Ending makes Steven go throw real mental problems that real people go threw and makes him more relocatable than he was...

>Ending makes Steven go throw real mental problems that real people go threw and makes him more relocatable than he was before
>Autistic e-celebs feel offended by it despite knowing nothing about the subject or having mental issues themselves yet they believe they have the right to be more offended than the people they're trying to "defend"
I seriously hate the cartoon "community"

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Wake me up when the scalie community does more Monster Steven stuff

>Wake me up

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Clinically diagnosed Bipolar II, and paranoid personality disorder. What's so offensive about the ending? These poser ass fags need to stop bitching about shit they don't understand.
Who the fuck would even romanticize mental health? Shit isn't something you want.

>What's so offensive about the ending?
If it exists, someone is offended by it.

>go throw real
>more relocatable

bad user.

Completely devoid of Humor

Something tells me that's a theme with this guy.

>Who the fuck would even romanticize mental health? Shit isn't something you want.
Isn't "the power of friendship and a hug fixes everything" a big time romanticization?

I guess?

>Autistic e-celebs feel offended by it despite knowing nothing about the subject or having mental issues themselves

most of them do have mental issues, albiet minor ones, and since it's the only category of oppression they can claim they take the opportunity to get offended by it while they have the chance

Fuck, i had a feeling i misspelled something but it also felt fine


>claims to hate the 'cartoon community'
>still follows them

If all your problems can be solved with a group hug and a song then they were never that serious to begin with. The idea that something like PTSD can be solved just by hugging it out kinda spits in the face of people that have to struggle to deal with it.
And I mean people that actually have it, not bored girls on twitter looking to feel special.

I don't follow them, i just casually check up on what they got, that comment just appeared on my recommendations

That was his intervention. He’s seeing a therapist.

Where you even paying attention, Steven now has a therapist

because I want to be a victim

is this a ruse?

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It didnt fix everything. It reminded Steven that he can and should rely on other people, rather than carry everything himself, then the work begins.
It wasn't insanely clear, but he said he's going to a therapist, and leaving an environment which was unhealthy for him.


As someone who has met a therapist for depression, the ending is pretty lame to me imo. They should've paid more attention to the therapy part.

Korra did the whole PTSD plot better.

Oh boy I can't wait to watch a grown man complain about children's cartoons on the internet

No it didn’t, it glossed over that shit in the later part before ending gay.

you know how many people on the internet believe that hating something people like is being intelligent?

most of them

also $50 says anything this person complains about won't make sense unless your trying to purposely misunderstand SUF so that it offends you

>the ending is pretty lame
OK, it was lame to you, but was it offensive

>also $50 says anything this person complains about won't make sense unless your trying to purposely misunderstand SUF so that it offends you
Well he already talked about the first half and your pretty spot on about that for the most part

It didn't though, it just helped him get past his immediate problem.

Didn't watch it but since it's all the board wants to talk about I figured i'd take a stab in the dark anyway

That's fine, i do the same too sometimes

Alright faggots, what 'mental issues' do you have?


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Why are his eyes facing 2 different directions?

OP here, OCD

Autism :(

Autism, depression, and social anxiety

ok tranny

BPD and psychosis


Half of the fandom are brain dead and can't figure out rebecca valued character building over world building after season 1.

I do dislike most of the 'wOkE' youtubers who talk about this show one time probably for views because it's trending.

I mean, I figured out the show wasn't for me anyway.

Steven Universe is all about abandoning your morals the moment they're questioned and forgiving awful people for doing awful things for no real reason other than it would be awkward to confront them about it.
The entire show is morally toxic.

I mean if we're lying outright.
It does focus on character interaction but any sense of actual progression is often a placebo that gets retconned or given extremely little importance and on-screen time.
For example, Pearl moving on from Rose.

honestly shit won't be fixed until they have equipment that figuratively enters the minds psyche. The show explains it well

>It's sort of like if MC Bear-Bear didn't tear the fabric of his arm, but the fabric of his mind.

No matter the denial and therapists its not something you can suppress away, your sexuality is what drives you in everyday life

Except for the fact that the people who did wrong admitted they did wrong and were confronted several times about it. You're as retarded as the guy OP linked.

Never been to a psychiatrist, but I'm absolutely sure he'd come up with some bullshit thing I have that he can use to make sure I keep coming to see him and paying.
Mental health is a joke.

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and to add to that most homosexual tendencies are rooted to an overbearing mother or neglecting father. In order to redeem a pure heterosexual life one would also have to lose feelings for family and the little things that shaped them today. Honestly its not bad that the lifestyle is more accepted as its only going to increase if people dont act on the rising problem of failing marriages and broken couples.

Anything else you wanna add or are you just ass blasted over the fact that SU chads have taken over the board

severe depression. Everything I once enjoyed has been corrupted and destroyed. Nothing makes me genuinely happy anymore.

That's sad. I feel like my therapist can talk to me better than my family.

I have waited years to scheduled an appointment to see a therapist and i was gonna meet up with someone to scheduled it this month but then corona virus happened

Not them but I tried therapy once. I just couldn’t talk about my shit

Have you tried video calling or text?

E-celebs all have mental issues.

>your sexuality is what drives you in everyday life
OK, Freud.

I didn't read that post, so I'm going to just pretend that I did just like I'm going to pretend that I know who that guy is supposed to be.

The ending to SU would have been better if steven wore a cloak and yelled "UNLIMITED POWERRR" while flying around and shooting lightning everywhere.

ADHD & Depression. The latter got me involuntarily committed once.

Having people who care about you, and knowing that they care. There have been times when what kept me from killing myself was thinking about what that would do to friends and family.

I don't know but for some reason even though I know that other people care about me I still get depressed.

Oh I still get depressed. Which is why I think the metaphor from the episode works, your loved ones can't fix you, but they can help you stop when you're not yourself.

>despite knowing nothing about the subject or having mental issues themselves
but user they feel sad and lost sometimes, unlike every other young person

>tfw not special and misunderstood