Why are so many "cartoon youtubers" obsessed with making videos like these?

Why are so many "cartoon youtubers" obsessed with making videos like these?

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I hate that guy's content, but he's not wrong here


In what way? Exaggerating things? That's how YouTube clickbait works

But his avatar is Tamatoa so he's valid

Because they want that "every frame a painting" audience

You can only beat a cashgrab with cashgrab

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Youtubers who think of themselves as media intellectuals usually annoy the life out of me, but then again I'm really dislike this film at the same time.

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But that movie was a disaster.

It shit on the entire concept of the original movie while being mediocre on its own.

The film is shit i agree, but why make a video of it? Like why does this dude care? He just wants money and views. It disgusting.

Lost respect for this guy when I heard he liked Lindsey Ellis

Because they can easily reap views from redditors when all they have to do is ramble about vague concepts and arguments which could really just be summarised by a paragraph of bullet points.

He's not wrong, though. Shrek 4 is kino.

>I lost respect when I heard he disagreed with my political views

YouTube is full of no-talents.

You must hate the world of Literary Criticism. There's an entire branch of academia about talking about stories and how bad and good they are.

When the fuck is Revenge of the Senate 4 coming out?

What are you saying? It's bad to make videos for money and views? Literally 99.9% of YouTube does this. It's how it works. Are you perhaps, against capitalism?

Free clicks, exposure, subscribers, comments and thus money, that's how an 'influencer' gets his income.

Lost respect for this guy when he said that racist jokes are not funny.

Maybe if he's lucky Mr Talent will rub his tentacles on his art.

Or, y'know, they just wanna talk about the things they like/dislike and why they like/dislike them? It's called discussion, not everything needs to be a conspiracy.

>he just wants money and views
No shit. That's the purpose of being a youtuber nowadays, retard

No, but it is a funny business cycle when you think about it.

Studio creatures crappy movie and make money, people make a crappy video pointing out how crap the movie is making money, exposure makes the free ad and IP value goes up, studio makes exact same type of movie next time.

You gotta love the streamers who mention "I'm giving them free publicity" while implying they're not the ones who are directly benefiting from making these videos.

The same reason you people are obsessed with trashing shows you don't like on this board.

because that's the new phase of critique videos. Before it was bad AVGN style profanity, then we had the Channel Awesome influenced era of bad skits sandwiching reviews and now is the long form video critique

Cartoon theory YouTubers are worse.

>he wants money and views
The bastard! How dare he?

>Like why does this dude care? He just wants money and views. It disgusting.
normally i'd agree if it was just some thot or a guy doing an overreaction video but theres tons of youtubers who genuinely like talking about cartoons videogames and anime

It's not an obsession, it is a signature format and a formula. Having one is necessary for establishing a marketable brand that can be leveraged for ad revenue and Patreon subscriptions.
Also, sometimes people just have long winded opinions and see an opportunity to share it and make some money while doing so.

Negativity has been proven to be more lucrative on Youtube. You'll get more views and maybe even recommended if you're complaining about something rather than praising it. The ASM movies do suck but I didn't save the thumbnail for the ones complaining about the Raimi films.

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>20 second intro of profile picture rotating with flame effects or some equivalent
>everything WRONG with X
>x franchise is RUINED FOREVER
>smug cartoon avatar with a handful of frames shuffled like cards throughout
What are some other godless features every youtuber has?

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TV had the same thing for forty years.
>Don't touch that dial
>Same Bat-Time same Bat-Channel
>Tune in next week for even more
>More on this story at eleven

Why do anything?

i'm fucking repulsed by clickbait thumbnails and i keep getting this shit in the recomended.
Never even seen a single video of his, is he bad?

Not here to upset you but most people like her.

I watch all videos like these even if they go for like 3 hours. I don't mind literacy criticism and its not like I stop at cartoons but its a part of the medium. Why does it bother you. Also is it only cartoons in the format that bothers you?

Absolutely, and of course Radio you have
>don't go anywhere
>radio caster more familiar with the call-in number more than their firstborns name
Youtubers you do see how the zoomer audience is catered to.

Views and Clicks

>The video is shit i agree, but why make a thread of it? Like why does op care? He just wants (you)s and discussions.
>It disgusting.

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I actually prefer autistic longform critiques and find them much more enjoyable and informative for discussing the art or a mangling botched product from a studio than a vapid five minute take of absolutely no substance. It's when you have Mr Enter approach to jokes and scenes you're on the special ed bus of Youtube.

>Why ___ is a Stunning Contumacious Deconstruction of Modern Animation
Can these niggers just make their titles normal?

Link some of your favs, user? I could really use one right now. or a few on the back burner

>learning from mistakes is wrong gaiz
>plz no bully
I bet 5 bucks you're an American.

Hey, user! Have you heard of NordVPN/Audible/RaidShadowLegends/DollarShave/BlueApron?!!! Here is an “””ironic””” ad that I got paid to shill.

I've seen something like
>The astounding beauty of ____
>The Downfall, Rise and DOWNFALL of ___
It just seems pretentious (in my opinion).

Why does it take 40 minutes to review this shit? Even the Nostalgia Critic usually only went for 20 minutes max in his heyday.

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Off the top of my head, MauLer is good for Old Man yells at Clouds content you listen to like a podcast when you do something productive. Avoid EFAP like the plague.
Nitpicking Nerd is great if you can get past the accent for longform videos on why Modern nuTrek from Abrams to Picard is so fucking terrible without the usual pointing at muhPolitics.

He still does, now there is a few minutes intro, ad in the middle and some shill charity at the end.

I did watch it, and he is right on how the whole movie is just Emoji Movie 2.0, breaking down the flaws of the movie bit by bit, and a pointing out how it is a distillation of the Disney brand for consoomers like you.

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>slight conflict beyond bad man fights good guy is deep
>conflict has an effect on the protagonist is a deconstruction
It's not deep, it's manchildren with low expectations of their favorite medium.

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Most people have jobs because they need money. Successful youtubers are smart because they get paid to talk about fucking cartoons.

I don't mind the hustle, no money to be made since the adpocalypse unless you're already big and some youtubers actually put effort in besides THAT script you've heard repeated from a dozen mouths. Patreon shilling at the beginning and end of a video or asking for LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE before the video even starts is a black mark though.

they need to make themsevles sound like intellectuals about kids movies

>proudly claims he loves editing
>but all of his videos look like grainy shit.

People watched sponsored content for decades but suddenly having it be on a website instead of a cable network means being professional is bad. People need money and unless you give it to them, sponsors will.

Once you taste life without ads, you can't go back. We live in a post-ad block age

I wouldnt care but these videos always, without fail appear in my recommendations.

Im drrading the 3 hour "critique" on the SU ending that will inevitably make its way into my recommendation like fuck off youtube, i dont care about manchildren talking about kids cartoons.

I think he's just mad that YouTubers who aren't him are more successful than he is. I bet he's barely got any views on his videos (if he even has them) while cartoon reviews or even fetish YTers who just upload clips of specific scenes have more than him. And you know he's just seething because of it.

That or he just hates YouTube altogether, which while they are certainly hateable, is probably the most pointless reason TO hate the sit and its userbase.

Because he farms the editing out to other people, who likely don't use the best copies available.

Besides, not like YouTube Poopers to really go for HD footage of media.

Same, I've seen over 5 videos that're over an hour long each just talking about why they think SU is the worst show ever. I don't even care for the show, but holy shit they're autistic

Thirded, I hate this trend so much.

Theres at least a dozen of them. I dont care for the show much either but jesus fuck we get it.

lindsey ellis please step on this guy with a stilleto heel thanks

Do you guys think this stuff is bad for the way we talk about media? I'm noticing that people are a lot more obsessed with finding hidden factoids or these bombshell teardowns than any real discussion.

I watched Wreck It Ralph 2 one sunday morning while making breakfast. It was alright and I dont really have any strong opinion on it.

That's something I've been dreading for years, ever since I found out how popular CinemeSins was. Nitpicking is quickly becoming a valid form of criticism due to mob mentality. Something can be utterly wrong or explained later on the show but as long as funny internet man gets to make a cheap jab it's considered a plot hole.

cinema sins is atrocious garbage. what's worse, though, is that everyone seems to view movies and stories as puzzles to be unraveled now, like everything has to be a jrpg where you have to get 100% before you can do the true ending