>series finale finally aired
Good? Bad? You can only go up after Star’s series finale.
Series finale finally aired
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I liked it
But the Future was cute.
Now if only there was real fucking confirmation this shit was over and Rebecca wasn't saying in interviews that she's only taking a break.
>Inb4 'aNoThEr Su ThReAd?!'
How about you larp in one of the other million SU threads faggot
For me is ok.
Good, but with definite room to improve. I would've liked more action in I Am My Monster but the other three episodes were really good and hit the emotional beats I was expecting. Only real criticisms I have is a bizarre lack of Centi which makes me think there was a cut episode since she never appears anywhere but the sequel.
I'd give it an 8/10. Solid with a hopeful open ending with resolving things 100% like Change Your Mind did (which fits with the tone of Future).
*unlike CYM
**title screen
It was acceptable
This, but also Jasper's inclusion was tiny and she never got a satisfying end to her arc.
Makes me wonder if there'll be a non-Steven based sequel.
This, it was better on rewatch imo. Not bad, and it didnt actively repulse me like some other certain finales.
>tfw no Bogus Adventure spinoff with Jasper, Spinel, and another gem or two
>tfw no spinoff with Lars wacky space adventures
Can we talk about how fat they made the Stevenzilla?
Kinda hot desu
Cute belly
It was appropriate for SU - had most of the flaws of the series but hit decent enough emotional beats. Not a top tier finale but not really a disappointment or rage inducing either. Good enough basically.
It was even worse than the Star VS finale. The last season completely ruined Steven as a character.
Fragments was great and so was the other Psycho Steven parts
Calarts tranny shit.
I hope all the discord rejects 40% themselves now that its over.
desu I expected a bigger reaction on here, was the finale that boring?
It was a big anticlimactic wet fart, just as disappointing as Change Your Mind. There's not as much raging as there was after the Star VS finale because everyone is already used to the show throwing away all of its potential.
People are still talking about it a day after it happened.
What were you expecting? Someone to shoot up the CN building over it?
The creator is being a pussy and not even confirming this show's future properly.
Give it some time.
>4 episodes finale
>3 of the episodes nothing extrodinary happens just steven embracing his angst
>final episode steven turns into monster bc too much angst
>is solved with a group hug
>steven leaves
The connverse was worth it.
la niña negra
There were some moments I really liked but overall it was just ok. The last episode felt like the writers really didn't know what to do after the second to last episode.
Neutral, I think it was good for what it was - a chaser for the original series. If I was somebody who'd grown up for the show and was about to finish high school I think it would've hit me pretty hard. And I think that's who it was really for.
I really wanted a timeskip with adult Steven and Connie and their daughter Nora and son Steven Jr.
Steven cums way too much for just two kids.
ok.. and their fraternal twin children Amy and Earl
It’s dead. Steven’s over her
So are we going to get the full version of Mr. Universe or what?
It was fine. Helping Steven overcome his self-loathing with a group hug was cheesy, but fitting for this series.
Steven got a bit grating towards the end, sure, but it wasn't the clusterfuck that SVTFOE's ending was.
user, he’s finally over Connie. He’s no longer devoted to her and now focuses on what he wants. That’s healthy. That was just a goodbye peck and he didn’t even enjoy it.
Why don't women like big bellies on men the way other men do?
There's no official release of the final credits song, either. I assume they're going to drop the Future soundtrack all at once.
Hey, do you remember when Steven created an extremely convoluted plan, with no evidence backing it up, which consisted on the gems reliving their thousands years old lives in order to bring back their memories rather than taking the sensible option of going straight to the Diamonds for help, all because minutes before the Diamonds asked Steven to move in with them, and if he were to ask them now to fix the gems and prevent Earth from FUCKING DYING that would be really uncomfortable for him?
What a way to put others first before himself, amirite :^)))))
It unironically made him a MUCH better character. Before he was just one step off from being a gary stu, now he feels like an actual human being.
Its not offensive bad and there will likely sure to be a continuation with adult Steve.
The dude will likely have his kyuubi mode mastered at one point.
They're on record as saying they have no continuation planned and the whole team is moving on so anything CN puts out going forward should basically be considered non-canon.
That said, I doubt Sugar and co would be above coming back if they felt there was a story to tell there. What's the saying? Nothing's ever really over.
Rebecca has done interviews too where she's just saying she's taking a break. Which is a far cry from 'everything is done'
Is Star's finale really that bad?
I've been thinking about starting the series, but all the moaning and bitching gets me a bit on the fence.
Where's her spinoff?
That gets painfully justified with no real reasoning other than petty in show logic.
The antagonist doesn't even die which yes, I know, they didn't want to, but leaving her alive for the message was dumb.
Yes, It's THAT bad.
Fuck it, Ill make my own Steven Universe thing just before the Cluster arc and ill fucking fix everything. Hell Ill make a whole new series, I was so let down by this, sorry for sounding angry but I have the Time and Resources to make something myself. I am already drawing concepts
Sorry m8, but almost everyone is way ahead of you.
It's called Steven Universe 2
It was ok. Would have been nice if it had extended credits with the extended original intro song showing what happens in the future, but reveal it to be a Garnet future vision too.
>caring about anything connie
So? I can still make something worthwhile
Meh,it was good
But they have been building Steven's breakdown all the season,and it resolves in like 5 minutes and a time skip,so it feels a bit short
And Connie is trash
Only thing that would've been interesting would have been a revisit to Rose's room in the temple. Could've made for a good moment of self-reflection.
The funniest part to all of this is that the Diamonds, who crits bitched for YEARS about wanting dead ended up being more compassionate and wanting to atone than the fucking protagonist of Star VS (which was being propped up as the "better" Steven Universe).
The best part? Steven didn't tell them to fix the gem experiments, or become better people. He didn't even contact them at all if he could help it. They decided to do it on their own.
Y-yeah, w-who would enjoy THAT?
The entirety of SUF felt like a long epilogue that was just as anticlimactic as every other conflict the show had.
trips confirm, Sugar is going to milk SU until she dies .
early mystery girl Connie was peak Connie she was an outsider similar to steven so them become friends make sense later on she became an npc that was used as a plot device,at least she was a good friend to steven i suppose
That wouldve been good or do anything to reflect the series to make the ending more satisfying and emotional.Most of the episodes of the final where a waste where they tried to force everyone in there and in the end it felt like it didnt aknowledge any of its characters
God, i'm indifferent by this point as someone that likes a particular character from here to death.
But I wish she wasn't so wishy washy.
So the entire ending of this show was "Kid realizes his life is fucked up and says 'screw it, i'm leaving.'"
Okay I guess.
*becoming friends made
when the autism kicks in
It was alright, but Steven turning into a monster and the others talking/hugging him down should have lasted longer. At least one episode more. I liked the final ep, but sad there was no new song other than the one playing in the credits.
Steven unraveling was great, how they got him back to normal wasn't.
>he didn't get the memo
Gems and humans were confirmed to be the only sapient races in the Steven...Universe. All they did was kill off animals, which still sucks hard, but isn't really comparable. Yes, this was absolutely a criticism cop-out, but there it is.
user is talking about the Star vs Finale, where the protagonist commits mass genocide.
Change your mind was better
Debatable. It had higher highs for sure, but Future's finale didn't have to be some grand thing and so was much more cohesive as a result.
I just wanted a lars space dandy spin off
Steven Universe AF
I already got mine, repurposing my gemsona as another alien. I got several arc and an ending.
It's better because, It's not in the future. Things could have remained the same i.e smaller Steven, everyone moving on except the CGs.
I'll give it 10 years for a reboot or a continuation.
Pros: I was okay with the Collective Hug
Cons: Diamonds jobbing was annoying
What good is grandkids when you're rickety 60-70 year old? The only positive I see in people having kids at 15 when their parents are only like 31. You can actually enjoy your family instead of being some coughing/chair ridden joke to the young ones.