>Rebecca sugar wrote Zim redemption fanfic with Peri’s exact arc
Imagine fapping to an Invader Zim rip off
>Rebecca sugar wrote Zim redemption fanfic with Peri’s exact arc
Imagine fapping to an Invader Zim rip off
>he says on a website where some guy gets aroused to fucking environmental destruction and white bread
Didn't she also used to draw herself as Zim's sex slave?
Yes, I know that, you know that, there is no reason to fecetiously ask this question, just post the picture for the ha-has
And their voice are so simillar
>Imagine not fapping to an Invader Zim rip off
How is peridot so sexy? You can literally pick any scene with her and you can fap on it
OG villain Peridot was way better.
They really fucked up when they made her a retarded midget.
Pics or it didn't happen.
>mfw I never watched Invader Zim so I have no qualms fapping to her
She literally had no personality. Don't bother posting that close-up where she looks "badass", it's the only one she ever got and she turned into the whiny nerd we all know her as in the very next episode before jobbing to the CG's.
The only thing that's similar about zim and peridot is their green skin and tendency to scream every now and then, but personality-wise they're pretty fucking different. Peridot's an goofy inventor, while zim is basically a disciple of malal.
show ended and we havent seen the other peridots
I see you are a man of culture as well
Hers was a good run gents, though be it short.
>Going to miss mah little green short stack, it's been a good run..
I'll fap to anything with a nice butt
Hello, fellow bisexual
Imagine having an enthusiastic Peri gf and she lets you touch her butt.
i fapped to her and lapis more times than i can count.
My fellow men of good taste
If I hated S2 Peridot, does that mean I'll hate Invader Zim?
>dorky sixteen year old draws comics about a character she's crushing on
Imagine my shock
Nope, it's all about the writing and execution. IZ couldn't be more different than SU
The chain and slave bikini part is what makes it autistic
>gems can shapeshift into anything they want
>peridot can't
>self conscious about her dwarf body by having the longer appendages attached
Was she born with a birth defect?
Yes,she's a "second era" gem .In universe,she was born in a rock that didnt have enough "resources" therefore she lack shapeshifting power other gems have and her Peridot power took time to activate
>"second era" gem
What the fuck does this mean? They made newer models more defective than the older era gems?
They were running out of resources, I assume, so it was like the chinkshit budget edition of gem production.
I didn’t, all I knew about was the EEnE porn.
Diamonds ran outta Pink Diamond Bathwater after she was merely pretending to be dead. Apparently Diamond bathwater is vital to gem production or some shit.
Wait you don't fap to Invader Zim porn, causal.
But, I already fap to Zim.
Jokes on you I fap to regular old Invader Zim too
la niña negra
Have you ever been on deviantart? Every artsy girl goes through a weird phase of liking shit like that.
Just because she didn't have a personality doesn't excuse the fact that they dropped the ball.
She had the potential to be an awesome villain, but Rebecca just had to ruin her potential for an autistic IZ fan character.
Every girl goes through a phase like that. Why dod you think 50 shades is so popular
dios mio
they rip off dragon ball fights and sailor moon. the show has a second hand feel to it but I still miss my guilty pleasure.
Yeah, and they grow out of it. Sucrose obviously didn't if all her wish-fullfillment regarding Zim that present in her show is anything to go by.
>being a coomer to kids' cartoons
>dude fusing and becoming one physically and emotionally isnt s3x
>guys shes asexual cause she dont wanna fuse, representation lmao
All the gems are thousands of years old
Could someone please post the fanfiction? I'd really like to read this just out of curiosity.
If you want to see Peridot as an awesome villain, just watch Invader Zim. That's the point. She's a redeemable version of that.
>he says on a website where some guy gets aroused to fucking environmental destruction and white bread
That guy posts exclusively on reddit
>zim's redemption
there are still faggots that believe zim is the villain and dib is the hero
We've got this guy
>environmental destruction
Honestly Rebecca being such a weirdo on her early years really proves your work speaks for itself in the animation community. As long as you aren’t known for being an asshole you can get in no matter what weird shit you did.
What? I've seen him pop up in threads every so often.
If you hate Invader Zim, you have no soul.
I fapped to both the original Zim and to Peridot
Ok, but does anyone else want to lick Peridot's cunny?
I wanna see Zim lick Peridot's cunny.
The urk were objectively evil yet we mirror them so much...