There were too many black people in that show

There were too many black people in that show.

I'm not even trying to be racist, but America is 90% white. So why are whites a minority in that show? Even most secondary characters are black.
If I didn't know better I would have sworn it takes place in South Africa.

Attached: 795025bce1b529eb6dc2cc80e30e7bfa.jpg (1250x1250, 180.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Alabama#Demographics,_Alabama#Demographics,_Georgia#Demographics,_Georgia#Demographics

You could say the same about Kenan & Kel, The PJ's, and The Boondocks.

some schools have mostly black kids

Attached: brooklyn_queens.jpg (640x360, 42.98K)

>90% white
Nice fantasy. Even Canada is whiter than you.

You know there's places in the US with a black majority right?

What's with blacks and their fantasy of being a majority ?
They're being dishonest

This, shit just look at black Beverly hills

That isn't how demographic distribution works

There are odd majorities areas in America. I remember this one time in Georgia a Asian friend of me took me to a part that was so Korean that the signs we only in Korean and a mall was pretty much Korean with the odd Mexican store.

Attached: Dodo is too innocent.png (367x288, 124.89K)

Its a black neighborhood.

Penny and Trudy were hot, the rest can go back

It was the ghetto.

Before this thread dies I would let it be known that I would absolutely fuck Oscar's wife behind his back. She probably cheats on him all the time, anyway.

Attached: trudy_proud_patreon_censored_by_ladycandy2011_ddnl7q8-fullview.png (800x1132, 851.84K)

Is not more fantastical that Friends, they live in NY and you don't see a single minority in the background.

Was 90% white.

What is with this retarded "the stats told me this so it should NEVER CHANGE" attitude you dumb yanks have. Nowhere else is this crazy over race.

user, have you never left your neighborhood or something?

Small parts of this country ARE black majority, especially in the South

What a time, going back at watching that and Seinfeld makes me wish there was a little bit more representation but to think people were progressive before it was cool is ridonkilous

Because race is literally how the upper class in America keep their status.

You mean Ladera Heights?

There's more ot being progressive than multiple skin colors
Star Trek TOS had a ship crew made up of multiple different nationalities, including a Russian which was particularly interesting due to the Red Scare back then

Ok yeah you're right there are exceptions

>America is 90% white
56% actually. You can see why it has declined so much. It's the fate of all brown countries to disintegrate.

Some shows are made for minorities, while others are made for whites. Simple as

Attached: ed_rich.png (347x531, 170.02K)

this post is a parody right

>I'm not even trying to be racist, but America is 90% white

As of the 2010 census, the United States is 73% white.

Kinda ?

This is how urban areas were after white flight to the suburbs. The trend finally started reversing after 2000 but it was still a fact of life.

My part of Virginia is like that.

Nobody posting in this thread is upper class lol

Yeah and they're all dangerous and shitty.

Sure thing chang.

ye but they get manipulated by em

there were no minorities, SJWs or homos in the 80s, it all went wrong in mid-2010s

The mom and the daughter in this image are too cute.

Find big southern cities, and investigate its outlying cities, and you'll see some huge segregation. Take Birmingham, AL.,_Alabama#Demographics
>90% black,_Alabama#Demographics
>90% white

There are 8 miles separating these two cities, and both have 5 digit population numbers. Atlanta has some similar stuff to it,_Georgia#Demographics
>80% Black,_Georgia#Demographics
>72% White

They have about 30 miles separating each other. A notable part of that second one is that its 13% Asian. You'll find a few cities like that around Atlanta, a lot of it due to Georgia Tech's 20% Asian student percentage.

>I can't conceive of any location in my nation where the population isn't predominantly white per capita

I'm sorry you're so ignorant of your own county's population growth, OP.

Attached: 1447204762148.jpg (404x428, 137.56K)

People of similar races tend to congregate
I was the only white kid in my el Paso neighborhood

Is it a decent guess that OP lives in a small rural town or something similar? In the same way that 13% of Americans are black but there are none in your suburb, in some other places pretty much everyone is black. It's weird that you don't know this.

America is 72% white, not 90%. Also, it was set in an inner city area, which do not have a prominent white population. It made sense.

>t. I live in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere

>Ladera Heights?

>all the people itt taking the bait when op just wanted to shit on niggers.
this board needs to die.

He could have picked a more inflammatory show, then, faggot.

From your post I can tell you're stupid in too many ways to correct. Someone post the new concepts of Penny where she's looking sexy af.

Have you ever been to Atlanta? Or at least outside whatever garbage hole you’re from?

Neighborhoods and communities, OP.

Are you sure Trudy was black?

Attached: 5deb1fdde9fae88ad491aa9b8137bf1d.jpg (625x460, 192.33K)

I used to watch this all the time when after it premiered, disney channel used to have incredible animated shows that were a solid mix of wholesome and entertaining that felt like a warm hug. This show and Static Shock (probably Filmore too) did a great job of being diverse in the right way, Recess stands alone as the people’s champ though.

>REEE blacks make your own shit!
>WAAH where da white people in this black show?!


You do realize that most areas where blacks live are primarily black.

This thread was doomed from the start.

My hometown was mostly white when I moved there as a kid.
Then it was mostly black when I graduated, there was like 3% of my graduating class was white.
And now that I've graduated college, gotten married, had a kid, and moved back to my hometown, it's shifting towards mostly white again.
There are some areas where minorities are the majorities., it's not that unusual. I mean, you have a Chinatown near you, right? Or at least and Asian shopping plaza right?
If you're from the boonies then your thread would make a lot of sense from your point of view OP

Attached: blank.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

Both her parents are black in the show.
However, her appearance is based on Gina from Martin, who's actress Tisha Campbell, is biracial.

Attached: Martin.png (1200x800, 1.28M)

Not being as blatantly inflammatory just makes the bait all the more effective since people are actually taking him seriously itt.

Why are you guys so obsessed with wanting to ban shows with minority MCs? Doesn't most media cater to you? Why attack the things that weren't made for you?

I know this thread is bait but there's been a whole lot of similar bait threads which makes me think that you guys seriously believe this shit.

You do know you don't have to race bait to talk about The Proud Family.
Just say Oscar was /ourguy/ who didn't deserve have the shit he got into because it's true.

It's a show about a black girl, her black family, and her mostly black friends.

She probably does and in a couple of episode's she'd makes about leaving him for Denzel Washington and he'd respond back in a joking that he'd leave her for Halle Berry and she butthurt and hit him.

Goddamn that's terrifying to send any child to.

Maybe because blacks tend to only hang around other blacks in real life?

Trudy is definitely a mulatto, A common thing you'll see push in the media is the Black-as-shit father marrying a light-skin woman to move on up.

>there were no minorities
In NY?