Toonami General #6

Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto story

Tweeting Info

Toonami Bumps

New Shows

Demon Slayer Eyecatchers

Toonami Hours Update

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Best girl

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Never change, Erina.

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cant this guy fail erina

Hey. That's MY job!

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Thoughts on Erina?

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Bum bums > Boobers

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I hate her voice, but that smug is strangely sexy.

Late, but
Good lord, that was beautiful. God bless Rube Goldberg.
Thank you kindly, DSR.
An eclectic selection as always. Thanks for playing for us again!

Worst girl


I mean, he can, but her family is rich and they'll probably just send food assassins against him or something

Inferiors to her cousin Alice. Whom I intend to impregnate.

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Smug Erina.

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I think her voice fits her perfectly.

English Dub when?

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Erina's butt is flat

But not biggest dickest.

gundam build fighters on toonami when?

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Holy seethe

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You are permitted to utter one sentence to Megumi but your limit is 6 words.

Choose your words carefully.

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In this series cooking is everything. And even though he's basically a one star chef, the simple truth is that Erina's better than him.

awful bitch.

breasts > ass

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Why have I never met a playful girl like this? It's like every woman is perpetually afraid that if they show any bit of sexuality, someone's gonna rape them/

Cooking time

>Tsun is now running the place
Of fucking course

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What are you smoking? Her voice is sex.

>tfw Erina will never smugly offer to help you

>send students to learn more by putting them out of their comfort

>shows up a head chef because shes such a damn good cook

i hope she burns her tongue

No. That was photoshop,
But she did get wormmon and she was really cruel to it and hated it till it evolved.

Best girl in personality and design

Either is fine, just as long as your not into feem

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Is the first one worth watching? I saw the second one, and it was pretty fun. I heard the third was a trashfire though.

Anyone ever had someone younger talk down to them??

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I just Kronked a fucking tortilla chip somebody PLEASE fucking kill me!

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You food feels like I'm home

It doesn't. Erina is old money. High class, posh as hell. She speaks incredibly polite Japanese even when she's tearing you apart verbally.

I'd rather Netflix realizes dubs don't mean shit

i need you in my life

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Take a shit in my mouth.

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Want to taste test my cock?

The bomb's location is in your...

Please let me fuck your ass.

I have a very great friend in Rome called Biggest Dickest.

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Keep up the great work Megumi!

Can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh marriage with missionary?

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Best milf
Yeah the first series is great

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I fucking love this bitch.


Imagine being a restaurant wagie right now.

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my cat is just staring at me. no food no snacks

NEEDS to be bimbofied

How old is she?

>pretentious cunt ends up being bowed to by man

>every commercial tonight is how different food places will deliver without contact

Will you marry me

You are a country bumkin


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but the point of the assignment is to get pushed out of their comfort zones
shes just being the same smug bitch she always is

Yes, while working in a research lab. I was incredibly incompetent though, so it wasn't unwarranted.

Ironic quads

Aren't most of them out of work right now?

not even a can of tuna?

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she's kind of bitchy and stuck up, but she is legitimately trying to improve the kitchen and the food and her advice is genuine

For what fucking purpose?

Get your own spinoff already please.

I want to pat your head

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mating press mating press mating press

I'm unemployed, what's the difference?

try scratching behind the ears

its unsettling

Reminder that there's a fully animated nude edit of that whole scene.

My younger coworker, upon hearing pigeons cooing in the daytime, said "somebody needs to tell those owls it's the middle of the day" and would not believe me about knowing what they actually were. Cut to a few days later we hear ACTUAL owls in the middle of the day and he says they sound just like pigeons. I'd have smacked him if not for social distancing.

11:30 My Hero 82 (of 88)
12:00 Sword Art Online 35 (of --)
12:30 Demon Slayer 22 (of 26)
1:00 Food Wars! 35 (of 37)
1:30 Black Clover 111 (of --)
2:00 JoJos Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind 20 (of 39)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 290 (of 500)
Week 409 of Toonami

>Ratings for 3/21

11:30 My Hero: 718,000
12:00 Sword Art: 552,000
12:30 Demon Slayer: 552,000
1:00 Food Wars: 522,000
1:30 Black Clover : 482,000
2:00 Jojo : 366,000
2:30 Naruto: 308,000

In ROTC, I couldn't take a shorty barking at me seriously.

im currently on e21, I am enjoying it, I thought s2 was the garbage one, I'll have to check it out. S1 has a really great soundtrack
>tfw no gunpla idol gf

Not the ones with drive-thrus.

Capital murder in the US

all these commercials about companies supposedly caring for us are coming across kinda cringey

Dem nippies

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Never unfortunately, something to do with rules on how they can't display an actual product (the gunpla) for sale during the show.

First is great.
Second is bad
Third is meh.
Fourth is furfaggotry.

Weird way to spell bullshit

I'm not sure how they're making new commercials under these circumstances.

never ever

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All the fucking time.

You are no friend of justice.

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Having her even go to class is basically just going through he motions and she still has to do it even after she becomes director. There's nothing they can teach her. What she has to learn doesn't come from people like that.

Wow, MHA and Demon Slayer is ending sooner than I thought.


There's a fourth? Damn.

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It's Kitchen Nightmares the anime

UD defines it as being drunk and high at the same time

Oh my god. This episode really is Kitchen Nightmares.

Built for baby making

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I'm very intrigued about all this free delivery, but I'm kinda leery about ordering take out right now. You never know how sanitary the guys making your food are.

probably stock footage, just ad a VA and its ready to go


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The ass is so very fat

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based. 2% white milk gang gang

In the demon slayer manga, did they finally beat the big baddy?

But what about LEGS?

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All this character development in one episode is too much.

>Erina being nice to Megumi
WTF I like Erina now.

was just talking to someone about the ease and speed at which the marketing machine adapts to the situation

put her in a customer-facing role so she has to learn to not be a bitch


they did but 70% of the cast died

Know this now:

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Yes, but most of the Hashira were killed. Also Tanjiro

I can't believe how often this webm from the fucking space fishing gacha anime gets reposted.

At least five times a week, she does it all the time and I put up with it because she's cute.

"I said I wanted best girl to hand me my big mac you whore"

Is the the end of toonami?

This is sexual to me for some reason.

maybe, we'llknow for sure next leak

>I'm very intrigued about all this free delivery
im kinda pissed
they couldve done this all along, but never did
its always $5 delivery fee PLUS TIP

Different guy here. Pretty sure it's a reference to Krunk from justice fiends when he got a corn chip stuck in his tooth.

Why don't they just gradually set in these changes?
Have customers vote on which menu items to change? Give them a week's notice of their switch to reservation only? Stuff like that.

The car commercials are the worst ones

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>for some reason.

shes gotta be nice to her husband's side ho's

I read up until the final fight started, did the chad rock guy survive?
also the best fight was

rip it out user. not the chip, not the tooth, the jawbone. you know what you have to do.

She personally runs a restaurant in an upcoming arc without issue during the moon festival.

Can you make me a sandwhich?

Is it over, then? What's left after killing MJ?

>*gets yelled at*

what would YOU do if you were in the kitchen seeing her getting yelled at?

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Charge more, serve less.

Same reason some thot licked an airplane toilet. Attention.

Give her the D

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Protecc her smile with extreme prejudice.

>look up SAO wiki
>tonight was the second to last episode of alicization
>next week is the finale for SAO
>Japan returns on april 25th.

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so the assignment is for everyone to pull a Gordon Ramsey and fix the restaurants they were sent to

Oh so I wasn't seeing things earlier when I thought someone was spying.

mating press

>we are here for you
>when things are better please buy our $40k luxury car

The same thing but set in other countries with new characters and their version of "demons"

yell at her more

>for some reason
It's the obvious lack of a gag reflex. IMAGINE the deepthroat.

Shounen speed, no time for that shit

fuck them.

>Instead of a restaurant stacked with customers, now they have just one customer

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Nothing. The manga has a clear start, middle, and resolution. It doesn't need to be dragged out.

>tote ski is the CIA

>Have customers vote on which menu items to change?
They kind of are, in the dishes they choose to order.
That's why he said pare it down to the most popular items.


But a great ass can save a flat-chested body, while big boobs if the rest of the body is lacking good curvature.

So they find restaurants that blatantly flawed and send the kids to make a solution for it?

hot damn

that depends. Did she fuck up?

>Megumi we are going on a car ride to meet the boss

I guess that's one way to gain weight

that looked like nichijou

Oh no. Erina's gonna win the Megumi bowl before Soma gets the chance.


They have lots of connections in the professional world and take requests from restaurants that need help.

>if you can fit

Damn, way to call Megumi out for being fat


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How the fuck is megumi so cute

Are Megumi and Erina going to be friends now?

Did MJ travel the world, or are there other elder demons?

No, she's just meek and an easy target.

Kinda wanna see Soma cucking Erina as he fucks her little assistant now

Yes, it's literally Kitchen Nightmares

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Smack the shit out of someone, possibly her

Oh right, without Hisako, Erina cant get her porn

The fuck, is she a child slave to Erina?

Why is Erina's dub so bland

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film it, but not help

is the demon slayer manga over or something?

this girl has major anger issues despite trying to keep a smile and be happy all the time right?
Imagine how much she was seething in this moment

Erina and Hisako is honestly the relationship I am most invested in and I know we're not getting the yuri ending.

I have a distant cousin who actually does this exact same shit with his local diner

Unfettered fury and an uncontrollable urge to protect

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thats fine soma stole hisako

It's about to be.

>When the girls in a shonen anime work better as a couple but instead end up on the protag's dick

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put hand on her shoulder and say its ok, just keep trying and don't worry about it, and that it's better to stay focused and not worry/feel bad when doing a task, and that i will always be there for her

Won't lie.
Would be pretty hot.

We call it indentured servitude around here sir.

>And we'll deliver it to you

Ending soon.

>can save a flat-chested body
>implying they need saving

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she recognized her fat cock

>Let's spin around, spin around, spin around and back again


1. Build Fighters. Has Best Milf.
2. Build Fighters Try. Has School Club.
3. Build Divers. Has smol ninja
4. Build Divers Re-Rise. Has AI furries.

is this a reaction or an example

then I'd just flex and scream at the ceiling until everyone else stops yelling

damn, bitch, just spin around in the cherry blossoms with her

>change is a natural part of life
good lesson.
>choose how much sauce you get
good lesson
good lesson
>school affairs
Um, what?
>I still don’t have enough confidence
Pick yourself up off the ground and fuck that rabbit!

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