Yas Forums dragons thread

Yas Forums dragons thread

Attached: princess dragon.jpg (1024x575, 27.05K)

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Some of you may remember this finale.

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I'm pretty sure everyone has seen this climax, even those who haven't seen the movie

Oh yeah, I've seen her climax alright.

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careful with that one


Attached: dragon.jpg (640x471, 58.58K)

I don't know of any Yas Forums related dragons, how about you Cornwall?

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Can't really think of a lot of Yas Forums related dragons....

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too bad the horse show has the best dragon and you can't post it here

Wow his balls are huge

Also no way the ballsacks aren't edited.

They look it.
But who knows.

Seth pls leave

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lol seth is a faggot

Son of the White Mare, an 80s Hungarian movie. And it's no edit, the film's full of nudity and genital symbolism. His 7-headed brother, a mech dragon, has a gun for a dick.

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Don't kill me, I know it's a furry comic but I can't help that Reni is the most cutest dragon I've ever seen in media.

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yeah, Toothless doesnt come to mind


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Well tell us more. Who and from what

Any dragon designs that try to stretch the concept from just giant lizards?

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(Princess) Reni

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>Sexual obsession with dragons

A man of great culture.

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Yeeeep, that’s pretty furry
Be cool janny, cmon


Outdated and frankly harmful segregation of terms should be a thing of the past. Don’t be racist

Their song actually had a nice instrumentation if you could look past the unfunny pop culture references and mediocre lyrics

HTTYD 1 > Defenders of Berk > Race to the Edge > HTTYD2 >> Riders of Berk >>>>>> HTTYD3

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>HTTYD3 in last place
When I finally got around to seeing it, I didn't understand the hype. I thought it was just me.

Was not expecting a Drakan reference in R&M. Thought I was the only one who played that game!

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I rushed to cinemas to see it and was horribly disappointed. It's like they knew they could phone it in, slap on the ending from the books and have people worship it...

Do books that are mostly illustrated count as Yas Forums? I don’t visit /lit/, but they don’t seem to fit the tone there. They’re not comics, but there is a huge component to the relationship between the words and art.

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I think it’s something to look at

Would she be up for head in this form?

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It’s good to know that there isn’t a precedent, thanks; I hope mods agree that it’s alright in certain circumstances. As another example, Inga Moore’s illustrations for The Reluctant Dragon are some of my all-time favorites.

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wow, nice. Kinda reminds me of Peet actually

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Question is if you’re tough enough to handle it

>Reni is the most cutest dragon I've ever seen in media.
i raise you trash knight's autistic dragon
RIP comic

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Ahh feminism
>This man isn't polite to a literal monster (Despite actually giving it the chance to surrender), he's also competent looking and competence is scary
>Clearly the monster is in the right here, lol

>not posting the realistic follow up

Attached: dragon princess friends.png (500x505, 239.55K)

I miss this like you wouldn't believe.

I'm here to fuck dragon bitchessssssss!!!

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was worth it just for that guy who really wanted to fuck kobolds

How the FUCK isn't there an actual movie with is premise yet. It would be so s u b v e r s i v e

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It's just a subversion of the princess entrapped by a dragon premise. Relax.

Rip and tear!

Go to bed.

>99% of dragons are to big to fuck.

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>putrid maggot
>acts tough and threatening when he's clearly outmatched
>clearly of much greater age than the princess
>clearly I'm in the right, lol

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>no dragon's burn
>no EHS
Why have you abandoned us, Slypon? Your stuff was funny and decently drawn.

I just liked how the dragon and the knight were talking out there issues. Nerdy dragon was my favorite character

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Because the world isn't ready for a man to pound a dragon


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Great Red Dragon is the best

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Why does this look like Rarity?

I used to watch this a lot.

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C'mon user you know what they say...if you love something let it go.

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I thought the show had a cute couple too

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but they changed Princess Flame's model for season 2, which was weird

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What if it's gentle fdom and the dragoness pounds the man for those current feminist power sensibilities?

Not much competition, at least in his own world. The other dragons were cunts

Holy shit, this brought back a buried memory. And apparently this is the same illustrator and author of the Whingdingdilly, Ella, and Hubert‘s Hair-Raising Adventure, all books I loved when I was younger. To get back on topic, has anyone else ever watched Jane and the Dragon?

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Do they count?

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There's this dragon still on its way.

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>Yas Forums dragons thread