Titmouse livestream

Sick of Steven Universe? Get in here and watch some animated shorts! Show starts 30 mins from now.

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sorry user, but it seems like nobody cares.

i care user, I care.

I'm trying to avoid Yas Forums because I don't want spoilers for Steven Universe

Ah I see, operation hear no evil. Got it.

Don't worry. This is a refuge.

This and the Mao Mao thread, which is connected technically.

Mao Mao did start as a 5 second thing. We might be seeing the future of animation here.



what's 5 second day?

what's the point of two kids hanging out if it's just an obnoxious woman saying dewd dewdwd wewdw dewd

dude weed

dude two shitting videos in a row lmao


It's just women making awful noises for however long this is going on.

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why'd he fart when he just needed to pee?

All these shit jokes

A couple minutes in and they've already had like 4 shitting animations.

would you fuck a tank?

Why are they longer than 5 seconds.

tank with legs was good

he explained it at the start user.

>stick figures one is the best one so far because people kept wasting them on rugrats tier women booping music and people taking varying sizes of shits

Not him but i missed the start

Is someone recording or will they be watchable/savable in the future?

I'm him and all I caught was the end of one question and then the last one where he asks a room and everyone mumbles at once. What's the explanation? Some take the 5 seconds thing seriously while others go on for awhile.

>it started as individuals making 5 second cartoons in a day
>now there are teams making some longer than 5 seconds

and they still managed a shit joke out of this one too

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this one with the crosses just seems like a terrible adult swim bumper, same for the cgi thing sitting on a toilet

lol kid swearing

i wanna fuck this animu character

cool boy

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>hentai city is being destroyed
Oh fuck bros.

>2 shit anime parodies back to back

She's ready for mating.

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Obligatory Pokemon shit

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Hey girl. Nice knees.

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This is terrible. Please stop giving people ways to create content.

this is a blue board user. delete this before you get banned.

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my dad's penis or something

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Why did Brian Pak make two and why was it yet another one about feces?

ayy lmao

>rap beating

"queen" ?

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How did a company that put out Ballmasterz have such terrible humor in the staff.

>cute innocent adorable thing says violent creepy things and does bad actions
also more fucking shitting humor why

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how long is this going to be?

hopefully not much longer, im curious but not liking most of these

thanks for the seizure

Did they get Robot Jones for this?

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5 second days are essentially "Newgrounds, with a hint of WAC" for the most part, so it makes sense.

Kinda hot.

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the baby stuff is really grating to be honest

Oh my fucking god another shitting animation. ANOTHER FUCKING SHITTING ANIMATION


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I can feel the fujo furries

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Did someone say hit crunchyroll original series supported by autistic waifufags.

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Are the women the only ones doing the baby joke ones?

why are they so obnoxiously edgy

all women think about are babies, no matter how hard they try to convince you they don't.


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It's difficult to make a 10-20 second animation stand out


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this is not ok

>dude my vagiiiiina

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I was promised not Steven Universe

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>cringe comedy
they should use this one for adult swim filler

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that looks worlds beyond SU.

>An over 9000 joke

I thought people said Titmouse was based not cringe

for anyone reading in the future if you missed it let me summarize it for you: shit, feces, asschecks, women's vaginas, diarrhea, anime, furry

>Dedicating your shitty animation about rubbing pork ass to your dead father


This one was kinda like those what a cartoon shorts.

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Are you usually such a jaded bitch?

>evil but lazy pet cats
every time, these really would fit as adult swim bumpers