Better endings to SU

>Years of unresolved trauma come to ahead with Steven's trauma manifesting as Nightmare Rose, a corrupted image of her former self
>Midway through the episode it's heavily implied it's not just a manifestation of Steven's baggage, but actual Rose resurfacing and corrupted by her son's pain
>The gems have to shatter Rose to get to Steven, and corrupted Rose acts all spastic and not-self sacrificial in the slightest
>They're forced to use one of Bismuth's reconstructed weapons to permanently shatter aka kill Rose for good, with animation and scenes mirroring the Light Cannon from the beginning of the series
>Beach City is fucking destroyed by the end, with many of the Gems potentially sacrificing themselves to kill Steven's corrupted form
>Steven is "human" at the end, and the epilogue is all about him making peace with the surviving characters
>Greg has a much needed confrontation/realization with his son that he's a fucking awful father

Would it have been better?

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>Nightmare Rose
Please leave.

Ronaldo get back his girlfriend

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What are you 12


literal chuuni tier writing. You probably liked Star Vs

honestly shit, sorry for you if you're serious, jannies put this thread out of its misery

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I'd go out with a song and a peridot fusion.

A better ending would’ve been Jailbreak/The Return. People could have endlessly opined about how amazing the show could’ve been had it not been canceled. It would’ve been better than most of what we ended up getting.

The ending was good though

wow you somehow managed to come up with a worse ending

Absolutely this

Nah id prefer it ended at log date, a really somber note, the introduction of the diamond authority. There's just so many more doors open after season 2

Fucking based

Literally stopped reading at "Nightmare Rose"

>Nightmare Rose
Stopped reading, commit hashiwokakero

SU had a shitty ending but its ending is better than these fanfics made by people who want to make it to be some extra edgy grimdark show, which it never was. SU was always meant to be lighthearted with a happy ending, addressing touchy mature subjects in between. You can't say it's bad just because it's something you don't want it to be. What it failed in was expanding on its lore and world building, which its creators actually wanted to build up on.

Nightmare Rose sounds cool, leave Beach city standing though

That's just like the saying "Leave them wanting more." I enjoy shows ending on their own terms but they should have some hype after the finale. Otherwise people wont remember that shit.

>itt: hacks writing shitty grimdark
I hope none of you aspire to be writers

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Shitty fanfiction-tier

>ripping off MLP for character development

No, instead it should have gone down like this
>all the events play out the same, and Steven still goes tokyo ghoul
>everyone tries to get to steven, but fails
>Lapis immobilizes him and he starts to go nuclear, growing larger and more monstrous
>then we look into steven's mind while all of this is happening
>inbetween him freaking out and blaming himself Rose/Pink's voice starts to cut through until a faded visage of her appears in front of a mental version of him
>Steven lays into her, blaming her and her decisions for everything that went wrong
>Rose, instead of getting angry or defensive comforts steven, and laments all the things she'd caused
>after a heart to heart talk, and a realization that her "wanting to be part of steven/a human" was just another selfish, childish decision, she decides to set things right by defusing from Steven, allowing him to finally be free of her baggage and truly live as himself, while her gem fades into dust or something
>the finale plays out the same after that, with an gemless steven waking up to everyone showing their love and support, and him going off on a journey to find himself

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I really thought we would get some mind-space action. Pink/Rose/Steven's dream entering ability would be reversed like the rest of the diamonds, and it would be activated when White tries to read Steven.
The cast fights through steven's dream exaggerated versions of his past and recent struggles, and the big hug would happen in reality with some of the characters (diamonds, spinel, and lapis since they can handle monster steven) and the rest of the cast would hug the dream world steven at the same time. Monster steven explodes, rest is the same.


The whole thing goes down as it did, but after 'I am my monster,' Steven grows apart from Connie during the timeskip and hooks up with Nephrite, who travels alongside Steven in the end.

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>Suddenly, four gems arrive to the earth, causing all kinds of havoc upon the world.
>The armies get all triggered and go guns ablazing
>The super gems wreck their shit and head towards Beach City
>One of them uses their mind-rape powers to make the people hate the Crystal Gems and bring in the US army.
>Suddenly, an alien spaceship comes down and a sexy alien girl exits the ship, hoping to remove the cluster from the earth harmlessly.
>She then meets steven and forms a bond with him, just in time as the crystal gems turn evil and Earth gets covered in crystals, the people as well.
>Steven and alien babe go through space to save the corrupted gems, and meet gem-hating aliens that had their worlds or territories destroyed
>Steven uses friendship on them, it fails.
>Meanwhile, the gem empire is under attack by a giant-ass, pretty alien woman, who easily causing a near genocide and calls herself their maker
>The alien council refuses to accept the truce with the gems
>steven and alien girl then meet the creator of the gems
>The creator is revealed to be the sister of their actual creator, and the three super-gems are her creations and she just manipulated them to be evil.
>The fourth gem is the fake creator's creation
>The fake creator was jealous of her sister and her perfect shit and her desire for emotions, so she made them have flawed emotions too
>The fake creator's sister then sealed her away because she was scared of her hateful brattiness
>Steven calls her out for her cruelty, but the fake creator doesn't give a shit and poofs all the gems away, including him.
>Suddenly, a bright pink light emerges from out of nowhere and the real creator is back and she's pissed.
>She uses her powers to seal her dumb-ass brat sister into a bubble and chucks her into a black hole, never to be released.
>Then she uses her powers to revive all the gems, even steven, and then proclaims that she will make a new world for all gems to live in harmony.

Fucking kino.

This is why I never take the people who harp on this show seriously. It delivers where it can, and the alternative is nonsense like this. Also, how the fuck haven't the janitors taken this shit thread out

>After Earth is freed from its crystal prison, humanity yet again throws another bitch fit of epic proportions
>The aliens still want to kill the gems
>But the mind-powered gem uses her bullshit powers to reset everything and everyone's happy and giggles and shit
>The crystal gems tell steven that they have to leave now, and he can't come with them
>Steven says it's all okay and he's happy here on earth now as a human.
>Pearl says they'll be back someday
>Then they all leave, and the alien babe says she'll try to visit steven soon as she can
>Greg, Connie, and Steven look on as their gem friends leave
>The creator of the gems says that steven should enjoy life as a human as long as he can
>Soon, Steven ends up broke and fugly as his old man
>He marries a trailer trash bitch named Wilhemina
>The end

What pissed me off most is the lack of a distant ending or at the very least, a lack of a denouement. The diamonds/Spinel up and disappear after I Am My Monster, and the last time we see the remaining cast crying/waving goodbye. We could've seen them try to adapt to life without Steven.
>Pearl practices on her new ukelele
>Amethyst going through Steven's old games
>Garnet practicing plans for Steven's wedding
>Greg setting up his new room/continuing his tour
>Bismuth erecting the flag on the tallest point of Little Homeworld as a symbol of what PD/RQ/Steven fought for
>Lapis using her new art set, with some of her works being seen
>Peridot, wearing Steven's shirt, continuing botany, among other things
>Jasper being herself, possibly training
>YD beginning the long, arduous task of making the gems from the Cluster whole again
>BD taking Steven's advice to make gems not just feel better, but be better too
>I don't have anything for WD
>Connie continuing her studies in college, can be seen talking to Steven
>scenes of Steven traveling, enjoying himself with his newfound freedom
Fucking anything would have been better. And don't even get me started on the "climax" we got.

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Fuck me, I forgot Spinel. Can't say I have anything for her either.

Kindly shoot yourself

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It got destroyed along the rest of his clothes as he transformed

>comes back
but she's always been right there, by his side.

Dark nightmare rose omega with the power of ALL THE DIAMONS, she also has a sword with the power of cracking any gem amirite my fellow devianartist pal :D

the show gets cancelled early after the diamonds learn steven is pink

>imma bout


T. Michael Bay

The current conclusion is perfectly inline with the rest of the show. The only real misstep was turning steven into a literal monster only to resolve it in 11 minutes


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No. Too grimdark.

>everyone cries
>and then everyone hugs
>and now everything is betterand all problems are fixed
It really should have ended with the movie, all this psychological trauma was explored but never actually dealt with. Why do cartoons always have these rushed endings that don't actually resolve anything?

Comes to a head, lol

>I'm a lunkhead and incapable of emotional growth and understanding so I have to view the world in simple black/white scenarios or else my mind just breaks down and refuses to work.

There's a reason the show goes out of its way to resolve things without violent conflict. I'd explain it to you but you'd just disagree due to being said lunkhead. In short, fuck off, read a book, soul-search, figure out why you're so limited.

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*Don't you forget about me plays in the distance*

Everything should have been the same except the gems and connie should have sung love like you to Steven to bring him out of monster form

Here's your answer

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>rely on everyone else ALL THE TIME to solve your unique problems
It would have had more impact if any of the hurt characters in the show had ever been allowed to do something good by themselves.

>It would have had more impact if any of the hurt characters in the show had ever been allowed to do something good by themselves.
it's literally the 1st and last episode

This site needs to restrict anyone younger than 21 from posting. Or better yet, all sites need to do this.

How did it actually end.

I'm out of the loop and I don't care to watch.

A better ending would need the show itself to not be so shit in the later seasons desu. Don't barn Peridot and Lapis, actually use Jasper instead of sweeping her under the rug, don't make the three most evil beings in the entire universe turn good on a dime because a child told them to, don't start neglecting Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, don't waste Pink Lars, don't fuck up the pacing with poorly planned townie episodes, etc. etc. etc.

>Greg has a much needed confrontation/realization with his son that he's a fucking awful father

Greg is the one character in the show who has NEVER done anything wrong.

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I had a dream just now where the finale actually had a few more minutes as an epilogue to the epilogue.

Essentially it takes place after Steven's tour of states after 2 or 3 years and Him and Connie are actually getting married. From him getting photographed in a location (Strangely enough a rocky beach near the ocean) by Lapis who's body turns red from embarassment after Steven has to take his shirt off and put it back on because of something while they were heading there. To Bismuth who's forging the wedding rings. To Peridot who's.... doing something,I think sound checks at the wedding but I can't recall.

The second to last scene brings the gems to the church/place where the wedding is taking place with the whole town coming to celebrate. Most of the CG have made new appearances since the end of The Future and are talking. Garnet is being tailed by two small people which must've meant she either adopted two children and became a mom or it's two different gems I don't, she mentions something about Yellow Diamond helping her with this.

Cut to the wedding itself and the exchanging of rings, Steven says his vows, Connie does hers, they both kiss to uproarious applause by all the attendants with much crying all around.


Finally at the banquet, we see Older Steven, looking very much like his beach hunk form from way back in S1 talking to his dad about stuff, the conversation directs itself towards Rose/Pink. Steven, for the first time in his life since everything that happened in the original series and future acknowledges that he accepts what Rose did for everyone and himself, and that he does wish that she couldve seen the wedding. He looks away from Greg and Connie to look at the rest of the people who showed up, all the gems are having fun. Jasper showed up with a gem we've never seen before meaning that she found a new purpose in life. Lars and Sadie are at a corner of the room, talking with most of the teens now turned adults about their lives. Even the diamonds, who Yellow had shrunk for the occasion, have seemed to acquaint with humans well enough to have a good time. Steven looks at the exit as his gem glows underneath his suit, he sees his mom, but not as Rose, but as Pink with a form fitting dress similar to the one she wore as Rose. She's smiles and waves her hand, vanishing after Steven blinks in surprise. He closes his eyes and smiles, finally at peace with the world, and himself. I had more ideas for I am my monster and everything is fine, but this just came up as I woke up.

I wanted Steven to fucking talk and think about his mother

Spinel is one of those frozen ass characters that can't move forward with anything since she's stuck on homeworld not doing anything worthwhile. I still think it was a mistake to push her off on the Diamonds instead of developing throughout Future on Earth with the rest of the gem cast.

>Why do cartoons always have these rushed endings that don't actually resolve anything?
Yeah, honestly every show seems to have always needed another 22-minute segment to actually properly wrap up things in a nice little bow.

She’s dead. He can’t talk to her, that’s the whole point. The one character he can’t emphatize with because she’s not around anymore