Other urls found in this thread:
The jacket
a driver full of wojak edits
Rebecca's hack writing
Steven's balls
I bet you they don't know themselves
His Virginity
A picture of a smug Rebecca
The friends you made along the way
The episode where Lapis realizes Bismuth was the one who poofed her.
The cut off dicks of the SU fandom
>not one fucking mention of rose/pink diamond this entire finale
Absolute fucking hack these writers are. The most important person in the show and barely a mention.
the good finale
White diamond very clearly mentioned her though.
A secret fuckdoll gem
We keep on telling you she’s dead.
>no bluebird
>no rose resolution
>no real ending for Jasper
>Hi im Rebecca
it was shit.
>>no bluebird
They became good
>no rose resolution
She was a cunt and is dead, what more do we need?
>no real ending for Jasper
Kind of true
his petty rage is making blind and deaf and forgetful. but like greg "murdercock" universe said everyone has a right to feel petty feelings.
>they became good
Fucking when? We never saw them again.
An autographed baseball and glove.
Wasn't Aquamarine in peridot's horticulture class in Everything's Fine?
me :)
Was a different aquamarine if the gem is any indicator. Same one that was in blues weed room.
you know who ELSE has a chest - the contents of which wont be revealed until an AMA with rebecca sugar where she answers everything her finale didn't even attempt to cover ?
a packet of condoms
The real chest were the friends we made inside of us all along
my sharona
Let's just call this the "Unmet Expectations" thread
>Lapis/Peridot/Bismuth ultimately did not do much
>Volleyball disappeared after her episode
>No Diamond fusion, not even a clue to whether or not it was possible
>No chest
>Jasper got fucked /again/
>Kaiju Steven didn't destroy Beach City
trash that only Pink cares about, like everything in that place
The business card of his therapist,
You think it was connies mom?
>don't make my mistake, kid
Worst cartoon ever.
JK Sugar
>No chest reveal
>No centipeedle
>No diamond fusion
>No sneeple
>No goodbye to fusions despite them being their own beings
>Kaiju Steven didn't even fight anyone proper, just got pushed onto the sea and restrained first by Lapis and then by the Cluster
From another thread
>yfw it was the bowie knockoff poster
>no rose resolution
What more do ya want?
One EMBARASSING snapshot of Greg at the Christmas Party!!!!
a breathtaking, fantastic action-packed ending we were hoping for.
I honest to God thought Rose would be coming back to life. I can't believe how wrong I was, they stopped even mentioning her after a while.
I dunno, just seems really weird she wasn't even mentioned. She's the whole reason the story even happened. I'm not saying I wanted her to show up and have a big fight with the diamonds or anything but just a little something would've been nice.
steven giving pearl the rose painting instead of the ukelele would have been something
la niña negra
>no explanation of the tantrums she had
>no explanation of what exactly happened to volleyball
>the fucking chest
>the fact that they made pink look like a complete cunt the entire season with zero redemption even though rose quartz acted nothing like that in the original series. this isn't how character development fucking works. you can't completely pull a 180 on a character with zero explanation
A good ending
Your expectations.
After awhile Becky just said "fuck it" and opened the chest and threw them all away.
Maybe. But I think everyone had their own takeaway from who Pink Diamond was and who she became. The finale was more about Steven and his issues with finally coming to terms with who he is as an individual set apart from her. It might have been counterproductive to circle back around to emphasizing things around Rose again.
That's just retarded
Better question: Who's Yellow Pearl going to marry and why does she get cool battle armor for it?
>"Hey I'm leaving, but at least I'm not leaving you with secrets of war and PTSD like this bitch."
Yeah fair enough. Wouldn't have minded a reference to her though.
>no explanation of what exactly happened to volleyball
I thought that was pretty blatant. Pink lashed out and/or screamed during a tantrum and Pink Pearl got caught in the crossfire.
The series was basically showing us Rose's character development in reverse, with what she did to PP and Spinel being her at her lowest point.
It made sense to me at the time, all her sins kept coming up and compounding on each other. I thought she'd answer for them.
A special addition Sega console.
Based Mitch (((Sorenstein)))
Embarrassing photos of rose from the Christmas party
She’s not gonna answer, she’s gone. That’s the whole point.
Originally? The jacket. Now? Kevin's rotting corpse
Dragon dildos
>not getting away with everything
Bruh, she's above all that.
>no bluebird
Eyeball and Aquamarine had nothing to add to the show at that point aside from being comic relief
>no rose resolution
She's gone
>no real ending for Jasper
agreed this sucks. they did her dirty
The writing quality
and it's gone
I wonder how many more pink dicks they're gunna make in the coming months.
She did try to answer for them.
We're seeing or I guess "saw" at this point Pink's story arc in reverse.
Every new thing revealed about her was further and further back in her past.
She tried to redeem herself, and she's gone now.
All i'm saying is, it's stupid to bring aqua and eyeball(?) back just to have them be a loose end. Should have used the episode to do something else if they werent even gunna resolve anything.
Did they literally just put her in as a troll or something?
>no explanation of the tantrums she had
She was an extremely powerful cosmic being without the emotional maturity to properly control the utterly massive amounts of power and energy that she possessed. Like we see with Steven, this resulted in very destructive effects.
>no explanation of what exactly happened to volleyball
As Volley explains, Pink's screams could quite literally crack the walls; and after being denied a colony by White, her frustration was quite evidently strong enough to cause a scream so powerful that it cracked Volley herself.
>the fucking chest
It was his jacket.
>the fact that they made pink look like a complete cunt the entire season with zero redemption even though rose quartz acted nothing like that in the original series. this isn't how character development fucking works. you can't completely pull a 180 on a character with zero explanation
This has been a phrase reiterated a hundred times, but you very directly see Pink/Rose's character arc backwards - the shittiest stuff she did being at the very tail end of the show and at the very beginning of her story. When you take a step back and actually look at Pink's journey from Homeworld, to the colony, to the rebellion, and then eventually meeting Greg and giving birth to Steven, she changes drastically as a person. Recall that we barely ever actually met Rose Quartz in the original series beyond very brief flashbacks and what other people told us about her. It was not until the ending portion of the show that we truly learned about who she was and why she did what she did.
it would be better if that episode wasn't literally room for ruby But With Steven.
just use it to bring back the fusions/pearls/nephrite/comby/some character we actually care about
The good old JJ Abrams mystery box
>what's in the chest
>oh you'll see
>turns out what was in the box were the friends we made along the way
>Did they literally just put her in as a troll or something?
I mean that's what Bluebird did for most of her episode.
She trolled Steven with her pranks, and then she trolled us by not showing up again.
The location of the place he goes next
(here is the worst edit I've ever seen.)
I mean, i'd still want Aqua around even if it was just for a quick gag about her being "demoted" sort of like the Holly Blue ya know? That's all they needed to do, but they had a whole damn episode about her and it leads up to nothing.
Kinda feels like some meta shit.
oh yeah absolutely. i do like aquamarine a lot.
i just dont get it, literally every other character in intro showed up but nephrite
Nah /ourgirl/ Nephrite got done fucking dirty make no mistake. People bitching about Jasper's non-ending fine but at least she fucking showed up. Like damn man. Her recounting the gem war and diamond blast with pictures was one of the best scenes in the whole fucking show.
I'm going to take a nap, maybe when I wake up the mega will finish downloading and RE:resistance will be up.