>Covid-19 accelerates the crash of the western comic book industry
>Many comic book "pros" are fucked
>Same pros would rather continue to claim that Comicsgate is a hate movement
>Comicsgate is the future of comics and unlike the industry will continue to make money even during a worldwide pandemic
>Why is the losing side so stubborn Yas Forums?
Why is the industry behaving like this?
The last one. Some people will go down with the ship rather than admit they were wrong.
>Comicsgate is the future of comics and unlike the industry will continue to make money even during a worldwide pandemic
Meanwhile you got Marvel writers begging for rent donations on Twitter
Are comicsgate people this delusional?
Their fucking crowdfunded shit has less backers than runaways buyers
>why don’t people immediately sacrifice their principles at the first sign of trouble?
>6444 backers
A comic that sold 6444 issues gets cancelled before the third issue.
That's not a floppy though, it's a TPB.
6444 for a TPB is pretty good.
Also that's all going to the creators, not a company who paid the writer and artist 35 bucks a page. flat rate.
That's fucking chump change to what's needed to make a sustainable industry. It's only because these come out once a year that people do it.
>6.444 backers
>sacrifice their principles
lol what principles? Calling everyone a nazi?
>Paying for art like that
Marvel and DC both hire bad artists but at least I can choose to not buy their books. Imagine having no choice but to support these guys for a political statement.
Also it would be more impressive if they actually released their books on time rather than buying Rose Tico figures cutting off their heads and then buying new scissors because the action figures have tougher skin than you.
>casualgate is still a thing
>Based Boy Zach works the entire SJW comic industry into a blathering SHOOT
How does he do it, bros? Why are they triggered so easily?
what's wrong with it
>Comicsgate is the future of comics
It's because they'd rather die than admit they were wrong. Just like the faggots from swc, and Yas Forumsmblr seething that cg succeeds while they face away into irrelevancy.
They aren’t the ones making 12 MINUTE VIDEOS whining about him though
>A comic that sold 6444 issues gets cancelled before the third issue.
Vagrant Queen sold less than half that and is being turned into a SyFy show so.... nah.
Also Moon Girl's sales are that low.
They aren't wrong in the sense that crowd funding is the best way for new blood and new ideas to get out to the public.
I think it's ridiculous that anyone cares whether you do or don't call yourself Comicsgate. It's just a label. The same thing was true with Gamergate. I never understood what the hubbub was about.
Now imagine the hundreds of pros who work for DC and Marvel suddenly jumping the ship to create their own crowdfunded comic... I bet they all will turn out into groundbreaking successes.
Jon Malin is a bad artist. It's like he's trying to do a Jim Cheung impression but failing so badly.
Look at his work on Cable. Dude can't even draw a gun properly.
Because he has a large platform and uses it to criticize them, and then when they told him to put up or shut up he put up and blew them all out of the water.
Kwanzer especially hates him because when Kwanzer tried to show him up his crowdfunding only raised like 12K.
Looks like absolute shit, I’d rather read an actual comic
Crowdfunding can be good for that, but the comicsgate part is funny.
comics have been dead since before I was born
its kind of embarrassing how it still tries to limp forward forever slowly losing readers and slowly becoming more and more creatively bankrupt
Also they behave like this because they know the few die hards that support them will do so basically no matter what, so they basically have no reason to do better
>Now imagine the hundreds of pros who work for DC and Marvel suddenly jumping the ship to create their own crowdfunded comic... I bet they all will turn out into groundbreaking successes.
Yeah imagine.
> I bet they all will turn out into groundbreaking successes.
That's kinda the point of any venture. There's always gonna be flops, but it's better to get a chance with a risk to fail than none at all.
>comicsgate can’t beat fucking moongirl at the 38th issue
I promise you no one actually buys Moon Girl
No one gives a fuck about comicsgate. If you think the future of comics is shitty imitations of the 90s you are retarded and probably have less respect or genuine love for comics than even the failed hacks working at DC or Marvel. I think I could respect comicsgate a little if they had more ideas than just lets do the 90s again but more boring.
>the western comic book industry
Is actually thriving all over the world EXCEPT the USA. Be happy your Diamond system and collapsing, and start to enjoy a world where "indie comics" doesn't mean "crap art and teenager stories"
>he can't beat Moongirl
>Comicsgate is the future of comics and unlike the industry will continue to make money even during a worldwide pandemic
I mean... yeah?
Probably not those e-celeb faggots, but the general idea.
Dilate moar tranny poster
>Covid-19 accelerates the crash of the western comic book industry
And nothing of value was lost. Capeshit peaked during mid-80s to early-00s and indie comics are just pitches for movies and tv-shows nowadays. Fuck the western comic book industry.
There's certainly parts of it that can definitely work (going indie, etc) but honestly threads like this and the Waid one seem like they're done by shills.
You will see mass suicides by year's end. You with be charged with terrorism for coughing in public. You will be lied to universally. You will be told to do horrifying things.
First off, those are shipped, not sales. Marvel overships by about 50% so I would wager it's actual sales are in the high 2000s or low 3000s. The rest are sitting on shelves or in the back issue bin.
Second, those are floppies, not TPB. Meyer's book actually would be the best selling graphic novel if it released in February 2020 going off ICv2's charts. But again, remember, these are shipped numbers, not sales. Meyer's book actually sold that amount.
It's okay, I know you don't actually read comics or know how the industry works and are just a passerby. But I'm here to help straighten things out for you! No need to thank me.
How come this isn't happening to manga despite Japan being a much more urban and densely packed society than America?
>is shown accurate and reliable sales figures
>n-n-no guys I swear it's all made up!!
Keep digging chief
Comicsgate, but not the people who are comicsgate?
>if it released
I'm not going to defend that gun, but come on now. He's basically "not quite Liefeld", and Liefeld was one of the biggest artists in the industry for over a decade.
>sales. Marvel overships by about 50%
Because manga actually has an audience and a market
Please stop samefagging. It's very obvious.
>There are actual casualgate shills still willing to defend them after fucking Iron Sights
Is this the fucking "future of comics" according to you?
Kill yourself, Ethan. You ugly fuck.
Am I the only one who has no fucking idea what everyone is talking about?
"comicsgate" is just a name for the exact same things Yas Forums has been saying for the last decade.
As a no name indie creator I would be happy with those numbers from crowd funding, hell I would grin for weeks straight if 50 people bought my comic at a local convention. But if I was on a big 2 comic yeah it would be embarrassing.
>actually compares collections to graphic novels
>claims other people don’t know how the industry works
Comicsgate is retarded and largely grounded in a mix of nostalgia for the 90s and a bitter refusal to read something that isn't superheroes. Literally the only member of comicsgate worth any sort of respect is TenNapel and that's only because he's a genuine talent.
Are you dense? Those literally say units shipped, not sold. And that's the cover price for the issue/TPB.
What on Earth are you even talking about?
You can't even get your YouTubers right. This is Zack, not Ethan. Just stop posting, please.
It's NPC Comicsgate shills starting threads about comic people sperging and having Comicsgate Derangement Syndrome.
people hate SJWs ruining the industry
some popular people talk about it
SJWs think if they take down a few "popular people", that everyone will go back to buying their cuckold propaganda
That they want to fuck cartoon little girls?
There are good manga.
>posters number isn't increasing everytime Moongirlfag makes a new post
Most of the people who post on Yas Forumsmblr haven't been her for more than a few years.
>Are you dense?
Ok let me spell this out for you with your room temperature IQ
When comics actually over ship, their dollars are way lower than their units because the overshipment is not counted in dollar sales
You can see this in action for the amazing Mary Jane
Get it now?
People like are having an autistic fit about "muh SJWs" and think doing the exact opposite will save comics.
Are you going to deny that all of these comics ate people are just bad imitators of 90s Image? That's all they have. They are just shitty Liefeld and Macfarlane wannabes, and we already had hundreds of those in the 90s too. These people have no originality or innovation in them. It's just redoing trends from two decades ago and not even doing them well.
>Yas Forumsmblr
Why do people still go "Yas ForumsMBLR!" when every other thread is an incel meltdown like the Daron Nefcy one right now?
It seemed to have really picked up in 2017, and I have no idea why.
There are now posters who will unironically defend characters like Riri Williams.
Because you're still easily identifiable as not being from Yas Forums, even with the nonsense of the election tourists.
99% of Yas Forums is maladjusted and emotionally crippled, so they think anyone who talks like a normal person is a tumblrite.
I'd rather have Liefeld than Kate LEth
You don't talk like a normal person, Yas Forumsmblr.
It's because of the Marvel shills and the Comicsgate shills at war with each other
Both sides are dumb
I blame Steven Universe.
But Marvel actually hired Twitter bots and Reddit trolls to drum up support for them, wouldn't be surprised if they paid a few shills to post on Yas Forums
It’s kind of sad how both are clinging on to relevancy, but it’s also very fun to laugh at delusional tards like OP
>Marvel Deep State
You're crazy.
What this user said: That's shipped not sold, which is different, and the numbers on those are cooked on Marvel's part which likes to send comic shops free copies of comics to pad their sales numbers.
You people kinda stand out tbph.
Normal people don't say things like problematic/toxic/incel/etc... especially around Yas Forums.
I would too but these people aren't Liefeld. They are weak imitations, of a weak imitation of Liefeld.
They're Disney now so it's actually reality instead of a crazy theory.
I think she got a little better after this happened, but I haven't heard anything about her in quite awhile
>t.both sides are dumb fag
Is there a more Reddit response?
The guy sperging about Moon Girl and typing in all caps acts extremely out of place and types like what you'd see on Twitter where they scream in all caps and use emojis. They're obviously not from here or post here very often. is prolly right. Worst case scenario comic pros have a Google Alerts set up to notify them when they get mentioned
I have said none of these. Dilate your eyes and get an eye exam.
We've literally JUST had this thread, and casualgators were unsuccesfully jumping throught hoops for 500+ posts to pretend that comics were dying before Covid despite the industry growing 37 fucking % between 2012 and 2018.
>250k dolars
Literally the equivalent of 1 (one) floppy selling 50k copies. For the record there were 13 titles that sold more than 50k copies in February 2020 alone.
Something starting with a small customer base and no marketing network or budget is par for the course. You know how many rappers started out selling mixtapes at swap meets and soundcloud pages. The biggest buyers for comics were the brick and mortar shops, and they're going extinct. People have no choice but to by comics online now.
The point is crowdfunding is a proven system for comic development, and it will only expand further from this.
Both are just as bad as each other, tasteless fucktard. You just exposed how fucking comics illiterate you truly are, so maybe it's better you stick with the braindead sops of the 90s instead of doing some work to seek out the many good comics out right now that aren't both sides of the extreme
>He's basically "not quite Liefeld", and Liefeld was one of the biggest artists in the industry for over a decade.
Yeah and Liefeld is considered a joke of an artist by people in modern times. Even previous fans of his I've met admit they thought it was cool when they were kids but don't think it's that good now that they've grown up.
If Liefeld is considered a joke in modern times why would you want to be "not quite Liefeld" in modern times.
"Not quite Alex Ross" Sure that's fine. "Not quite Russell Dauterman" Still pretty good. But Christ imagine being called "Not quite Liefeld"
I don't even know how Reddit works
I still don't get it. I have no idea about comicsgate, why it is(n't?) the future, or about the comics you keep mentioning.
>i-it will expand guys
>just you wait!
Gosh, really amazing how you used Mary Jane as an example for this. The one modern comic a lot of SJWs hate and rag on. Gosh, what a darn cowinkydink. Really gets the old noggin joggin there. Almost like... no.. dare I say.. you might have an agenda here? Nooo....
>Comicsgate is the future of comics and unlike the industry will continue to make money even during a worldwide pandemic
>Is there a more Reddit response?
Yeah, yours.
Magical reasons that nobody would explain vs the number of visible problems with Western comics.
God you type like a fag
>The one modern comic a lot of SJWs hate and rag on
Source? Leah is a huge SJW and is popular in twitter in those circles
I am pretty sure those rappers started selling their mixtapes and not asking money to make them and then selling them.
>Marvel overships by about 50%
There's been one instance of that reported over the last few years (Karnak iirc), other titles in the same article were reported as being overshipped between 0 and 30%.
>there were 13 titles that sold more than 50k copies in February 2020 alone.
First off, that's sad as fuck and only shows how comics are dying.
Second off, you're comparing floppies to a TPB. Why not compare them to TPB sales numbers?
Third off, you should know that that's the exact reason they've been jacking up cover prices. Sales get lower and lower, but if you charge a dollar more one year, two dollars the next, they can fudge the numbers.
Ok, that really just proves how much of a tourist you are.
>Japan being a much more urban and densely packed society
90% v 82% isn't that much more, user
I never said you did, but people frequently use those terms and pretend like they don't stand out like a sore thumb.
And I will, because I finally got health/vision/dental, but it's going to have to wait until after the Kung-Flu settles down.
>Literally the only member of comicsgate worth any sort of respect is TenNape
Yeah, the guy who didn't ship out hundreds of books because he ran out of money from that particular campaign, and told the people who wanted either their book or their money back to fuck off should really command a lot of respect.
Complaints about how MJ is drawn too sexily.
Not the writer so much as the artist. I guess that's why they shoved him over to the new America Chavez series, so he couldn't draw women too sexy anymore
For the same reason every single piece of sci-fantasy media across the globe is now queer brainwashing, racist, idiotic, narrative pushing, slave mentality bullshit produced to destroy the imaginations and hopes of people.
To kill heroes and elevate evil people and ideologies as good.
It's all shit.
Thank god this fucking current date media landscape is being outright fucking WRECKED by the corona thing.
Think shit like SU and the other attempts and brainwashing children into homosexuality and transexualism and racial hatred will survive this shit?
Star Wars and Star Trek and I can go on are dead now.
And fucking western cartoons are going to be outright wrecked once those parents who were forced to go to work are now able to spend time with their children and see what they were being left alone and raised by.
The force feeding of children they are told to not discipline of drugs is also over too. Going to fucking see a MAJOR fucking lawsuit against the education and drug industries in the next few years.
Mark my words
American comics have been dead for almost 20 years now user.
They've just been robbing peter to pay paul and doing the absolute worst most debauched shit in an attempt to get anything going
ALong the way those parasites and objectively evil tools took over for the total hacks who were creating hateread trash in a desperate attempt to get anyone to pick up their toilet paper.
They actually believe that bullshit make em angry screed and wrapped it up with the THEIR ANGER MEANS SOMEONE IS PAYING ATTENTION AND THAT IS GOOD!!
Suck on my little nuts, lil' niggy. Casualgate isn't welcomed here.
>Why not compare them to TPB sales numbers?
Because its pointless to compare collections and standalone as. DC has launched some kids novels but they’re in the scholastic market, so there’s nothing to compare to
Those are shitty number for what it should be a Number #1 issue. I would laugh at you in DC reboots.
>Complaints about how MJ is drawn too sexily.
Where? Post your sources. All the SJWs I see are setting themselves over “ZOMG CUTE MJ x PETER”
Not sure but people love weaponizing apathy and muh enlighten centrist mentality.
Yas Forums - "politics" and bait
>I swear I love cocks because I watched this children shows!!!! the post
What's the alternative? Jump on a sinking ship? Hope for a job after massive layoffs? Buy a plane ticket to japan and hope a manga publisher picks up your pitch?
>I am pretty sure those rappers started selling their mixtapes and not asking money to make them and then selling them.
You clearly never met a musician before.