Steven: man everyone is leaving me

>Steven: man everyone is leaving me
>Amethyst: yo Steven, remember we're here if you ne-
>Steven: EVERYBODY has left me now! I have no one left!
>Pearl: what's wrong Steven? Remember you can talk to u-
>Garnet: Steven we'll always be your senpai-

What the FUCK was his major malfunction? He was always worried about everyone leaving him but nearly every cast regular reached out to him at least once during the course of SUF.

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Shitty writing

The gems would try to reach out, but when he said he was fine instead of trying again and convincing him to let them help all they did was go ok and back to their normal daily life.

Depresion is a hell of a drug

But there are depressed people who ACTUALLY have everyone leave them.

He thought he would lose them because he doesn’t see why they would value him without him being Space Jesus anymore

>What the FUCK was his major malfunction?
Moody teenage hormones. Everyone goes through it.

To make it even worse in the end they all act like the gems only care about themselves and where never there for Steven, when they have constantly offered him help all season

I didn't get it either.
He has probably more caring friends than anybody on Yas Forums or even anyone in real life I know and being capable of making new friends easily was his whole shtick anyway and aside from that he is also strong, most people wish they were as powerful as him. I get that depressions can be a thing nonetheless, but it seemed like it wasn't actual depressions in the series but rather a self-importance problem. He cannot help everybody nonstop anymore because most people don't have problems right now so he feels bad and unneeded. It actually makes him look a bit like an ass to me. Maybe it's some problem only normalfags can relate to, I have no idea.

Yeah, but depression isn't -always- based around feelings of loneliness, real or fake.

A little bit of trauma is mixed in it, and self worth issues since he learned his mom died for him to live

>What the FUCK was his major malfunction?

Attached: Dr Maheswaran explains the plot directly into the camera and people are still confused.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

hey do we need 30 steven threads at the same time? don't you think you could just comment in another thread?

fucking mods.

Hey get lost virgin.

The plot kinda fell apart the longer it went on.

You brought this upon yourselves. If they'd been allowed to just keep a general running then they would be used to it, and wouldn't be shitting up the whole board now.

its a bit sad that you need this spelled out to you

Depressed people aren't thinking clearly

his problem was him cutting himself off from his friends not that his friends actually didn't care or wouldn't help, he wouldn't go to them but then blamed them for not being there.

I like generals, hell rwby shit is always contained. Just stop making new threads for the same comments/ screenshots/ jokes. If the mods aren't doing their job then im allowed to be shitty.

>Why isn't the mentally unstable person being rational!?!

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All his FRIENDS are moving on, and his 3-4 gay space moms don't know how to treat him like he isn't a kid anymore. It isn't entirely that ABUBUBU EVERYONE IS GOING, a lot of it is him dealing with the fact that he feels like he lacks purpose now that his life isn't saving everything, and all his friends seem to have their shit figured out and are leaving. He feels like life is passing him by, and he has no idea what to do about it. That, the PTSD, the actual hurt from a large chunk of his friends leaving, plus feeling robbed of any normalcy he could have had in his early life and how that came back to bite him in the ass. That's what his major malfunction is.

>All his FRIENDS are moving on, and his 3-4 gay space moms don't know how to treat him like he isn't a kid anymore.
Isn't that exactly what everybody lives through? You lose all friends you might have had once you change schools or finish it or move or when go work and when you are 25+ many of your family members are probably already dead or die or do so soon and parents are always incapable of treating their kid normally even when they are 30, if they are still alive at that time that is. I too lost all social contacts I had in each of my schools when I changed them and then I lost everybody I knew from my apprenticeship time after finishing that, now I am losing the university friends because I finished that too, it's shit but nothing special only an alien boy experiences. I mean maybe that's the point though. To make something everybody relates to. It's not like we can relate a lot with a hero who is saving worlds.

c'mon you guys haven't gone through something like this?
>herp derp I'm so alone cuz have no friends
>family don't count
very realistic writing


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Should've had teenage Steven's obsession with being needed by others culminate with him becoming a massive cockslut by the end of the series

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That was unironically my solution for a while.

Anything else would be unrealistic

Steven's been a teenager the entire series and he's never acted like this until he's nearly an adult.

I have never met parents, not even nice ones, that just slightly understood their kid's problems. Most parents are soulless boomers who only know one single problem and it's having a lack of money. It's impossible explaining anything else to them, all of their answers will just be "I never had this" because they were healthy and non-socially awkward normalfags that simply never had most problems non-normalfags face these days. The weird people my parents knew disappeared or comitted suicide 40 years ago or something or became alcoholics.

He finally went through regular puberty as he’s usually physically around 10 or so.

Steven was a narcissist who needed people to need him. When he got too good at his job and the people around him became self-actualized, he couldn't take it.

>Shitty writing

This. You can say whatever you want, make any claims you feel like, but at the end of the day every one of Steven Universe's problems boil down to "Rebecca Sugar can't write for shit, and neither can her storyboarders."

Well, except for the animation problems. That's the crew being lazy fucks.

This is also why him having all this trauma was so detrimental. These are normal problems but Steven's conditioned to problems being life-threatening, so that's the sort of stress he expierences.

>they were healthy and non-socially awkward normalfags that simply never had most problems non-normalfags face these days
lmao true

>his trauma was about being the super special princess who is suddenly getting problems normal people always had
This is some privileged asshole whining not trauma.

He’d probably handle it normally if he didn’t experience Gem shit, but now his Gem is acting out of wack because it’s used to fight or flight, you gotta remember he’s technically a fusion

Discord fag spotted

The thing is that most people that were unable to fit in never got a family so we, generations later, simply never see them unless they are your weird uncle. Parents are either semi-successful normalfags or completely wrecked shits and none of both will be able to help their kid if they face problems outsiders simply have or even problems that weren't a thing decades ago. The world changes nonstop as well as economy, life itself, society and so on and parents are usually masters of being not up-to-date and generally only having experience with things that are outdated for 20 years and more so aside from the mentality there is also a problem about the lack of knowledge regarding modern times. Honestly I never met a single guy or girl my age who got help from their parents. Even if they were the nicest people on earth they were simply helpless when it was about understanding their kids. The gap between millennials or zoomers and boomers or the post-war generation is simply too big.

There is being irrational due to mental instability, then there is what Steven did. Every chance to get help he rejected and that's his own fault
>technically a fusion
fucking what?

Did you not watch Change Your Mind? Steven’s a fusion of his human side and gem side, both sentient

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>implying that's not what he's gonna do on his road trip

they literally can't survive separately, they aren't different individuals, it just so happens you can rip Steven in half and he doesn't instantly die like a normal person

Eh that is true user, but it seems more like 2 halves of the same coin rather than 2 put together y'know?

Pink Steven seems to be the side Steven represses, such as his anger and general power
That just makes them a better fusion


He has rocks for brains

I think you misunderstand the concept of fusion

>There is being irrational due to mental instability, then there is what Steven did. Every chance to get help he rejected and that's his own fault
How does that not fall under the purview of behaving irrationally?

He’s not a normal person and he wants ripped in half

his gem side had no emotions, it didn't scream at White Diamond in anger, its face was blank the whole time, its only obvious desire was the desire to be whole again

People actually act like this when they have a mental illness user

I sensed some anger in the tone

>Implying literally every single goddamn 16-year-old hasn't felt this way at some point

We've all been there, man.

eh yeah, my parents couldn't understand how/why I didn't know what to do with my life at 18 or why I was so worried about student loans cause they didnt get to go and loans werent as big before

>there is also a problem about the lack of knowledge regarding modern times
like parenting being outsourced to the internet, this isn't like 'the nintendo' where its a closed off game for kids but they dont get it


That's how you feel when you think you're a fraud worth being abandoned. It does not have to make sense to be real to you. It's not shitty writing by any stretch.

lol ok, well keep your headcanon to yourself

not that guy, but wasn't pink steven happy when he got to reach steven?

I'm surprised more people aren't talking about this. Look at how he reacted when he thought the Gems didn't care about him leaving. His mental illness definitely made him develop narcissistic tendencies.

also his crush went far away, his favorite band broke up, his friends figured something out and moved on and he was in the situation of being the lonely NEET who didn't leave his hometown - all within a few days or weeks

he was angry bro

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>Was clearly mad with "She's GONE" and breaking the floor around him (shown with regular Steven as well)
>Smiled and laughed when they were holding each other
>Gem side had no emotions
Are we watching the same show or are you just ignoring the parts that prove you wrong?

It's shitty writing when the narrative takes that perspective and runs with it as the objective truth. Connie's nONe Of yOu WeRe ThERE FOr hIM speech was literally the most hamfisted and downright insulting thing that came from the finale. Everyone reached out to Steven right until the very end, even well before he really started spiraling, like Peridot during the Camp Pining Hearts debacle. And each time, he either pushed them away, lied to them, or lost his shit on them when they told him something he didn't want to hear. And then he moved on to the next person and did the same thing, wash, rinse repeat.

Steven is absolutely not to blame for feeling the way he does and having trauma, but implying that his behavior should be excused or that the people around him were at fault for not trying harder when everything we've seen shows that they did is indeed shitty writing. Worse, it kind of sends a bad message about mental illness.

>It's shitty writing when a show that has literally always been from a single character's perspective continues to be from that character's perspective

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True, a more pessimistic side of me believes that the writing staff were all like
"Oh yeah, THIS is what mentally unwell teenagers need to see."
Something tells me they are far from experts, or even experienced

It wasn't about people leaving him, it was about nobody NEEDING him.

Wrong, it was both

He spent most of his life fixing other people's problems and didn't trust them to fix his because of that.
Little Graduation made him realize that people don't need him to fix their problems
Prickly Pair was basically him talking shit about Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst and their ability to actually help him
After Together Forever, Steven just keeps pushing Connie away even though she made it clear that she just didn't want to marry him right at that moment
Greg probably came the closest to helping Steven but then started to make it all about himself after the car crash
The Diamonds got pretty close too but panicked after smashing his head into a pillar thinking he was White Diamond

You must be the kind of fag that loved Future Boy Zoltron while Lars of the Stars had his thrilling space adventures entirely off screen.

Pink/Rose gave birth to a human boy, nobody said it was a healthy one.

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Steven's perspective is distorted by mental illness. It's objectively wrong, and having other characters like Connie enable it by telling his support network that they were in the wrong for not trying harder, when everything we've seen as the audience shows that they did but the ball was in Steven's court to accept it, is shitty writing.