>letting a murderer with monster powers roam the country because he's seeing some dodgy internet therapist.
Letting a murderer with monster powers roam the country because he's seeing some dodgy internet therapist
Uncle Grandpa is his therapist
Reminds me Jodern Peterson become addict
He is already a vegeterian
So next level is gonna be a tranny
He abandoned the vegetarian thing pretty quickly.
Do vegans murder?
You would too if you were living in the woods.
They burn down animal testing labs which kills doctors and other scientists Good he'll kill himself before he kills anyone else.
You get a lot of passes when you kept the world from being turned into a mining colony and/or blown to bits.
>letting a murderer with monster powers roam the country
Worked for the Hulk.
Would he really be a tranny if he could actually physically turn into the other sex?
He's way too fucking volatile. Just THINKING he's a monster means he will turn into one? And you have to kiss his ass to make him better? If this weren't a cartoon for actual babies I'd say the diamonds should all fuse and fucking kill him. He's just too dangerous and kind of a stupid jerk. Steven Universe Future made me hate Steven.
he really became irredeemable way too fast
It had to go out of it's way to assassinate a lot of characters and their motives to not be able to stop Steven before it got out of hand.
>can kill and resurrect you at a whim
Yes it works with humans too as seen with lars
No and given how his powers work, if someone with his powers claimed to have the mind of a woman but still retained the body of a man, it would mean they have the mind of a man and are just mentally ill.
Vegans kill their pets and kids
No, they would become a woman because his powers work where his mental state affects his physical form
Just like all SJWs.
That applies to every gem and if Diamonds can turn good it's really fucking stupid to think Steven won't be ok. Although if one thing is true he shouldn't be left on his own but the writers probably wanted to avoid having a specific character go with him because of how it may look.
He already gave in eating fish. And there's little vegetables in the midwest. Some things won't come back.
>a murderer
....Fuck, he totally is. Yikes.
Only if they actually have the mind of a woman. I am making the point that tranny's who claim to be women don't have the minds of women.
No, all it took was Steven thinking he was a monster to do it, if someone considered themself a woman and had his powers, they would physically become one
Involuntary gemslaughter at worst.
No one's dead.
>Monster powers
Gem powers, not uncommon anymore.
Traveling, living, again not uncommon
Steven didn't need permission nor was that given as a reason
>dodgy therapist
You're opinion over a character who hasn't been seen yet.
*Sigh* Can you try a little harder?
>well any person with a mental illness has the POTENTIAL to go buy a gun and shoot people, so let's just kill them before they do it
user this is how dumb you sound
jasper was dead for about a half hour
Was it even that long?
Earth in SU was never worth saving in the first place.
Literally whos gonna stop him?
No, she was merely in a state that was presumed to be a death-like state until now. But both yellow and Steven(with a bit diamond juice) can fix it. It's more like a coma
>No Pink/Rose Quartz redemption arc or Lapidot fusion
Seriously, fuck this show
She’s dead
Gems are a highly volatile race of energy inorganics that must be ass-kissed or else they go batshit and slaughter us weak organics.
>no lapidot
The only good thing with that ending.
>Pearl: "Steven! You are too dangerous to go around the country! You could accidentally hurt fragile humans!"
>Steven: "I won't hurt people! I could only do that if I were a...if I were"
>*Steven looks at hands, glows pink*
>"...were a monster."
>*Cut to black*
1. He didn't murder anyone. He was able to bring Jasper back
2. Even if he had permanently killed her, it would have been technically manslaughter
Steven's therapist?
More like Steven's the Rapist lol
>tfw everyone sympathizes with your murderer for murdering you while no one cares about you getting murdered and tells you to fuck off
Not even Jasper cares.
She was so fucking happy to be murdered
It's sad honestly. The same thing happened with the fusion. Also is it me or was the end of Fragments in the bathroom much more emotional and promising than what the hell they pulled out their ass
>focus on the murderer's feelings and don't bother dealing with the actual victim
fuck this shit
Her feelings are happiness. She cared more about him telling her to be independent than dying.
If therapy works how come nobody is ever cured. They just keep seeing the same therapist indefinitely.
SU always preaches that if you have trauma, you don't have to take responsibility for your actions. This happened with Lapis, Steven, the Diamonds and even Jasper sometimes. Rebecca has a fucked up mindset
She wanted to die and thanked him afterwards.
Fucked up? Yes, but we won't acknowledge that because we don't have the time to give her an actual resolution for any of her problems.
Jasper literally doesnt even care she was killed, the psychology of military gems is horrifying.
I can't believe this shit is over. What a ride
it's for incurable problems. like AIDS of the brain.
Made the actual finale all the more disappointing desu
Fragments was so good I was really hyped for how the finale would top it and it just fucked it all up
Jasper was the most mishandled aspect of this show
They had the time, they just wasted it on worthless shit like Blue Bird, A Very Special Episode, and Why So Blue.
yeah, incapable of taking his OWN advice, stupid only meat diet and his daughter becoming a super thot.
The creator of Steven Universe just make THIS arc out of nowhere because a lot of LGBT people are insufferable borderline idiots and you must hang with them become you "love them"... thats the reason Sucarose have a nigger by boyfriend.
>we don't have the time to give her an actual resolution for any of her problems.
they had a movie and 20 extra episodes to give focus to her, they decided not to.
And then fat hookers with pink hair start vanishing and being found skinned behind dumpsters.
I would say characters like Lapis where more mishandled but the problem is that if you are a Lapisfag, you did get what you want from these episodes. Maybe not everything you wanted, but you got a lot of stuff to appreciate.
Jasper never had a song, never cried, never got to express her true feelings, never even gave a genuinely happy smile. And if Rebecca is completely done with the show, she never will. That's what's really messed up about it, Jasperfags have to be content with literal scraps.
Rebecca's plan for making her a lategame problem was shitty when Malachite was a pointless plot thread to make artificial depth and create a rape allegory.
She is someone you can totally write in Season 2 or 3 of this show.
She was either never meant to be important or legit only existed to push the plot along.
Which she does and never gets any pay off for it.
i feel pretty fucked up right now. partially grew up with this show. even if its just a cartoon i hate most of the time, it feels like a chapter is closed
didn't rebecca say that they pushed for jasper to train steven in future because she wanted to do a jasper redemption arc in the original show? i'm pretty sure this is just her poor time management coming into play, same thing happened to lars after he got killed, turned into a space pirate, and then forgotten about.
What the fuck are these posts
Trying to say the same thing honestly.
I'm saying though a competent writer might not have bothered with Malachite.
Yes, Jasper realistically got fucked over by poor time management.
He converted, user. He’s a Christian now
Can someone made it so that it transitions to pink steven to
I know right. Same feeling when adventure time was finally over.