Reminder that this lasted longer than the supposed "canon" romantic kiss
Reminder that this lasted longer than the supposed "canon" romantic kiss
Enough with your baiting. It's done.
Reminder that Steven was disgusted by it
He was sexually frustrated. You can tell by the glowing pink
Spinel always wins baby
He was depressed. What gives?
Spinel is such a Stacy
At least there was an actual Connie/Steven kiss. I feel like they were afraid to push the romance too far.
We'll see in the Biggest Douche in the Yas Forumsniverse.
They have fucking Dad in that list right? How is that not an easy win for him? Or are there any other child rapists on that list?
she's such a horny dumbass I love her so much
raping Yas Forums's feelings is a worse crime than raping a child.
Eh, yeah she could take it simply due to popularity. Don't even know who else is on there anyway, looked kind of boring.
God damnit, I still couldn't see the stream, you lucky US bastards. How long does it usually take a kind soul to release a mega? A few hours, or "sleep on it"?
Did the other douche tourney ever finish? I stopped following it after round 1.
You forget.
This is Yas Forums.
This is literally the competition where when we did real life people with real life pedophiles people chose user to fucking win.
Also this is your opponent.
Have fun fighting her... again.
I stopped following when I learned it was IRL shit. No clue what happened there. Yas Forums tournies are generally shit.
Why is Judy even on that list? I mean yeah she was kind of bitchy but does she really belong in a douchebag competition?
Meant to say Dobson.
Don't know how the fuck I got user.
>stevinel even though it originated as a cute meme is still vastly surperior
reminder normies hated this ship
How come the connverse kiss threads keep getting deleted but this one is fine? Are mods spinelfags?
Mods are fags in general
Normally i'd call you a moron but the extra traffic probably does mean a Moderator is actively watching threads.
>People are still mad that Connie won the Steven bowl.
No seriously why would you expect any different? Were people shitposting? Like usually I'd assume people were memeing, but shippers are legitimately autistic so I don't know.
he should've grabbed her by the hips.
For Samurai Jack there were megas within ten minutes of the episode finishing
SU is only watched by retarded women and Apple consoomers so expect 6-8 weeks
Mods are based Spinelchads
I don't get why all the hate and negativity and hostility. I just like cute pictures of cute characters being cute. Do people enjoy being cunts?
She ruined the fight
Spinelfags are actually low intelligence. Not joking. Many of them wanted it to happen and some even thought it would.
I'm guessing Sugar wasn't into it considering how casual it was where you could literally turn away for a second and miss it. She created the superior waifu but it was too late and she had to stick with the original.
we didnt expect any different were just saying it was better
Why would you want Steven to fuck your waifu?
Are you a cuck, user?
i like both,stevinel originated as a cuck meme like Jackie
Some anons just like the character, not everyone wants to fuck her.
Spinel’s not my waifu, she’s my self insert
That's gay bro.
>Connie won the Steven bowl
But she didn't, they parted ways and she went to college. I can assure you the moment she sets a foot there she will fuck every guy/girl/dog in sight, trying to "discover herself".
Then Steven will go back to his one true love, Lapis
She's not my waifu though.
Cope harder.
wheres he mega?
HUGGED SPINEL. She's hugged Steven, but he's never hugged her.
How can she be Steven's true love if she's busy getting pounded every night by pic related?
Blackmail and gang association making her corrupt
Good GOD I want to have sex with Pink Diamond. FUCK.
Bismuth is for Pearl and she’s a big believer in monogamy
Bismuth belongs to thirsty Pearls only
>conniefags still obsessing over the better waifu because their ending was dry
Well yeah she is corrupt but that wouldn't make her a douche in this case. She did all that stuff for morally good reasons. Her actions are criminal but she can hardly be called a bad person for trying to save the city. Being a douchebag and being a criminal aren't necessarily synonymous.
I don't know, I wasn't even expecting her to appear in Future at all and not only did she get over an episode's worth of screentime, she fucking kissed Steven. I don't care about any retarded shitposting cliques and their obsessions, I'm just happy.
cute but this is better
Less then a second. OP was right.
i miss edgelord spinel bros
>it's a peck
Two can play at that.
Rebecca watched too much anime.