstory and home is based on Frodo.
Dune was inspired by Barsoom/Warlord of Mars.
>True. It's literal sci-fi stew, but it's good stew.
Not really.
>The one below all
That just makes him sound like a chump. Heaven and hell metaphors don't always translate.
Not that user but Star Wars is just as guilty as Warhammer for ripping Dune. The Jedi are literally Dune Fremen and the Mandalorians are part of a inspired Dune faction.
This, hell Star wars even ripped certain themes from lensman novels.
Green Lantern is also a Lensman rip-off.
>Massive human galatic empire with countless worlds covering the entire Milky Way galaxy
>empire is extremely corrupt decadent and dying after thousands of years
>Some individual use a bullshit sci fi trick to predict the future and with it create the ultimate secret plan to remake society into a better civilization
>dude psychic fags solve everything
Dune is nothing more than The Foundation,
This as well.
>dude psychic
That's how I know your wrong.
The "Voice" isn't psionic and "prescience" is entirely different.
>Massive human galatic empire with countless worlds covering the entire Milky Way galaxy.
Dune Colonized the known verse of the universe.
>>empire is extremely corrupt decadent and dying after thousands of years.
Certain faction are.
>>Some individual use a bullshit sci fi trick to predict the future and with it create the ultimate secret plan to remake society into a better civilization
>>dude psychic fags solve everything.
"The voice is psychic at all.
>nuhuh is not the same thing because of different bullshit rules
K, just like psykers at Warhammer are actually magic fags, by your logic WH40k is nothing like Dune
user c'mon dude,
Dune is literally deemed "The Lord Of The Rings Of Sci Fi"
Many franchised have taken inspirations from Dune. There's nothing wrong with that.
In the end everyone is copying based Asimov.
The voice is psionic is a neuro voice capability of altering the tonal qualities of the voice.
audio-neuro control mechanism that enables the manipulation of speech to achieve complete control over a receiver.
Think Code Geass but instead of the eye its vocal.
Not that user but your heavily wrong
His father,doomguy, takes care of him if needed.
>The voice is not a psionic capability.
It's a physiology manipulation capability. Not psychics. The voice manipulates you in your audio to do your bidding. It's basically a uber version of code geass.
Also both use some bullshit religion to control the population as a mean to the end.
Again there are different factions not a unity.
Are you guys reading the books AFTER Frank Herbert? Cause that's when Dune fell off...
I hope not, Frank Hebert novels were only the good ones. The rest after just went downhill.
Not surprise, considering Code Geass is literally a anime version of Dune as well.
>Hari Seldon = Leto Atreides
>The Mule = Baron
George Lucas literally copied the Empire after Foundstion Empire as well.
7 pages
Star wars copied the shit out of the foundation. I heard George Lucas had to get permission from asimov to even use his empire.
Nigga practically everybody took inspiration from that shit and Perry rhodan. Star wars is the guilty part of that though not Dune.
He, it's not that bad user. As a boomer, I just see as a PG-13 Dune that my nephews likes. Nothing wrong with them enjoying it. 2000 A.D. also had some good themes so it's not surprising.
Judge Dredd predates Blade runner so it was cyberpunk before even bladerunner was a thing.
That's right!
Judge Dredd came out 1977 before Bladerunner film on the 1980s and it was cyberpunk as hell.
>not calling the image "rooster having an orgasm"
Judge Dredd even predates necromancer books.
>Everyone ripped off everyone else
Quelle surprise.
>In the end everyone is copying based Asimov.
You know what, Foundation is going on my to-read list as soon as I finish pic related. Screw waiting for Winds of Winter any longer.
Judge Dredd truth be told was a genre Buster user. It had everything, cyberpunk, raypunk (Dredd goes to space on occasion fighting exterrstials), fighting demons and so forth.
Dredd is a pulp SF franchise (Dreddbeing a space lawman) so it's not surprising warhammer ripped from it.
>Warhammer is trash it's literally Dune/2000 A.D. (They literally ripped it from them) and I noticed zoomers fantasized over that bullshit.
I hear what your saying but actually warhammer ripped alot of things as well from comics books. Also that's how generation eras be honestly.
I could go ass in deep of how Star wars ripped dune, foundation, lensman. Or how Dune took inspiration from foundations, barsoom, conan or so forth. But that's just how it is.
Judge Dredd is kino
>a boomer, I just see warhammer as a PG-13 Dune.
My viewing is sorta like this. Hence why it doesn't bother me. Hell the Chronicles of riddick was literally ripped from Dune.
Agree, also you need to understand that most of these teenagers grew up with series (it's the 2020 so they're young adults). Dont be so irritated over this.
Truth be told, Star wars is the worse at this.
Dark Tower is Kino
Yes, King cosmology is pretty interesting.
It's basically King own version of planescape but it's written so beautiful. I enjoy it so much!
Book of the New Sun is also great as well.
>Read this entire thread of inspiration.
How the fuck do none of you all (especially Dune anons) didn't even said Dune inspired Nausicaa? Hell Dune is a major contribution to it as well.
I'll admit I forgot to bring it up. Forgive me..
The creator of Nausicaa was an absolute fan of the novels apparently as well.