My name's Aerrow, and I'm a sky knight!

My name's Aerrow, and I'm a sky knight!

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Other urls found in this thread:

the black girl in this show was cute

They all were.

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The show actually started to catch on around the finale. Is there STILL no continuation of this to this day?!?!?!?

Nope. The studio doesn't even really exist anymore.

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Damn shame.

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Cyclonis was the cutest.

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Ravess was the superior villainess.

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I wish one of the writers would make a comic or something.

worth watchin?

And I will never see season 3!

Attached: Storm Hawks S02 Episode 26 Cyclonia Rising (Part 2)_Mar 4, 2016, 03.42.06.png (640x480, 327.6K)

This is the most stereotypical "good heroes battle evil villains, with cool weapons and cars, every week!" formula, but done with so much heart you would not care. Also, the best CG animation from the N. American continent at the time. Also, pretty decent worldbuilding. You can pirate all of it, and so you should.

Attached: Storm Hawks S02 Episode 26 Cyclonia Rising (Part 2)_Mar 4, 2016, 03.25.44.png (640x480, 326.5K)

Isn't there a place to stream this already? I've been looking forever for a HD version of this show.

Head tell about it not getting a proper ending, that the case? Isn't a dealbreaker but always hate to hear it

It does have an open ending. It ends, but there could be more. Producers decided enough is enough, and told the team to do another show. Apparently the toys weren't selling enough. I say not enough toys were MADE to begin with. Or advertised. I mean, who does think flying bikes aren't cool? Only evil people think that.

The main story wraps up. That's all that matters.

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What is wrong with that?

holy fuck i cant believe there was already a storm hawks thread up

Who said anything was wrong?

Ace dies, Cyclonis escapes to another world, and the Hawks give chase after her. That's the last we see of the show.

I remember watching the final episodes as they came out with my little brother, we were so hyped for the season that never came.

You and your brother needs to kidnap the people responsible for the cancellation. Maybe that is the only way.

Another good show canceled due to not having enough publicity and remaining banished to small and niche fan groups where it is even difficult to find anything about it. It wasn't amazing but it deserved more compared to other garbage like Jhonny test that lasted forever.
End my suffering.

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tfw if this show were made today they would definitely have some sort of romance. there was actually decent rivalry and tension.

I haven't thought of this show in fucking years or talked about it to anyone but I'm Yas Forums remembers it as fondly as I did. You can tell the team was really excited about it and the characters still look great.


Oh it was a "prince and the pauper" episode. never saw that one.

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The Johnny Bravo episode where Mark Twain comes out to complain about how much that story keeps getting parodied in cartoons is what I think of when they do Prince & Pauper episodes.

>So how identical are we?

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I wish Dragon Riders was more of a thing too! Has animation been staggering in Canada for a while? I believe those two shows were Canadian.

>TWO delicious browns

>my kid ass with dad reveal

I liked how the furries had stereotypical Canadian accents.

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Dragon Booster you mean?

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das totally weeskawnsen

>Its a good girl goes bad episode

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There are similarities in the north central US and that Canadian accent.
Given that it's a Canadian show, we love poking fun at ourselves, and the episode took place in the frozen lands, its probably Canadian.
Though that terrain is like the north Rocky Mountains and that accent is in the east half of Canada. Semantics.

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They should have a chairlift for snowboarding.

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Reminds me that time my gf gave me a handjob while she was playing with a Woodstock hand puppet, when I came, she licked the cum off the damn bird.

Ebin post.

My name is Cyclonis, and i want that brown cooch

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>not redeeming the villain through vigorous clam-slamming
come on Piper, take one for the team

The setting is rad and the first episode starts pretty strong, but I really wish the show would've taken itself more seriously.

Some episodes do, like the one with an attempt at space travel.

Sounds like a keeper that one. Not a lot of women will fuck you with a puppet.

I have always had a soft spot for this show, some combination of the world, the characters and look made it endearing. Even ran a compaign based on this and the Skyland show

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Sluggtera and iron man armored adventures were good as well

Did Slugterra NOTend as well?

I don’t remember, I have a memory hole of that time period

I'm upset nobody talks about this show. As a Canadian I remember seeing this air like 3 times a day. Even as a kid I loved the episodic story and it's multiple character development.

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This and Slugterra were the shit
shame neither got a proper ending

Same but I'm Australian. Cabadian-Australian animation was the best.


They tried to do a comic continuation of this, but only one graphic novel came out, and it was never translated.

I always wondered where season 3 would go. I mean it's implied that Cyclonis's grandmother came from that other world and only reason Cyclonis was doing everything was to fill her grandmothers wish. But Did Cyclonis know anythings about that other world at all?
Would it be revealed that there are people way more powerful and dangerous then Cyclonis in that other world. Maybe she realizes she made a huge mistake and joins up with the Stormhawks to stop these new threat.