Post boom boom comics
Post boom boom comics
>No wisecrack about keeping your fluids up.
Fuckin Boomers, man.
Those damn youth and their not wanting to spread a virus
Why even make the second panel?
>drinking is boomer humor
Know how I know you're female?
What would reason would the boss think the employee's lying?
Jay and Mike?
Don't you guys want to die for your economy?
You are literally having a "it's only funny when I made that joke" moments. So fucking sad.
Post Zoomer comics
Holy based
>implying zoomers know what buttons are
So the reader knows that boomers are not amused by shenanigans.
Has anyone here actually been told to stay home so far?
My training was postponed indefinitely, but everybody else I know is still working. McDonald's isn't "Essential" and yet there they are.
The only people I know of that were actually allowed off were teachers.
Haha that's pretty fucking funny
My work is looking like things'll be shut down temporarily; our business is pretty heavily linked to the tourism sector though so it's not surprising.
People literally aren't allowed to leave the house except for groceries and a single walk per day.
Yes, we moved to home-working immediately once the govt guidance came out and the whole country is now in lockdown.
>experimental space gas
Yes, there's even a curfew with guards patrolling and guys in hazmat suits disinfecting stuff during daytime
My hotel job closed almost immediately and were being reminded 24/7 to stay at home
Doin' office toil from the ol' home, thanks 'rona mate xoxoxox
Ironically, alcohol consumption might actually help against the virus.
My brother is working from home and I know 2 people that were "let go" from their jobs until the current thing is over, but that's been it.
Uni is closed, and everyone living there was told to GTFO, thank god I don't live on campus.
Restaurants have all closed, but takeout and drivethrus are still open. Publix closes earlier but that's about it. No order to stay inside yet.
I work in a little grocery store in a small rural town and nothing has changed. If anything we're way busier than normal
My friend who works at a grocery store said it's easier because of the virus. Most of the time he just tells people they're sold out of the shit they're looking for, the only time he's busy is when a truck comes in.
Well he's lucky, because we are run off our feet constantly. Partly because the big grocery chains in the nearby town have jacked up the prices on fresh fruit and vegetables while we haven't.
>they didn't have touchscreens in the past, and had to actually exert pressure on little spring-loaded plastic tabs
How horrifying.
This is great.
>>All those posts
I guess my neck of the woods is just dragging their feet as usual, then. Or knows landlords will start evicting people as soon as they can't make rent.
>alcohol consumption might actually help against the virus.
Source on that shit because that seems counter-intuitive
I'm actually stuck behind the checkpoints in Key Largo after getting laid off from a contract job. We're still free to move about the Keys, but if you leave without proof residency or work you can't get back in. My friend in Alaska just called me last night to say they closed all non-essential businesses and are restricting travel on the highways between towns.
Upstate New York here, work in a call center. We started moving our equipment home to work from there last week and as of Monday Our office is completely closed, most of the other businesses in our building were closed earlier that week.
No. but unlike you unemployed useless faggots I'd like this overreaction to be stopped yes.
Illinois here. Suburb of Chicago. Despite being one of the first states to shutdown and making a huge ruckus about it all, literally nothing has changed except you can't eat at restaurants or go to movie theaters
>Has anyone here actually been told to stay home so far?
No but i still chose work from home.
This isn't surprising.
Has a boomer done a Roaring (Nineteen) Twenties vs Boring (Twenty) Twenties joke yet?
My job just gave us weekends off.
How magnanimous of them
>McDonald's isn't "Essential" and yet there they are.
Unfortunately is since many people don’t know how to cook
Wow you completely missed the point of the comic
All millenials are lazy, unlike the amazing baby boomers. That's why they can't afford houses; all their money is spent on avocados
I'm a school photographer and all schools shut down for the rest of the year so I'm absolutely fucked. The whole photography company will most likely go under.
Grad researcher - our lab hasn't been shut down but we've been asked to work from home as much as possible, and have been told we should be prepared to do a full shutdown of the facility within 24 hours if we should get notice to do so.
As luck would have it I had surgery two weeks ago so I was already bedridden when this shit started getting serious.
The actual salaried workers are taking their PTO, but the agency workers are actually getting steady work since Christmas. And the managers are running about with half-formed social distancing in the workplace measures.
Still on min wage tho.
My Uni is doing "online learning" for the rest of the semester and my job at my Uni has just told me not to come back for a while.
I'll be getting paid, though.
>what is a video game controller
>what is a keyboard
I work for HUD and my entire office is in work from home mode at the moment.
I understand how elderly people watching Fox could come under the impression that the virus is a hoax and people trying to avoid it are lazy.
But last I read on average one in six people who get it wind up in the hospital. If somebody called me saying they had caronavirus I wouldn't let them come to work or anywhere near me for the next two weeks. Even if it's a 3% chance of death, it's still a good chance of being complete ass with a whopping hospital bill I can't afford.
Touchscreens suck for precise input though.
Or elderly people watching CNN and MSNBC... until they changed narrative. Remember when Trump was overeacting and was being racist for wanting to shut down flights from China?
You realize it's not a boomer comic because the person in the comic would be a millennial, right?
I'm not defending the media spin. I actually didn't catch most of that because it was fairly brief and I try not to stray too far outside Rueters and AP. The left leaning news questions literally everything Trump does, but the perspective that the virus is not a big deal and everyone is overreacting was definitely a Fox thing, because they fellate Trump as regardlessly as MSNBC lambastes him.
All I know is that the average cost of treating the virus if you land in the hospital is tens of thousands of dollars and holy fuck there is basically no way for the US system to not be royally fucked. Every option is terrible, and you do NOT want to catch the damn thing.
Work at a callcenter and I'm working from home now.
>Remember when Trump was overeacting and was being racist for wanting to shut down flights from China?
No, because he never said that. All he did was talk about how awesome China was doing keeping the virus under control, because he didn't want to make money line go down.