Comics should be apolitical, like the old days!

>Comics should be apolitical, like the old days!

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Problem with modern comics when they get political is their shit writing.

You're right. It's time to put a stop to this myth that comics were ever apolitical, and embrace their roots.

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Comics should be written better. Like the old days. Cut your dick off and die late.

This. We need comics with superheroes taking on China, islamic terrorists, mexican drug cartels, pedophiles in Hollywood and Washington DC, nation-wrecking globalist billionaires like Soros, and the fake news media. All of that stuff would be super political and timely.

Stan also said comics should be entertaining first and foremost. There's nothing entertaining about your average SJW comic.

>bait threads should be apolitical, like the old days.
Political bait is easy bait OP, work a little for (you)s. I think you’ll find the harvest more satisfying and the replies more amusing.

Punisher taking on a pizzagate-style globalist cult of pedovore adrenochrom-addicted deep state Satanists would be fun.

>replace political shit i don't like with political shit i do agree with
you are part of the problem.

>China, islamic terrorists, mexican drug cartels,
So long as they make a clear distinction between the problematic elements and the general population, I'm down.

>pedophiles in Hollywood and Washington DC,
Hell yes. So long as they attack the pedos on both sides of the aisle, that's based.

>nation-wrecking globalist billionaires like Soros,
I feel like there are enough bad guy billionaires that this is well covered. What with your WIlson Fisks and your Lex Luthors...

>and the fake news media.
So long as we're talking about Fox News and Info Wars in addition to CNN and MSNBC, then hell yes.

Comics should be GOOD first and foremost. Shit like [Unsolicited opinions on Israel] are just pathetic writing.

Old Marvel moralizing was stuff like 'Don't assume every Negro is a thief just because one Negro robbed you' or 'Don't become an alcoholic/drug addict'. New Marvel moralizing is stuff like 'Men can magically become women just by declaring themselves to be, and anyone who disagrees is a Nazi'.

The only moral lessons in today's politicized comics are "Daaaah whatever social media told me is right"

Okay, but why are modern "political" comics all just about gays and trannies? Where's the stories about the evils of totalitarian regimes like China and Russia? We got plenty of stories in the 60s-80s about the Soviet Union.

Back then, acceptance of nogs and gays was as radical and polarizing as the trans stuff today. Depending on how the culture war shit plays out, people 50 years from now might not even give a fuck.

Remember when Stan told readers to eat a shit covered boot?

>superheroes taking on China
You mean like New Super-Man?

McGowan's build up was organic and doesn't deserve to be included along with stupid Woke shit like Nu-Warriors, [unsolicited opinions on Israel] or Cain's Mockingbird.

I agree though that older comics attempts at progressivism were more universal.

Those old ideas were just as revolutionary and dangerous to your grandparents as the new ones are to you. You just don't see it as controversial because the overton window has shifted.

>Depending on how the culture war shit plays out, people 50 years from now might not even give a fuck.
Transgender is not like accepting homos and blacks. Transgender is an existential threat to logic as we know it. They are creatures of raw chaos that can and will tear down the underpinnings of our society as we know it if they are not confounded at every turn. Homos just want to fuck dudes, transgender want to fuck the universe.

But 'not all blacks are bad' is actually true whereas 'men can become women' will never be true. Yes maybe in 50 years everybody will believe it but if so they'll be deceived.

That sounds fucking metal.

People say this but really it's only outward appearance that matters, and the more trannies that actually resemble and behave like their desired gender, the less vitriol gets thrown their way. It's not an outlandish prediction, given surgery and medical science will only improve with time (plus the average age of transitioning going down)

They're people with a mental illness, not a WH40K faction.


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You do realize that "Man" and "Woman" are, like literally all words, shit that we made up and can change the definition of at any time right?

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>So long as they make a clear distinction between the problematic elements and the general population
No full "slap a Jap" mixed with Holy Terror. No take backs be as hamfisted with the propaganda as the industry is usually

All media is political. 'Non-political' media is just media which doesn't challenge the status quo.

Don't bother. Anti-SJWs are always like,
>There are two genders, MEN and feeeeeemales

Sounds pretty cool.

Wait Nico is with Karina or whatever her name dis now? I thought rainbow was married.

>Sex are just words
That's very stupid, but okay, old trannies will begin to fight with non binary abominations so we don't need to do anything and just watch

Please continue to use sex and gender interchangeably. It makes it easy to tell you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>You do realize that "Man" and "Woman" are, like literally all words, shit that we made up and can change the definition of at any time right?
Then why does every culture that ever existed have men and women as distinct roles and concepts?
Dysphoria sucks, believe me I have it. But permanently mutilating your body to chase a delusion should not be encouraged.

>SJWs that reeeeeeeee about anything problematic
>anti-SJWs that reeeeeeeee about anything left of Tucker Carlson
Pick one and only one faction to write all comics from now on.

But you are the ones using it like that. Women and man are descriptive words about sex

Anti-SJW easily.

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Do people really enjoy seeing drive-by politics in entertainment? Totally serious question.

The SJW side is more funny and less restrictive

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>Then why does every culture that ever existed have men and women as distinct roles and concepts?
>What the fuck is two-spirit
>What the fuck is the roman army
>What the fuck is that Japanese third-gender thing whose name I'm spacing on
>Who the fuck is Plato

Entertainment is art and often reflects the society that produces it. If you're tired of see trannies or immigrants or whatever in your entertainment, don't blame the medium or writer but the shifting attitudes in society itself.

Stan Lee actually DID say that politics don't belong in comics.

And OP thinks he's being "le epic pwning duh raysis XD redditbros!!", but he's actually disproving his own sjw proipaganda. Stan says NOTHING about politics in that column.

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And created Iron Man as a political character against communism.

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When Netflix does a Jimmy Neutron movie they should have Hugh's brain be melted by Fox News and all his fatherly advice is like this now.

He literally said, "we won't give our individual opinions in letter pages". He didn't say "our comics are apolitical".

Stan also made a bunch of anti-Civil Rights/anti-Feminism jokes in humor magazines like Monster to Laugh With, and despite the whole "X-Men are an allegory for racism" thing, that never crops up during his run either. Except for a few by-the-numbers stories where villains turns the public against them or they were attacked by people who hate superheroes (like pretty much every other Marvel hero), they were pretty beloved by the public all the way into the Bronze Age.

Stan was just as much a product of his time as anyone else (just look at his characterization of Sue Storm in comparison even to shitty books at DC) and a lot of his ''progressive'' statements were clearly made in hindsight decades later.

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Why do Captain America and Iron Man never fight the CCP? They never had any problems going up against the Soviet Union.

And they call us anti-science

Here you go

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SJWs occasionally make good comics. Anti-SJWs have Alt-Hero and Cyberfrog.

>pedophiles in Hollywood and Washington DC
Why are unhinged retards obsessed with pedophilia?

Plus as recently as 2013 he got shat on in the mainstream media for his reaction at a convention when someone at a Q&A panel asked him about Andrew Garfield pushing for a bisexual Spidey.

I never understood why people cited Money's experiment and its failure as proof that gender isn't separate from sex. Even after the botched sex change, hormones, being raised as a girl, etc, David Reimer ended up identifying as male. How does that disprove gender is some immutable thing than can be incongruent with one's sex?

>Why are unhinged retards obsessed with pedophilia?

Because it's an easy target to get really performatively self righteous about rather than thinking about all the other problems that effect far and away more people but would require massive systemic changes in order to address.

Because they want it to prove that

>Even after the botched sex change, hormones, being raised as a girl, etc
All done without his consent.

>readers who wonder why there's so much moralizing in our mags
>they take great pains to point out that comics are supposed to be escapist reading, and nothing more

It's kind of nice and sad to find that this sort of discourse has been ongoing for decades, and probably since the dawn of human society.

Absolutely true. Not remotely the point. An experiment can be completely morally bankrupt and still not prove the thing you arbitrarily want it to prove.

Uh, yeah, that's the point. Despite all of that "shut up, you're a girl, stop thinking about it" he still identified as male and resented what was done to him.

No respectable, modern advocate of gender theory is citing Money's shit for proof, at least none that I know off

Yes, and it was fucked up and horrible but I don't see that as any reason why transgender surgeries and treatments as a whole should be shut down.

lol fuck off, shills.

It's not about whether comics should be "political" or not. It's about the reality that people writing comics today are no longer catering to the sexual and power fantasies of the heterosexual cisgendered white male fanbase. Give them enough sexually objectified women and solving problems through violent masculinity and they wouldn't mind how "political" they could get.

>called funtime stories that dont hurty coservative feelings soulless