>Batman: Brave and the Bold shits on naysayers and people who hate it
>Yas Forums loves it
>Teen Titans Go/She-Ra/Thundercats Roar/Star Wars/Star Trek/whatever does it
>Batman: Brave and the Bold shits on naysayers and people who hate it
>Yas Forums loves it
>Teen Titans Go/She-Ra/Thundercats Roar/Star Wars/Star Trek/whatever does it
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Batman: Brave and the Bold was a cartoon masterpiece while the rest you mentioned are massively mediocre at best
its almost like Yas Forums is more than one person with more than one opinion
also this place is full of contrarian hypocrites, what are you new or something?
from what i remember from those bat-mite episodes satirizing the other batman stuff was actually rather fun. it was goofy but none of it was mean spirited or just god awful. With that said, any one willing to share there fave episodes?
>Star Trek
like batmite said "batman has a rich and long history".
>Favorite episodes
That's hard, they're all so good.
I remember liking the teaser with Elongated Man and Plastic Man bickering while trying to assist Batman.
Also the old school OMAC episode was a nice little intro an obscure underused DC property.
When a show is good, it's allowed to be proud of itself.
just wanted to say, when this promotional image was out, alot of batman fans were upset and it had a hand of it having only one season and not having a batman cartoon show for the longest time.
Because BatB is a good show
BatB's creators never called the people who didn't like it istaphobes
Now see, when the guy complains, the staff mull it over and then write out a mature and reasonable speech
TTG just decides if you don't like Thunder Cats you're a poopy head
Brave and the Bold addressed critics in a mature and confident manner. TTG says "NUH UHHHH, YOU'RE JUST A LOSER" and then runs off laughing like a child.
>Acknowledging the existance of Beware The Batman
Wait, that's allowed?
This one seemed like it was shitting on casual fans who only knew the grim dark Batman, meanwhile the other ones shit on the actual fans of the source material
>google say crazy shit
The way Batman did it was good-spirited ribbing. While it is making a joke out of some people, you can tell that they actually do respect that some people will like other interpretations better.
Every single time TTGO does it, it's "If you don't like our show you're fat and bald and ugly and bald and a brony and a baby with poop mouth and poop opinions!" They actually go out of their way to make sure that every time they show a "hater," it's a fat guy. Not even the same fat guy, but a new fat guy every time they wanna do it. That's just next-level pettiness.
no its Poop mouth with Poop opinions.
close enough
is it always a white fat guy perchance?
When did that happen?
Fans don't really have that much influence. Beware suffered more from CN trying to wash its hands off DC action cartoons after YJ's toyline failed and GL:TAS's toys were cancelled because of the movie's failure. They couldn't secure a stable toyline with Mattel, so they wanted to get rid of Beware as soon as possible, even if it got decent ratings.
The only fun it poked at fans was this poster from Comic-Con. It was more light ribbing and it wasn't even in the show itself, so eh.
>When did that happen?
I envy you
I'm serious. I've watched She-Ra. What episode in the series was dedicated to shitting on online critics?
ITT: OP is so upset at people not liking Thundercats Titans Go or whatever, that he fails to make a competent analogy
Because, while Brave and the Bold did shit on the people who didn't like it, they were also extremely respectful of every other adaptation and actually still showed that the haters were, at some points, okay people who didn't just dislike it for not being as dark as other Batman shows.
Teen Titans Go and Thundercats Roar live under the hole where they think they're the absolute best, and also think every single one of their haters are people who eat babies and want to start a new holocaust.
It's specifically the one Teen Titans did... for Thundercats Roar, that bugs me. The rest all make sense because the new iterations actually have fanbases of their own and it can be argued that those series could survive even without the naysayers. Roar doesn't have such legs to stand on. Shit exposure from half-assed advertisement means only oldfags even know it exists, yet it's already taking shots at the last reboot as if it's got any more of a future.
do you have to ask?
Of course.
When did Star Wars do it?
It is, but is discouraged.
You'd think alfred of all people wouldn't use guns in front of batman.
BATB wasnt a polar opposite genre cartoon. it was still an action cartoon with only a fitting amount of humor.
>Alfred uses guns to fuck with Batman
>OP is too young to know about Adam West Batman and why its success is related to BATB’s success
The central theme of that BatB episode was that there's more than one version of Batman and preferring one or the other doesn't make the other versions invalid. It just means that you prefer that particular depiction; at the same time, you have to understand that won't always be the version you're going to get and that not everybody is going to agree with you or even the people making the show.
TTG just makes fun of people who don't like their show.
>yet it's already taking shots at the last reboot
it didnt. teen titans go did.
Do white men wear manbuns intentionally to disgust others? Is it the ear gauges of current year?
BATB was a well written, well produced, award winning show, which can't be said of the others. Not only that, but it's last episode jabbing the nay-sayers was mostly lighthearted, as opposed to self-righteous or venomous.
In the show itself, Alfred only uses guns around two times. One was to defend a civilian and he didn't even manage to kill the assassin. The second one was to mow down inorganic clones, so that's not really murder. That promo poster didn't really paint an accurate picture of the show's Alfred, and it was never meant for public consumption, but it leaked from a presentation.
In general, I'd like to think a well-written Batman would have hang-ups using guns himself, but be okay with people using them for self-defense purposes. It's not like he harasses cops for shooting criminals in the middle of a shoot-out, for example.
Teen Titans Go has enough episodes making fun of its critics that it can probably fill up a whole season. They're obsessed.
It was, of course, a mistake to expect people like OP to understand nuance, tone and context.
These things basically does not exist to the young generation.
It's the official party uniform of the regressive left.
what the fuck is this guys hair? Normally when you see the söy pineapple manbun, it's the whole top of the hair that's long, with the sides being all short like a bugman Sokka, but with this dude it's like, only the front half
I've heard it be described as "the 21st centruy's mullet".
Brave and the Bold had the benefit of massacring the fourth wall for only the finale and having most of the other episodes make sense in universe.
For something like Teen Titans Go, almost every episode majorly breaks the fourth wall to the point where it isn't unique.
He clearly didn't think the obligatory sidecut was retarded nor disgusting enough, so he upped the ante.
By the looks of it he's growing out a side-shave quiff but not trimming the top, probably because he intends to grow long hair.
but then why is half the top short anyways? shouldn't he have left the enitre top intact? this way it just looks like a backwards mullet
Except brave and the bold did so in a lot more tasteful way once in the series.
It wasn't a case of the creators bitching near constantly that internet people are giving them shit about their show. It never went as far as dedicating a couple episodes to asshurt.
It also helps that brave and the bold is better than any of the other series you listed.
Isn’t it kinda pathetic that Teen Titans Go had to defend/shill Thundercats Roar? Like, the Thundercats people couldn’t do it themselves and had to have TT do it for them.
That's what the post said.
It is very pathetic. It's like a schoolyard bully getting rumbled, so he runs to tell his older brother so he can help him with the bullying.
the post says roar is taking pot shots. roar isnt. what people were over reacting to, it was from teentitans go
That bugged me too
>People who hate things for being different are poo poo!
>Also the last reboot was stupid too and no one cares about it. Only our reboot is different in the right way.
Not defending the 2011 trainwreck, but there's a big difference between saying people should accept change, and saying people should specifically accept your change, and not the others.
>It's specifically the one Teen Titans did... for Thundercats Roar
user, are you genuinely illiterate?
It's amazing what you can get away with when your work is actually good.
>Shit exposure from half-assed advertisement means only oldfags even know it exists, yet it's already taking shots at the last reboot as if it's got any more of a future.
teentitans has a future in several different forms so this clearly isnt talking about go
He's talking about an episode of Teen Titans Go that white knights Thundercats Roar.
Quiffs have the rear top trimmed short. They're supposed to be styled back, so if you don't trim it short at the rear it hangs down.
It also helps that the "bitching fanboy" character in BatB is Bat-Mite himself.
The Family episode made me drop this piece of shit.
Brave and the Bold's writers actually had a healthy amount of respect, not only for the source material and previous iterations, but their detractors as well.
TTG's writers read some troll posts on Toonzone when the show premiered and never shut the fuck up about it.