Best Yas Forums vidya

Best Yas Forums vidya

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I had the SNES one. It was really good and polished, but far too easy.

Pretty Cool christmas morning.

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Me too and agreed


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>far too easy

It is. It's a shame too, because if it had anything resembling a decent challenge, I might actually prefer it over the Genesis game. Sadly, it's just a game for babby.

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Out of the way, best Yas Forums game comin through

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Based Department internal memorandum coming through

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I wish we had seen more of Maui Mallard

You think he's related to Donald ?

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lego batman games are really great and with superb OST.

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capcom fighting games are great with Dan and X-men.

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that x-men roster sounds good.

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>The prequel is amazing
UwU thank you for recognizing that Arkham Origins is actually quite good

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Where is Lion King ?

I had the SEGA copy. Never beat it, as I recall it was too hard.

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I remember finally beating the Genesis version. The skill spike tapers off once you beat the cave and the lamp, but you've practically beat the game by that point anyway. And beating the cave just requires memorizing 2 specific jumps where you need to predict an upcoming pit fall, and a lava bubble bursts on you as you jump across 2 sinking rocks. As long as you know about those two and just wait for the bubble's animation to finish, the rest is a lot easier.

The game's biggest flaw was the jump collision. Aladdin's pants were too fluffy and made his hitbox look a lot bigger than it really was. Still a decent game though. Arab rock fuckin' slaps.

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Nah, that's just ridiculous.

But the serious answer is that he IS Donald, just acting a role like most Disney characters do.

is good user, not as good as the other ones, but good.

for me, it’s Return of the Sinister Six

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1&2 were both so much fun.
X Men Legends was pretty good too

Objectively not great. But I loved it, especially with co-op

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Not great, but far from bad.

great sound design and the jetpack was fun.

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16-bit Donald Duck games were absurdly good, I will never understand people that prefer Castle of Illusion to this gem

Mickey Mania is a different story though, that game is awesome

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Fags complain about the ending boss fight and how the combat is like a mini qte every fight, but the writing and design of this was perfect.

That Egypt puzzle.

I enjoyed Origins immensely. That Deathstroke fight was very well done.

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Quackshot and World of Illusion were fucking wonderful games. Sega did a great job with them.

This game is not only fun, but it has some great music too

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Jank as fuck but had great atmosphere.

The music in the airport levels are a favorite of mine.

I know
>flash/shockwave games

But for it's time, 10 year old me though this was the biggest website game I've played and it was a fun crossover

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Holy shit there has to be a way to play these again right? Summer Resort games were kino, I haven't thought of this is years

There is an archival project called Flashpoint. They have 38,000 browser games, including that one.

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Not sure you understand what jank means

They're fair complaints, but the game is still great and my favorite in the series. City is also great and has awesome bosses.

But Batman TAS for Gameboy is the greatest Batman game ever made, fight me.

It's better than Fables.

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Not my favorite Mickey or Donald game on the genesis (that would be Quackshot and Mickey Mouse Castle), but by far the prettiest and most fun to play with a friend.

This game had Kingdom Hearts levels of charm in it.

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This one's an all-time favorite. 7 playable characters, each with unique attacks and mobility options that would make them more suitable for specific levels. Also, music that changes based on which character you choose.