Got back with his girlfriend according to the finale

>got back with his girlfriend according to the finale
based Ronaldo

Attached: Ronaldo_Fryman.png (360x360, 57.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not according to the finale, but according to the show's official social media feed

I can't believe we got more episodes with Ronaldo sperging to Steven than with Steven hanging with Peedee

They where hanging out together in the crowd shot so I assumed they just gave in and threw him a bone.


They needed to get rid of peedee in order to have the narrative Steven has no real human friends

Frybo is a top 10 episode

>got back with the tumblr weeb
Eh they deserve each other. Hopefully it leads to a suicide pact between the two.

The VA had huge health problems. Like Gary Coleman syndrome

I hope Ronaldo fattens her up and forces her to have a big butt

Attached: Jane.png (1638x3000, 72.9K)

>crazy loser has a girlfriend
Probably the weirdest thing from the finale.


Attached: AtticusShafferHWOFMay2012.jpg (597x766, 335.39K)

stop it Peedeefag

you'll be surprised the amount of gfs you can being in a fandom.

If they're part of a fandom then they're probably really shit anyways


Peedee has no time to have fun adventures and hang out with Steven, he’s forced to work a full time job for free.

> mfw realizing they never dealt with the snake people
SU show 3 when?

That sounds like a job for Lars of the Stars.

Why didn't we see any Sneeple?
Because Lars of the Stars kept their ships from Earth.

You'd think that the resolution of Frybo would've fixed that

Jealousy fits you,seething user

Attached: 3166108 - Jane Steven_Universe.png (1200x900, 332.67K)

Finally found a screencap

Attached: Thebonewethrewatyou.jpg (188x188, 8.82K)

For one last time,some Jane fanart

Attached: 6f4.png (636x900, 284.05K)

Attached: 1576343480825.png (876x1150, 350.54K)

Attached: 2749270 - Jane Koala_Princess OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes Ronaldo_Fryman Steven_Universe crossover.jpg (2155x2110, 529.23K)

Attached: 46fa9a129ab3dd81837e8f6445f8fbdf.jpg (480x474, 48.69K)

Attached: 2173099 - Jane Steven_Universe malsolu.jpg (2100x1500, 1.25M)

This one is on thin ice

Attached: 1576442116566.png (541x400, 76.17K)

Attached: 988e61379a4bdf1adedb63b92d9c59ec.jpg (676x829, 71.69K)

la niña negra

Attached: w6nu1ijh3ve31.jpg (1070x792, 58.01K)

Attached: su_ronaldo_and_jane_love_by_yogelis_ddqrnfs-fullview.jpg (1024x824, 188.81K)

la nina nerdita or whatever you call it in spanish

Attached: téléchargement.jpg (225x225, 13.51K)

Attached: 726.png (1100x1182, 244.78K)

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To my knowledge,Jane only appearance in the comic to date (and it's a crowd shot,she's with Ronaldo)

Attached: RCO004_1557191477.jpg (1040x1600, 495.54K)

Ronaldo begging for Jane to come back on the show promotional Tumblr

Oh SB, you're such a card.

What the hell is a SB ?

They brought them back together because it was one of the rare instance when Ronaldo was not a nuisance yet still got screwed because he was merely trying to help Steven's friends

Ronaldo dedicationg Keep Beach City Weird to Jane

Attached: RCO004_1583987579.jpg (1100x1600, 224.5K)

Attached: 2f2283c1d6985febe6cb3e74fad6f7ff--steven-universe-fandoms.jpg (236x1919, 84.29K)

Attached: 801db0713fb357ad3b2fea059b301d25aaa7d932.jpg (494x702, 73.41K)

Sort of related but Steven gave Onion his cheeseburger backpack and also Mr Frowney is in the group shot too


I remember the writers made a big deal teasing Pumpkin death and all we got is some vegetables/dog running around in the background


Renaldo got a gf? Either I don't remember or I never watched it, what ep was it

I thought his whole thing was he was a stand in for the average neckbeard so he wasn't allowed to be happy

The girl first appears in Lion 2 where she's the ticket seller for the local cinema, then we see later that she's at the car race thing with Kevin and is standing near Ronaldo. After that we get confirmation they're together.

I remember lion 2, so there was no ep about him and his gf then?

You're not that great yourseld, so why not.

Not explicitly no, just a background thing.

It wasn't a background thing.


No. They just had her spazzing out about him and breaking up during the "alien rocks" episode

Looking back jane was kind of cute even with the pear shaped head

Attached: qsx4cqouvufx.png (610x617, 520.32K)

She needed more ntr porn

The most amazing thing is they are the only traditional couple in the parade...What a time to be alive

White cute geek girl
would bang 9/10

This user get it