Meh, this thread is for the various subgroups of the Autobots and Decepticons...

Meh, this thread is for the various subgroups of the Autobots and Decepticons. I start by asking do you like Dinobots or Insecticons more?

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Let's be real, the Insecticons are pretty shit. Bombshell has a neat ability, but Shrapnel and Kickback got nothing going for them, and they only seem like a threat when they go "nameless swarm" rather than a real subfaction. And we have Scraplets for that nowadays

They have guns, beast modes that can eat anything, flight as all Decepticons do, and Shrapnel has electricity powers

Outside of Grimlock, did anyone really give a fuck about the Dinobots? They just seem to be there in the background to bounce ideas off and not make him look completely insane when he stood up to optimus.

But I don't follow much TF.

Make way for the Combaticons. They're so rad they hang out with their combined form.

Attached: Combaticons with Bruticus.jpg (720x540, 56.06K)

Remember when Yas Forums made their own Insecticon?

I blame Swindle for this

Big Beautiful Breastforce

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>I blame Swindle for this
Why just that? Why not everything else. It's probably his fault anyway.

The cartoon Dinobots and Insecticons both suffer from the entire group having the same personality, but there are more Dinobots episodes than Insecticons episodes, and Grimlock was popular enough to continue to be in the show regularly in season 3.

The first Insecticons episode showcased Shrapnel and made him look like the best, most powerful one of the group, but he was underused ever since, while Bombshell gets a lot of play in modern G1 media because he's the mind control villain of Transformers.

>while Bombshell gets a lot of play in modern G1 media because he's the mind control villain of Transformers.
He's not the only one

Attached: mindwipe-129.jpg (600x399, 56.68K)

The 1987 Decepticons fall into a weird spot where they were in the cartoons and the comics, so they're more well-known than later characters, but they're not important enough to appear in reboots of Transformers unless they happen to have a new toy at the time. IDW pushed a few of the 1987 Autobots into becoming better known and more popular, but Mindwipe is always going to be overshadowed by Bombshell if someone wants a mind control villain.

>Outside of Grimlock, did anyone really give a fuck about the Dinobots?

I liked them all except Swoop, because he got paired up with Daniel a few times and he was the weakest of the Dinobots.

Ok Grimlock

Decepticon combiners > Autobot combiners

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The Protectobots at least are cool.
Fuck the Aerialbots and Technobots though

>Swoop, because he got paired up with Daniel a few times
I don't really recall that. I think by the time Daniel came along none of the Dinobots seemed to do anything without Grimlock.

I do recall Swoop once being separated from the other Dinos on Cybertron and teaming up with Spike & Carly

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>I start by asking do you like Dinobots or Insecticons more?
Is anyone going to honestly say the Insecticons here? The Dinobots were firm fan favourites, robots that turn into robot dinosaurs and have bad attitudes, the insecticons were weird, jittery fuck-ups

also, controlling people by shooting things into their brains will always be cooler than hypnosis

I do, obviously the Dinobots are more popular but I like the Insecticons more, because they were creepy and I like bug bots

You just KNOW he did something

Neigh, a greater evil: AKOM

Agreed. Although I prefer Metroplex to the Decepticon equivalent for sub groups.

Why? Techno seem kind of cool out of all the autos.

What part was Cobra supposed to be in LioKaiser?

Swoop is super popular, the second most prominently featured Dinobot and has the bonus of being the "normie" of the Dinobots.

Slag has a cult following from the UK TF comic, which did a notorious story during the Earthforce period, where Slag was outed as a serial killer who murders his fellow Autobots (because Slag hates the "goody goody Autobots" who are supposed to be his friends) and that Grimlock made the rest of the Dinobots cover up Snarl's crimes. This has carried over to the IDW comics (written by UK TF fans), who have made Snarl a war criminal who does horrible things to anyone that pisses him off and who is actively protected for his crimes by his fellow Dinobots.

Sludge has a single personality (he's a barely functioning retard who does whatever he is told).

Snarl's the only one with no personality on paper, though most copypaste Slag's personality onto him.

>Slag has a cult following from the UK TF comic, which did a notorious story during the Earthforce period, where Slag was outed as a serial killer who murders his fellow Autobots (because Slag hates the "goody goody Autobots" who are supposed to be his friends) and that Grimlock made the rest of the Dinobots cover up Snarl's crimes. This has carried over to the IDW comics (written by UK TF fans), who have made Snarl a war criminal who does horrible things to anyone that pisses him off and who is actively protected for his crimes by his fellow Dinobots.

I remember an early IDW comic where Slag was gunning down Decepticons who appeared to have their arms raised in surrender, but what was the story where he killed Autobots? Who did he kill?

>Snarl's the only one with no personality on paper, though most copypaste Slag's personality onto him.
IIRC, Snarl's main traits were being an unhappy loner and a self-loathing hatred of his dinosaur mode, neither were explored much in comics or cartoons.

Same here. Take away Grimlock and it's a much easier decision to choose Insecticons over the other Dinobots.

He was supposed to be a stand-in for Hellbat, so presumably an arm.
I like that he brings aerial variety to the team. Do you really need 3 jets? 2 jets and helicopter spices things up better.

>Aerialbots or Stunticons?
>Protectobots or Combaticons?
>Technobots or Terrorcons?

The others don't have natural match-ups, so
>Constructicons or Predacons?
>Seacons or Pretender Monsters?

I kind of wish they'd expand both those subfaction...maybe make them fractions in their own right.
I like Slash and Scowl, and there are a bunch of cool dinosaurs with little to no representation
And the Insecticons...shit, why do they only push two beetles and grasshopper when you've got all kinds of other beetle families (weevils, fireflies, tiger beetles), plus ants, moths, flies, mosquitos, bees, wasps, mantids, dragon/damselflies, scorpionflies, antlions, earwigs, even a flea would make a cool transformer with jumping powers




Deathsaurus is love

goddammit season 3


Attached: Trypticon vs Metroplex.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

Action Master Bruticus finally makes sense.

Based Trypticon

the cock

Solid Snake

Attached: Superion vs Menasor.webm (632x480, 2.86M)

Attached: Combiner battle.webm (640x480, 2.42M)

Attached: Energon fight.webm (640x480, 1.8M)

It's Obari o fucking Clock

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Attached: Predacons.webm (720x540, 2.87M)

As it happens, the Constructicons also do this in Revenge of the Fallen

I have a question: Were the Seekers an actual team or was just a branding thing? Because I don't recall seeing Starscream ever interact with the other two.

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Let us not forget when Swindle was just randomly hanging out with the Protectobots.

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I can't decide who was better, Devastator or Bruticus. I'm leaning on the former but I do know that Menasor sucks.
Real answer; animation shortcut. But to answer your question Starscream was the Seeker Armada leader

>tfw you only exist when the Decepticon ranks need to be expanded.

Attached: seekers03.jpg (720x540, 42.58K)

Remember when Bumblebee met his future self?

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Starscream is the leader of the seekers and presumably the most valuable of them. He doesn't care about them though, he's just their leader.

>blink in and out existance depending on the situation
Sounds comfy.

Constructicons have Dinobots or Omega Supreme as their counterpart, though Dreamwave did their damnest to force a mean of the Aerialbots as the Constructicon's rivals and reworking shit so that Protectorbots were the Stunticon's arch enemy.

As for the others: Predaking has Sky Lynx (a manga comic went as far as saying Sky Lynx is the only Autobot who's ever fought the Predacons and won) and later writers have paired them against Megatron or the Train combiner from Headmasters.

Seaking's rival is Powermaster Prime/Ginrai (a major plot point in Masterforce was that King Posiedon kept kicking the Autobots asses until Ginrai mastered the ability to merge his trailer with Optimus to create Powermaster Optimus).

The Pretender Monsters have no rival BUT in their Victory counterpart had the main Autobots (who combined together) as their main rival.

The term Seeker was a fan nickname (the catalogs call them Decepticon Jets) that got adopted by Hasbro proper in the early 00s for all of the jets, even the "coneheads".

If Toei animated it all, it wouldn't be on the animation side of things like in that episode. AKOM did a majority but Toei was still on aboard to do a couple in Season 3.

I'm glad it worked out so well despite ROTF going a different way and Prime going retarded with the name.

Combaticons(though I do like the protectobots a lot)

Predacons(all due respect to the original combiners, though)

>I do know that Menasor sucks.
Poor Menasor. I thought he was cool


I'm a dinobot man myself, though I have nothing against insecticons.