ITT: Artists that have fallen from grace
ITT: Artists that have fallen from grace
Webcomic artists that turn "They" usually end up screwing the projects that gave them fame.
Schmorky, Paranatural, Goblins, Poppy Oppossum, etc.
I will give you the cliff notes.
Morbi gained a lot of popularity with his furry comic "Poppy Opposum" because the tone was good.
Morbi became bored of it even when it was really popular and decided he would continue it only as a written story with a few illustrations.
He did a couple of updates like that and just stopped.
Nowadays spends his time drawing art to satisfy his fetish for fat goblin things.
What's the ghost webcomic again?
That doesn't really narrow it down.
dave simpson turn out really well though
The fuck did Morbi do now.
He hates Lolicons even though he draws shota and denies its shota
you mean what Morbi DIDN'T DO
which is nothing, because he can't commit to anything besides being horny
Paranatural could have worked if Zack was a better writer. He got too excited about his comic tried to flesh out every little random character all in one grueling game of Namekball. I didn't need a subplot for every member of Max's class + all the psychics when the main plot was going so slowly.
at least he hates trannies
I mean, I generally ignore Morbi's tirades so... huh.
Does he? I stopped reading back when he went full feminazi. Don't recall any trans stuff in the comics before that point.
His forum is literally "TERF".
He also draws a bunch of comics about how pills can't really change being a man or a woman.
It is all secondary to his general focus on prostitution.
Dude cares more about whores than Frank Miller does.
Brad and Leslie
They gave Blaster Nation a shitty ending to move onto their shittier Rock Cocks
and purplekecleon
I dropped them when I noticed they've been "moving house" for like two years now but still collect on the same schedule for their patreon. Shitty part is Leslie can do good work on her own doing the writing and the art, it seems to be brad who usually shits it up with the lazy writing.
Semi-related but why the fuck does anyone still read BCB? The pace is glacial and the writing is barely above Jack-tier melodrama.
>Semi-related but why the fuck does anyone still read BCB? The pace is glacial and the writing is barely above Jack-tier melodrama.
When some webcomics get really popular they gain enough odd fans that will continue reading it no matter what. So even if the quality drops there will still be supporters.
Are we talking about that one guy who drew that one comic where its super minimal and colorless just showing the un-life of a ghost that just shits around being an asshole? Fuck I frogot the guys name but last I remember about the artist was just spiraling down into some crazy self hate trip due to actual mental illness shit. dont remember if hes getting help or not or even if hes still alive.
Man I liked Blaster Nation. I even threw a few bucks their way when they did a kickstarter. I liked how it was character based about different kinds of geeks and weirdos instead of just "lol videogames." Then Brad and Leslie jumped on the lesbian bandwagon and made theirs the sole focus of the comic. They also found they make more money doing NSFW comics and just dropped BN with some halfed assed feel good ending.
I'm still a little salty.
Last I checked RC's plot isn't going anywhere fast and the smut is pretty meh.
Pictures for sad children?
>Morbi the gay ass cloud.
>Creates a nice comic.
>Yas Forums actually likes it and wants more of it.
>Morbi the gay ass cloud gets bored with comic and just drops it whole sale.
Morbi that gay ass cloud really had something and just threw it all away like yesterday's trash.
oh so it went to shit? i enjoyed a lot of the beginning, i'm sad to find this out
zack (and any artist interested in making any sort of story driven media) should learn from the coen brothers where they flesh out a character in seconds
Seriously, what the fuck does he do for a living? Dude does nothing but retweet his Twitter posts and draw the occasional sketch nowadays. I still like his shit but I really wish he did something other than his incredibly insular brand of shitposts.
He hasn’t updated his patreon for over a year
Says he’s cancelled Poppy
Now he just draws his shota OC and his bestiality Fursona and is a hypocrite on twitter
How is he a hypocrite? There's a difference between shortstacks/chibi and lolis.
I’m not talking about shortstacks
This OC here has the proportions of an infant but Morbi draws porn of him and says it’s okay because he’s 28
wait why did he cancel it?
He got bored of having to draw the comic each week
He found out he hated making longform comics and preferred writing/world-building/concept-arting and I guess he lost enthusiasm after transitioning to some pseudo-VN format? I don't know that much about why he ended it honestly, I dropped it like a rock as soon as he went more heavily on the written word because I only got into the thing in the first place cuz of the art.
Brun that and no shota it's a fucking goat moogle
It's a non-human goblin thing, I think there's a pretty big difference between wanting to fuck things like Midna and mascot looking things and wanting to fuck pic related.
Dana Simpson done more than just webcomics, borderline example.
(but can draw porn for friends and patrons no problem)
They both have child proportions is my point
I'm still fucking mad.
I knew the moment he stopped coming to the Yas Forums threads and went to solely tumblr/twitter he'd turn fucking weird. But I didn't expect him to just become a lazy fat fuck.
Nonhuman cartoon thing with short limbs /= child proportions.
The worst part is his world-building was boring fucking dogshit.
I'm tired of every wannabe writer thinking having an encyclopedia to go with their setting equates to decent writing or that you NEED pages of fucking bullshit lore to write a fantasy story.
Okay Morbi
>thread immediately derailed by salty pedophiles justifying jerking their shortsticks to midgets
Maybe now with the Big 2 shutting these webcomic artists will step up.
Or they'll just stab themselves or set something on fire.
Fuck that piece of shit
A fitting end.
josh lesnick
went from having a very successful webcomic and being the creator and runner of slipshine to working at walmart (or subway or something, don't remember) and trying to kill himself
he goes by jackie now and apparently is undergoing hrt soon, dude's in his 40s so that should be fun to watch
Well I dunno fellas, I think Morbi's pretty good!
lest we forget...
Honestly, I can't fault him for your last point, especially if he's successfully monetized it. More pertinent to this thread, Morbi has always had a terrible work ethic and compounded it by basically winging it when it came to plotting Poppy.
They think it makes it seem deeper and more complex than the story actually is. Most of it won't been seen or you'll get a page (maybe an entire chapter) wasted on exposition. The lore trap is a real danger to alot of creators.
The author of pic related. Went from drawing a beloved Yas Forums comic and being a professional storyboarder to being blacklisted from industry and whining about children cartoons on Twitter all day.
bitter details added on, Morbi is an SJW type and wanted to move to somewhere they would be "accepted." They brought up Seattle and their fans told them that was a HORRIBLE IDEA, and it was because they ignored this, and started having trouble managing time.
The written format was meant to "speed up the storytelling" process over drawing strips but now its been on a 2 year """hiatus"""
This is the biggest example desu
It's such a shame he's a shithead because the pilot he put out was pretty charming (if not a bit generic)
Honestly, I really wish someone would just buy the rights off of him. Between the cliff notes he's dropped over Twitter about plot and character details it really wouldn't be hard for someone else to finish it.
what did he do
>Morbi became bored of it even when it was really popular and decided he would continue it only as a written story with a few illustrations.
I keep seeing webcomics try this and it invariably comes out that the problem wasn't the art but the scripting process.
Erfworld in particular was subject to that since the problems after Book 2 were pretty clearly on Rob's end and not Xin Ye.
just being all-around creepy and unpleasant to work with apparently
there are also rumors that he threatened someone with a box cutter, i never really believed them though
>Not continuing to draw porn of this.
Real let down.
Man, I remember watching the Flash Tub at SA and following his other animated projects. What the fuck went wrong?
Which is so bizarre, considering someone with NO work ethic wouldn't get good at drawing (or hold a nursing job) in the first place.
They have some sort of disastrous 75% work ethic where they grasp defeat from the jaws of victory.
>SJW type
you say that but i've heard them's a creeper weirdo
Among a multitude of other things, he draw really creepy art of himself and Pearl in a relationship and apparently showed it to his boss (at the time) Rebecca Sugar. The guy basically has no idea of how to act around people.