I just watched the new Jaiden Animation video...

I just watched the new Jaiden Animation video, and I must ask am I the only person who thinks this'll just make more dumb thot porn of her? Also why the hell do coomers like her so much, she's at best a average quirky girl who likes vidya.

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Fuck off coomer

meh boring

Her avatar's pretty cute ngl

I hate reading, but that's because I've done it so much that I can't help spy grade-school mistakes in all these supposedly amazing pieces of literature.

Watching this normie hipster is fucking boring.

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>spy grade-school mistakes
Did you mean spot?

oh ok

Do you think she knows theres porn of her out there?

Because her avatar is hot as fuck

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I mean she doesn't read so I doubt she'd read those.

ok coomer

>Also why the hell do coomers like her so much,
virtual friend
like redlettermedia
or game grumps

>she's at best a average quirky girl who likes vidya.

that's a rare commodity these days


most women in games these days are SJW feminists

I miss the days of *holds up spork LOL* type girls.

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this is actually the funniest post i’ve seen today
well done user

How do you encourage primary and secondary school students to read without compelling them to?

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Why is this comic getting shilled so much today?

Wasn't there a Raisins edit, and fanfic

she has a nice voice with an appealing/simple avatar. she's basically a virtual girl friend


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That is the most simpest shit I ever heard.

discern or make out, especially by careful observation.

As long as people don't throw money at her its not a lost cause.

You know who

Most of those attracted to her feel like they know a lot about her cause all her videos are her talking about herself, and her quirkyness makes her seem accessible, yet also successful. It's really not the appearance of her OC, lots of Yas Forums is attracted to extremely simple/abstract girl designs that have a strong characterization/personality, that makes them attractive as opposed to the simplistic appearance. But yes, she is quite boring and I'd prefer my own gf who is quirky but also has psychosis and an interest in the occult, having cast a shitty love spell on me soon after we met, it's cute as hell.

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her avatar is way cuter than her true 3D self

Her voice is cute.

>I must ask am I the only person who thinks this'll just make more dumb thot porn of her?
I hope so. Bimboification is a kino fetish.

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Why not read more now?

I used to love reading, but then the internet happened. Now instead of reading I'd rather stream a movie

>Also why the hell do coomers like her so much
She's "attainable" in their eyes. A girl who isn't that pretty and isn't that sociable who likes games -- or, in other words, a loser -- is someone they think is "in their league." Truth is, even a loser girl like that wouldn't give them the time of day.

Nah fuck off, reading is not some intellectual shit. There is an ocean of shitty books no different than watching a shitty series.

Because 3D is disgusting.

Something weirdly refreshing about someone admitting they hate reading. I get a feeling a lot of people do it out of some sort of social expectation rather than because they actually enjoy it.

Her cartoon avatar is hot.

Because most comers are lonely nerds who just want an average quirky gf who likes vidya

Now that we're in context, I would like to ask you guys. How do you enjoy reading? I do it when a book makes me imagine all the settings with good worldbuilding.

Writing style is more important than narrative for me. Good stories can exist in a bunch of mediums and strong visuals really enhance films/comics/video games. Because novels don't have visual elements they usually need to do something really good that is not easily doable in other mediums for me to enjoy them.

Obviously all style no substance is trash though. A decent narrative with excellent style is the best type of novel in my eyes (outside of a excellent style + excellent narrative obviously).

I believe that all kinds of media have merit for story telling it's just the stories that are boring garbage.

Jaidens mom is the superior choice. Jaiden x Jaidens mom is also acceptable

>read fantasy story books
>get exposed to "real literature"
>what you get is American novels chosen mostly for political reasons all going over the same themes of muh racism muh slavery over muh nazis and over
>it's taught in retarded ways by shitty curriculums and wagie teachers who don't give a shit
>end up hating reading
I suspect this is how it went for at least of all public school kids in this shitty country.


Do we have /yt/, that'd be fun. I mean I want to talk about Leafy coming back but I really have no place to talk about it.

My highschool sweetheart was literally bipolar and took meds for it off and on. Dated for five years. She believed some crazy bullshit and fetishized pagan religions, had an interest in hindi religions. Bought her a couple of the religious texts, fucking bitch never bothered opening them.
A lot of the quirky bitches that dabble in occult bullshit really just get attached to psychotic bullshit and believe they can cast spells and talk to the dead when they go off their meds.
They're decent and can be fun but eventually they'll tire of you and move on unless you entertain every single facet of their petty stupidity every fucking day.

Can I have some book recs, user?

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I'm going to level with you bro, if you're going to keep using this website you need to stop posting threads for a little while and just lurk. You obviously have no experience using this website or with any of the forum culture. Give it some time and you will learn, just drop this garbage thread and let it die.

People who say that books are boring are clearly reading the wrong ones. If you don't believe me look up the term Bizarro Fiction and I guarantee it'll change your outlook.

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Dude I was mess with you, I'm not that green.




Sure. How good a reader are you and are you looking for full novels or short stories? What types of stories/themes are you interested in?

I am now reminded of the image of Jaiden's mom cucking her, thanks for that.

Full stories that focus on characters more so than plot. My favorite genre is adventure and my favorite book is The Trial if that helps.

I'm willing to read anything as long as it's gripping.

The best character study of all time is probably still Proust's "In Search of Lost Time". It's quiet a difficult read though; very dense.
Murakami does some pretty nice character work too. Colorless Tsukuru and his Years of Pilgrimage is something that I very much enjoyed.
For somewhat less highbrow/pretentious literature, I would also look into and recommend:
A Fine and Private Place - Peter S. Beagle
813 - Maurice Leblanc

Roald Dahl also had an excellent understanding of narrative and suspense. His works are often short stories but I pretty much recommend him every time anyway. "Taste" "The Visitor" and "Man From The South" are all great.

Saved, thanks bookbro

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Her avatar is cute and she has a relaxing voice.

Nigga, I have a backlog and you just had to add this to it.