Why does Mr. Enter's Growing Around cartoon look so promising? youtube.com
Why does Mr. Enter's Growing Around cartoon look so promising?
I know you just write bait, but... yeah.
I have looked into some of his later script ideas on deviantart.
To put it simple, this guy wants to break his parents.
Like he wants to brainwash adults to become literal manbabies with an ABDL fetish, to ensure infant supremacy.
Enter is probably a brat tamer fetishist but he doesn't have the charisma to keep a brat around him long enough.
So like.....this guy wants to fuck kids right?
Can mods ban these eceleb and youtube faggots already
I dunno, can you hang yourself already? Faggot?
Yes, ban anything that isn't from a major corporation! We need to protect their monopoly on animation!
Looks promising for people to jerk it to.
Don't you have some girl scouts to leer at? Nice digits anyway.
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Do you choose to be a moron or does it come naturally?
Looks like shit.
>Enter is making a cartoon before Pan
>Enter is making a cartoon before you
Wild wild world user.
Go away, Enter.
> if you think my idea is shit you're just a corporate shill
Neck yourself enter
What's Enter's real name?
>anything made by Enter
>look so promising?
Stop spamming this literally who retard
Is this The Mighty B?
Considering you aren't a new IP, you ought to know. Fag.
Not necessarily
Why do e-celebs upset people like you and the pony scat autist so much?
Looks like mental illness to me.
Why not? I sure as fuck do.
You'd know lmao.
John Rozanski. A name he shares with a heart specialist that just so happens to be located in a city near the one I live in.
Can I just say the way this sounds like its written is pretty boring.
Like I get he wants to build a world but the issue I see is there is NO outsider view on the craziness.
If this was something like, adult and their kid are transported and OH BOY ROLES ARE REVERSED it would make writing a bit easier.
You'd get an episode where a kid gets to go job hunting, and despite it being playful stuff, he learns the harddays work, while the adult gets time off from school and realizes why the kid is enjoying themselves so much then since they're too old to do most of this stuff.
But nah, its all about the core concept and NEVER QUESTION OR CRITIQUE THE IDEA.
Holy shit user, you're right!
>denying a human being their agency because they are younger than you
You're literally insane. You wanting an "outsider perspective" on this is you needing to justify your mental abnormality and nothing else. Seek medical help.
Okay I’m still not sure how any of this works? Did babies raise adults or?
Hi Mr. Enter.
It is humorous to think he made this thread but no, I am not him. When I said seek medical help I meant it, you are deranged.
I'm deranged because I'm saying a good way to relate to an audience who has no idea how the world works in this zany universe is to have an outsider view?
ok dude. have fun playing pretend with your pedobait cartoon I guess.
Your inability has nothing to do with others. Your suggestion is only for yourself, moron. As far as "pedobait" I assure you, there are more interesting child fucker comics than this. Its purpose is clear to anyone who is not a total idiot and so a total mystery to you.
say what you will i like the idea its alot better then the falied pilot its based on
You're not me, either.
You couldn't prove that even if you tried.
There's no rule against posting shitty cartoons.
You need rules to justify actions?
Is every character going to have a retard speech impediment like Enter?
Unsure, are you going to continue posting in a thread you've already bumped?
Can we do this especially if its just one person pushing this shit daily and thinking he is some sorta e-celeb himself? Every single time I've seen these threads its just one maniac in here auto-defending and responding to posts asking questions. It goes nowhere.
>not a new IP
I'm not the one who made the thread, in any case. You're observation is misguided. You waste your time because you do not value it.
>just one maniac
I wonder who
Why is this thread so rife with cancer?
Too many freckles.
Please lurk more.
No user. I don't.
it doesn't look promising.
Its a 1 minute animatic that shows a dull joke and a dull execution.
you think its good because thats literally all of what Mr. Enter's shitty premise is good for, a 30 second gag.
Watching a full 30 minute cartoon of this would be agonizing and terrible
Go away Mr Enter.
I see you.
Well I wasn't talking to you was I moron?
What obsessive freak wrote this garbage? It's no wonder that pedophile is so well known if he has morons like this following him around. You'd think he's the next Darger or some shit.
humility leads to insecurity
fuck that
i am the best person to have ever lived
y'all ain't even worthy to lick the dirt off off my feet
because without rules nothing is stopping someone from shooting you on the street
What form of propaganda did you consume to find yourself in the position to believe that nonsense?
>I am not Mr. Enter
Another common trait of lolcows not covered in that write-up is that they're pretty fucking stupid.
Its fun to LARP as Mr. Enter
Well you would know a lot about being the butt of jokes wouldn't you. Hell, he seems popular enough to be envious of. If idiots like you swarm around a half-baked pedophile like him who knows how famous I would be. Makes a man wonder. You ever do that before? Wonder? Course not, you're a fucking retard.
I speak my mind, your delusion is your own.