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Am I supposed to know who this is?

>some random on twitter

>twitter thread


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The only valid point is why do horrible people like the punisher when he's shown to kill them too. I guess they're just casuals.

Normal 616 Punisher is honestly really silly with all the super powered people around.

But Punisher MAX is pretty awesome when hes in his own self contained universe with no supers. Some really great MAX stories for Frank.

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Most horrible people don't think they're horrible people
Though they're probably casuals because Punisher is just the gunman with a nice logo.

there's LITERALLY nothing wrong with liking, enjoying and agreeing with the punisher.

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The only thing pigs read is the menu at the donut shop.

It's not Marvel's fault that his symbol was adopted by shitty people, but I feel like this kind of thought process has been more prevalent in the past decade or so, hopefully it doesn't lead to the character being shelved or even worse, killed off

I mean half the point of Punisher is the futility of his actions and it's just a senseless war of a man who doesn't know what else to do, the other half is straight forward power fantasy you wish would happen to every shitty criminal you read about.

The punisher in the normal 616 universe is retarded as hell. They should have just kept it in the MAX series.

>I mean half the point of Punisher is the futility of his actions and it's just a senseless war of a man who doesn't know what else to do, the other half is straight forward power fantasy you wish would happen to every shitty criminal you read about.
yeah i agree with that. too bad he's still going to get cancelled

>not knowing Coop

terrible taste

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>Deathnote is just a japanese version of Punisher

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Because they're casual like , Punisher is no better than Rorscharch, his own creator stated that he's objectivelly in the wrong, hell even Punisher itself denied being anything more than a murderer following his trauma. Punisher is an edgy retard and he was created to be an edgy retard.

Like, from Megas XLR?

Punisher in a nutshell

But again it's very easy to see why people gravitate towards that character.

I always kinda saw it as costumed heros and villains clashed during the day and all the rapists, drug dealers, murders, etc. all operated hidden at night and Frank isn't just going to punch a few guys and throw a guy in jail if he finds them so they stay the fuck away from him.

is the appeal of death note watching a police force trying to solve a supernatural case or is it an edgy teenager getting rid of all the bad people.

>I don't like the punisher so nobody should REEEEEE
Literally who is this faggot?

>twitter thread

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That's rich coming from the guy who's known for drawing hot rods and naked devil girls.

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major cope, faggot. many people can still understand the author's "message" along with Frank's le demonic trauma and still see the comics as a cathartic power fantasy about gloriously killing degens and go on about their day. Honestly, you're the casual here if you can't do both you squirmy dogmatist.

report hide ignore
sage goes in all fields

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Generic 90s bubblegum punk art.

Lad, I loved old epitaph band covers too, but c'mon.

The appeal is asspulls and memes

They don't necessarily have anything to do with one another.
But really "Punisher should get killed and humiliated because people who wear his logo are cunts" is pretty fucking dumb.

user, he'd kill you for jacking of to loli. Why do degenerates pretend they aren't degenerates.

>and still see the comics as a cathartic power fantasy about gloriously killing degens and go on about their day
Something other writers have been doing since 1930s and already better than Punisher.

This Pussy should get kicked straight in his limp nutsack. And then the OP, for caring about him.

Why do people get so mad about violent vigilante fiction now anyway?

>killing bad people is wrong
>he should be killed for that!

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It's the opposite for me. MAX Punisher is just another 80's action movie star with edgy highlights. The best Punisher stories are the ones that deal with him living in a super powered world and having to adjust to it, like having him steal one of Doc Ock's arms to get an adamantium part out of it to make into a bullet that would break through Stark made glass.
Most writers aren't creative enough to think beyond "uh, he's really angry and shoots guns a lot"

Its both. You can enjoy the police shenenagins, and also enjoy living through Light and imgaining what you would do if you had your own Deathnote.

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>Hate Punisher
>Love Conan

Imagine defending murderers, rapists, human traffickers...

It's not like Frank kills people stealing candy from stores.

The best defense of Punisher is the Hulk.

Punisher only kills people who deserve it.
the same way Hulk only smashes people who deserve it. Why? Comic book magic.

naw, he'd maybe pistol-whip you for jacking off to loli, or put a hole through your pc.

>his own creator stated that he's objectivelly in the wrong
Is that supposed to mean something? Alan Moore is a cunt. Rorshach was more popular than his over-the-hill bonerless 40 something self insert and he got upset.

Except Light loves himself so much he's high off his own farts, and Frank hates himself aaalllmost enough to put a gun in his mouth.

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The mentality of whoever typed this post is so womanly, he may as well be put in a dress and fucked in the ass like a damned woman

It would be pretty funny for the rage and murders it would literally cause if they listened to this dude.

Honestly what’s so offensive about a fictional character who kills reals bad guys? I mean fuck half the people who hate him also despise cops yet seem to think someone taking justice into his own hands is wrong? He’ll always represent that revenge fantasy people have against all the evil fucks living at large. Most media always boils down to a mandated “you can’t administer justice without the state backing you up” shit anyways so who cares if a few groups like characters who don’t care about the law and just want to waste some slavers

Wasn't there a run of Punisher where Frank has to kill a bunch of copycats who worship him but keep fucking up and killing innocents?

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I want blond Frank

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Stop sending Punisher to magical places where he is safe to shoot things. It's disrespectful to the brand.

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Crotch facing

>everyone shits on cops
>but nobody wants to be a cop himself
>they don't even want to help maintain order as civilians
Typical underdeveloped kidadults, 0 respect for those who do dangerous work and 0 desire to take responsibility. Although they can'nt do it, they are genetic trash and they just won't be able to change the situation even if they try, no wonder they are so angry, losers are always angry at all who are a little better than them and dares to take on the obligation and hard work.

That's not it. means the Welcome Back, Frank storyline from Marvel Knights.

It would be awesome if Frank says 13%

Isnt being angry kinda the main driving emotion behind Frank?

>Don't hold cops to any kind of standards
>Don't disagree with cops
>Don't hurt cops' feelings
>Just comply and obey
>that's the American way!

Not binary thinking seems like too much of a deal for liberals.Thinking in general is too complicated for liberals.

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How strong do you have to be to be able to dangle a man upside down by his ankles, and not tip over forward?