What would a modern Captain Planet reboot be like?
What would a modern Captain Planet reboot be like?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no anime
>no undertale and deltarune
It feels the same as the original but every episode starts with a foreword by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Would watch.
I want a live action captain planet movie.
Who plays captain planet? Whos the villain, who plays them?
I'd add marvel and DC honestly
More or less the same but some of the villains look like [current US president] and his constituents.
Jeff Goldblum. He already played a character in the show. Do it.
>Wheeler would be fatter and shorter but also much more introverted
>Ma-Ti would become a lanky soccer player and have a wise-cracking monkey sidekick
>Linka would be replaced by a tomboy Middle Eastern girl and develop a lesbian relationship with Gi
>Gi would be a hyperactive weeb with a purple streak through her hair
>Kwame will pretty much act like Cyborg from TTG and even get an unnecessary catch-phrase or earth puns
>the show will be renamed "Planeteers Unite!" and be done completely in calarts style
It would be a natural disaster all by itself due to how divisive these issues got. I think it would piss off both the environmentalists and conservatives at the same time.
>the show will be renamed "Planeteers Unite!" and be done completely in calarts style
This is exactly what would happen. There would be a huge backlash and the people making the show would say, "who cares, the original was a piece of shit anyway!". Every time.
Pokémon and Nintendo both being there is kind of redundant
It gets the Go! treatment, turning into a cynical parody of itself. The planeteers are all unlikable jerks that enjoy screwing people over with red tape.
If Yas Forums and /vp/ can be separate things, then it can be different here too especially since Pokemon is not fully owned by Nintendo anyway.
Those are all of my favorite things, though...
>It's funny because all of this are popular, basic brand that kids like
>It's funny because 10 years ago,this pic would have included Naruto or Counter Strike or whatever was popular at that time
They became 20-30 year old twitter cucks who worship Steven Universe and Undertale now
Dont feel bad,retards from Yas Forums just lazily stick together whatever is popular at the time then g lue the latest buzzword du jour so a maximum of people can feel targeted by insult
It's funny how assmad people are about Nintendo,i remember seeing some old forum post from the 90s where some proto-channers were ranting at "Nintenninnies" and how bad Super Mario 64 was
I love Sonic, MLP, Steven Universe and I'm not autistic, fucking moron
Keep updating your wishful thinking and your boogeyman ,user. There is no way you arent obsessively following those brands since you cant shut up about them.Keep charging at those windmills
But we had it already in OK.KO!
Adventure Time and TTGo aren't really known for their autistic fandoms. Replace them with Homestuck and Rick And Morty
>I love Sonic, MLP, Steven Universe and I'm not autistic
I'm going on a hunch and going to assume you're the same guy
I found it weird how obsessive you are about those brands while conveniently ignoring the retards who fed their brains with nothing but Yas Forums shitty meme and end up pupmed full of lead after trying to commit mass shootings
You seem to have something beyond autism
Imagine watching that show, but living in a 75-80% Trump voting area
If you were triggered by a macro, you have autism. Sorry.
Hit a nerve, autist?
better off asking Yas Forums since the show advocated propaganda and fake news before it became a definition term
It's a fucking kid, not a buttmad balding adult
>Rick and Morty
No one gives a shit about this show anymore
Probably pretty bad.
Honestly Captain Planet was one of the worst of the 90's cartoon superheroes.
AIDS and gang violence everywhere.
The messaging was good, maybe some of the situations weren't realistic but basic things like "Recycle plastics" don't require an in-depth explanation about why they need to be done.
Let's say it's a GOOD remake.
-birth control episode slightly retooled: heavier focus on the mindless consumerism, point out birth control has uplifted every society that uses it regularly
-Gi and Ma-Ti have a story arc about the wildlife trade
-Wheeler's dad is more explicitly bigoted and Wheeler has a non-preachy ongoing struggle with not copying that behavior because he's a good kid at the end of it
-Kwame is in charge because he's a little older: maybe a park ranger's kid who became a veterinarian or something
- related: all the Planeteers are different ages, to emphasize that environmentalism isn't just for kids. Ma-Ti is maybe 12, Gi is maybe 15, Linka and Wheeler are in their 20s, and Kwame is in his late 20s/early 30s.
-Linka is the daughter of a former Planeteer who went missing. Plot twist: Dr. Blight is her mom. Now we have to find out how she ended up so corrupted.
-Gaia has had other Planeteers before, but they tend to be replaced when they find a specific niche. She needs people who do her missions. The current batch can find former members involved in things like endangered animal breeding, legal activism to reduce pollution, etc. This leads to Kwame having a small crisis: is he doing his best work with the supernatural entity, or should he go back to his wildlife preserve and help his father? But if he leaves, he's abandoning the kids he feels responsible for now, and having already been a Planeteer means he's a target for the villains even if he leaves.
Villains keep their original themes, but aren't 2-Dimensional about it. They have political allies in various world governments and Gaia has lost Planeteers to them before. Maybe a new villain about overfishing? She's kinda sexy and it's not immediately obvious that she is a villain since she speaks eco-lingo and is so friendly and health-conscious.
Honest discussion of barriers to green technology usage, maybe something about the difference between factory farming and small-scale production.
You just can replace him with Boris and Bolsonaro.
This image never gets old, no matter how many times it gets updated.
POC kids don't need to rely on a made-up grown up man to save the enviroment
>I'm not autistic
Tripfag, I have some bad news for you...
I think you need help user.
A political/social agenda platform. Probably to brainwash Children into becoming gay and/or transsexual, and to race-mix, to lower the Caucasian population. Try and guess what group of people this plan belongs to.
Sonic should be included twice
O wow. I made this image almost a decade ago, good to see it's still getting good mileage.
>almost a decade
Obsessing about autists is pretty autistic,mass shooter.You better diagnose yourself,you wont like what you'll find
I ...read the news ? I dunno i dont let memes dictate my life or how i think so by doing basically nothing like you,i'm already better. Maybe you'll reach my level when you'll grow up past 12 years old
You get triggered by the mention of Reddit or Tumblr.One of the cartoon in the montage you made make Yas Forums so trigger they quarantined it to heal their butthurt. You fags are constantly projecting or are still obsessed with Chris Chan after 2010
I like all the things on the left, but not the right.
Am I only half autist?
Switch out Nintendo for Sony and it would be golden
The autism is strong with this one
I like all of this user, honestly, but let's add one more issue that it surely would make the show have as many threads as SU has: FURIES!
sorry, i menat furries
the same but cap would be an ugly european girl.
here's your reboot bro
God fucking damn it
I can hear the voice crack of the 12 year old teen clinging to his buzzword in this one,kek. Call me a simp now
I also like this one
>no gravity falls
Is Katie the only web artist who looks better than her in-comic self?
Probably full of a bunch of socialist propaganda.
Somehow even less subtle.