Where is he now

I like to think that since all CN cartoons take place in the same world Steven ends up meeting Ben 10 and becomes a Plumber

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>Ben 10
Such a joke

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Like Super Mario?

I stopped watching the show around 2016, can anyone tell me the actual reason why Steven left Beach City?

His dad told to him to go on a journey to discover himself

That is the most pathetic thing I ever heard. Someone should pulverize your brain until it's nothing but a bloody puddle.

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Nah Steven realizes that the source of his depression was because he was living in an alternate dimension one where the real him didn’t exist but instead a false version existed one that adhered to what Steven thought where traditional male roles, in lazyman’s terms: he was living a facade. Steven soon begins dressing differently, expressing himself in a whole new way, like he used to when he was a little munchkin. But this is not enough for Steven, as in order to ADD more stability to his new life, he must SUBTRACT a piece of him, a tiny sacrifice, to become whole, to become one, one is all and one plus one equals two. He is now happy, living as a new him*, cutting all relations with his old guardians while also cutting himself at times. The pain, it feels good to him.
Steven is now one, Steven is now his mom, expect guys like his dad would never fuck him

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use catalog

He hit puberty. He started "swelling" uncontrollably. His dreams were broadcasted to everyone. He turned into a giant penis monster and fought a giant hand.

Shame Lars wasn't around.

Steven heals coronavirus patients and becomes Jesus.

I did, but i one more Steven thread can't hurt


I think he becomes a male prostitute

yall niggas need to fucking SOTP

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>Where is he now
fucking his grandma

>Ben’s final mission after meeting steven is to rid the universe of gay gems


Does steven even have a penis or asshole?

>Assuming any other CN character won't laugh this faggot out of their city

Now available at Gurgens off Route 109, just as Cookie Cats foretold.

Everyone he visits will have their emotional traumas discussed and they’ll all be better people for it

And their dicks sucked

He’s not gonna heal anyone except gems and a few friends. What a waste and such a selfish bastard.

Ouch the edge
>berserk faggot
Yup it checks out


>I got a therapist offscreen so I guess that means the series is over

He drives around a bit until he needs to buy some gas and then realizes he doesn't have money or a job so he comes back home and starts a VCR repair shop.

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>iOS toddler

What the fuck is that

An individual who gets triggered by Steven Universe.

Well OK then

i like to think that steven will eventually see everyone he loves die,leaving him with no purpose in life and driving him insane eventually,then proceeds to go back to homeworld where he builds a new family that cant die of aging and becomes an iron fist ruler

Steven gets skullfucked by a tranny prostitute and contracts AIDS. He wastes away until his bodyweight drops to double digits, loses all his hair, and finally dies alone in a filthy alleyway. Bismuth and friends get their own spin-off series, with occasional appearances by Jasper.

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since when did all cn cartoons take place in the same universe? if so why didint ben stop the gems

Probably Florida Island among other places

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Steven doesn’t have orifices besides his mouth. It’s a gem thing.

So much cancer rolled into one


This is getting to be barney fag levels of sad

Steven clearly poops, otherwise his house wouldn't need a toilet.

>movie flopped
>cartoon cancelled after one season
>normies dont like or forget about his existence entirely. Nobody is really reading his comics
>His greatest accomplishment in the last 10 years was beating up a 10 year old in a shitty fan animation that’s worse than the shit animation rewind puts out
Yeah, it really is a joke

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He wound up in Uncle Grandpa's world, and is having nightly drunken threesomes with Uncle Grandpa and Aunt Grandma.


Even Steven could beat Hal. Sad.

>Disney Channel-tier straight to home movie
>numerous cartoon reboots each shittier than the last. Current incarnation is a victim of Cal-Arts.
>Only liked by some internet rando super fan and maybe some 6 year olds.
>His greatest accomplishment in the last 10 years is being notable enough to get beat up by CHAD HAL JORDAN
Probably not

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He went to Bikini Bottom to help teach Spongebob how to drive

That's where it ends? That would usually be were the story goes into a new direction or builds towards the climax.

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He's liked and known by 6 year olds.
Hal jordan is liked and known by a few 60 year olds.

Let's face it.
DC has a NOT MUH thing going.
They ruined both Green Lantern and the Flash mythos because of that faggotry.

Could you imagine Steven in the army?
Probably as a medic.
The last episodes gave me the vibes of the Hurt Locker, and old habits don't die so easily.

Sure, as many as he wants.

>is still more popular and successful than any GL related media
Based chad 10

They literally killed off the Corps for Kyle
By that logic, Hello Kitty makes Ben 10 look like a cuckold

>6 year olds

That's fucking retarded. Anybody six now would have been negative eight when the best part of Ben10 started airing.

That’s assuming they maintain fans after a certain age. Current Reboot is pretty kiddy. Fungies level

>w-what about...
That’s a cope. But it’s nice to know Hello Kitty and Ben 10 are both dabbing on the green failure

The climax was him finally breaking down and admitting that he had problems and needed help, then turning into a monster due to the self recrimination. He was expecting that to drive everyone away, but they rallied to him instead and this touched him enough to back him down from the ledge. He's still having problems, but he's dealing with them now. He has a therapist and is being more open and honest about his feelings. He's not perfect, but he's working on it.

Don't get me wrong, I would murder a not-inconsequential number of people to get to see a series about Steven hitting the road and discovering America. But if they had to end it, then this is at least an optimistic place to put a "The adventure continues" ending.

Also I think they've implied there's going to be more comics and video games, so that would be a perfect setting for that kind of storytelling.

I think a children's book series called Steven's Road Trip or whatever would be neat. Make it a 40 book series - one for each state

Oh I'm aware. I don't think not liking the new garbage makes me any less of a Ben 10 fan. As long as it's a thing I enjoy thinking about now and again, it counts.

No, just questioning your reasoning

Sounds like a cope to me

>omits the southern states

Im pretty sure a lot of states are fused