Hug no fight

Hug no fight

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>Literally the power of friendship
I don't know what was I expecting

Oh god, seriously?

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Steven Universe: Friendship is Magic

Based Yujiro

>tfw it didn't end with Steven and Pink somehow beating the shit out of each other on the beach

Needed to actually be fuckin 22 minutes so we get the fight in the first half and then the hug shit in the last half.

and the power of family (family) (family...)

Why was Steven so upset in the first place?


She went back to Homeworld, and all her problems have magically disappeared! Friendship!

sexual frustration

Cause he kept getting new powers and felt like he couldn't talk to anyone about it.
I think.

>Jasper dies
>actually is shattered
>final tipping point for Steven
>brings her back to life 5 minutes later
There are no stakes in this show. They don't have the balls to do anything at all. Monster Steven doesn't even do any damage to the city. There are no consequences to anything and even the main character is self aware of it.

Quite literally a dumb baby show made for dumb babies. This show has more soft edges than an 80s cartoon. Fuck this

Steven is easily the strongest Gem ever, they couldn't even touch him.

My guys I need a mega for homeworld bound, please

How did Steven learn to control his powers so easily after getting hugged? He seemed like he legit was on drugs and not himself in the previous episode leading up to the monster transformation.

>brings her back to life 5 minutes later
More like 5 seconds later.

She is left off a victim to pink diamond and her war, fusion rape, corruption, and second degree murder by steven, she has no friends, no home, and none of her issues resolved, she has also devoted her life to Steven and sees him as her diamond now but nobody is ever going to address how that's unhealthy. She was born to suffer.

> how to seize defeat from the jaws of victory
Fucking Sugar man

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it is a dumb baby show for babies, those babies just happen to be 20 something year old weirdos

did they chage voice actress for Bismuth? she sounded different

Cause even though life was good everyone essentially dumped all their woes and shits on him and treated Steven not as the kid he was but an adult. So growing up Steven learned to take it all in while ignore his real feelings and it final caught up with him without him understanding this.

Undiagnosed bipolar disorder

Greg is going to pound so much gem pussy at the beach house. All he was waiting for was Steven to move out.

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He didn't unless you mean something shown in Future which took place months after I Am My Monster

Steven is going to come back to a ghost town and a fuck ton of hybrids
The only ones who survived had to flee to the mountains

Jasper died on the way back to Homeworld.

I think they drove themselves into a corner with corrupted steven, the only way to heal corruption is with the powers of all 4 diamonds
the only way to uncorrupt him was to get him to cry, so they had to do the whole group hug thing. be it as retarded as it sounds

Crying in the bathroom.

I would have liked to have seen that.

>dumb baby show made for dumb babies

Yea, really. Steven flat out admitted that he shattered Jasper and no one cared after 2 minutes. There are no repercussions for anything these characters do so why should I care that Steven's on the rag? Why should I care about how these characters feel? Why should I care about any of them at all?

Well, his new fuckin abilities becoming more and more powerful was skipped over and not properly explained which annoyed the fuck out of me.

Ok, I can roll with the gay ass hug-it-out ending, but how about, instead of everyone just awkwardly telling Steven why he's good and shit, the cast all sung 'love like you' to him with connie singing the final verse all slow and sweet and shit before doing the kiss

This show's biggest problem is that the writing is always on the cusp of being amazing, but it always ends up really anti-climatic. The writers just lack the skill to have a pay off better than the build up.

The problem with 15 minute eps.

You shouldn't. It's over. Piss off.

How about doing a fuckin movie instead so it actually seems like a proper finale for the show and not a half-assed mess?

gibs me dat mega


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This pissed me off so fucking much. Everything Is Fine was such a huge tonal shift from the previous two episodes and Steven shattering Jasper was barely addressed. In fact, even in the ending Steven's underlying problem of poorly handling minor stress was never addressed either. How the fuck does a hug solve his PTSD?

niƱa negra

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Anybody who didn't see this coming has genuine brain damage

Even better. They created such a complex issue in discussing Steven's trauma and its not something that can be resolved in 11 minutes. The message that someone going through immense mental pain will have all their problems solved with hugs is downright stupid. If they didn't want to handle this topic properly they shouldn't have brought it up in the first place.

>How the fuck does a hug solve his PTSD?
It didn't. He's seeing a therapist and still working on his problems months later

Shit if it works on PTSD, then wtf not?

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I laughed because I couldn't believe they spent all that buildup to a goofy looking monster that they immediately shuttled off to the ocean so our hero couldn't be held accountable for any real damage later. Nigga caused more damage and came off as actually threatening when he was wandering around as a Chad/visited Homeworld.
It was more like he threw a big tantrum and everyone had to kiss his ass to make him stop. Ugh.

Hugging somebody that's going through a violent PTSD episode in real life is a really bad idea

Then how is he in control of his powers if his issue isn't resolved??

I think we all duped ourselves into thinking something bigger and better would happen here just because of how serious some things got, but Future really was nothing but an epilogue.

The big grand expensive ending of Steven Universe was always CYM and the movie and this was never meant to be anything but a little wrap up and send-off.

It's fanbase will defend this as deep. It's so sad.

The problem is that he was repressing his feelings and his powers flared up in response. After the corruption, the hug and that cry he had, I figure he zero'd himself out.

If you're thinking tumblr?
Nah, they're pretty seething about it.

Personally, it's alright but a damn good gut punch for those that stuck with it.

When you spend 18 episodes building up to Steven completely breaking down it isn't wrong to expect a bigger payoff than a 5 minute confrontation where they just hug him.

it doeznt matter guiz just gib each othur huggie wuggies uwu

Should've put that in earlier desu. Steven seeing a therapist and confronting himself needs its own episode.

The way it's set up comes off as the start of a toxic relationship between him and everyone else.

>If you don't pay attention to me, I'm going to wreck your shit until you feel bad about what you did wrong (making me worry that you'll leave) and swear your loyalty

The only good decision they made was having him leave. Poor Connie, though.

>All the characters are loving and supportive through the entirety of Future
>Everyone goes out of their way to try to be there for Steven all the fucking time
>Finale is somehow resolved by these same characters expressing their love and support
Utter fucking retardation.

They really will. They think that the show name-dropping an actual mental health issue gives it substance. It's just in bad taste.

hug more like poz
with aids

Yeah, my bad. I said "we duped ourselves" but the fault really is on them. Steven having a breakdown is one thing but Steven shattering Jasper, trying to kill himself and shatter a diamond, and then turning into giant monster was all way too serious for a simple epilogue. It should've been a part of the main series or less extreme. As it is now it just feels jarring and unsatisfying.

They could've had some fucking balls and had them force him to calm down through some other means, then Steven deciding to leave. As it is, it makes no sense because nobody was fucking ignoring him to start with. It was his own fault for constantly insisting that he was fine. The characters did something wrong by having other people in their lives? It sends a really bad message.