Netflixvania Season 4 confirmed

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Which minority will fuck Alucard in the ass next season? Will Hector be even more humiliated by stronk wahmen?

I can't wait for Yas Forums to be bitching more about this show then Yas Forums talks about it

god bless Powerhouse animation

Holy shit. I genuinely thought they wouldn't get one. They really must do this on the cheap or they really are that fucking popular. Netflix doesn't give anyone more seasons anymore


Hate to say it, but with how fickle Netflix is lets hope this one ends with closure.

I hope they actually end whatever they set up for this one. Either just end the series and move on, or actually go a new season on another Belmont.

Corona-Chan maxed the views

Season 3 should've been the last one with the Trevor and Sypha

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This, though at the rate they're going I doubt they'll touch any other Belmont besides the references to Leon

eh I'm glad

I sorta got into it entirely because of everyone freaking out about the Alucard gay sex/rape/whatever, like it was just never on my radar until then, but I thought that sounded kinda hot because I'm fucking scum and now here I am. But it would've been dumb if it just ended there.

Why not get Ayami Kojima instead of trying to ape her style?

Cause they massacred her boys

Guys why can't I have a wife like her?

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You're not good enough.

Disgusting piece of shit. I do wish horrifying deaths on ALL involved in making this mountain of shit.

Pretty sure when this show runs its course it's going to end with Trevor and Sypha still being there. Mostly everyone just wants to work with that era of characters and beyond that Shankar only expressed a desire to do something with Soma. So if we ever get to see something that's not with Trevor or Sypha it would probably be a Rondo/SOTN adaptation or AoS adaptation because those have Alucard in it and the staff is also in love with him.
Yeah they keep referencing Leon, even in Season 3 we had Alucard look at his portrait. All we know about him is that he ended up in Wallachia with some Celt while chasing after Dracula. I'm guessing if they ever decided to touch on that it's probably going to be one or two episodes long. I want Ellis for once not to do his typical smug irreverent fucker characterization with Leon but I doubt it.
She's probably too expensive for a Netflix budget.

yeesh man.

It's like if they did a western adaptation of Jojo and it was just Joseph

Sure he's a fun character and he clearly lived an interesting life but come on

These seasons are far, far too short to try and do a multi-generational Belmont story.

Considering the actual Castlevania part of Castlevania took two episodes I beg to differ

It won't end until Sypha is pregnant

I know

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Those two episodes couldn't have stood on their own if it hadn't been for the previous episodes setting them up.

So then your argument is that they need 13 episodes to properly set up and then adapt one game and thus do have enough episodes to do multigenerational Belmonts if they actually wanted to

It's ok user, I'm not either.

Alucard's a faggot!

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Like you, user!

>Which minority will fuck Alucard in the ass next season?
Some kind of crossbreed between a human and a demon.
>Will Hector be even more humiliated by stronk wahmen?
Most likely by Striga and Carmilla. First one would be into rough sex and sticking something up Hector's ass. Carmilla on the other hand would probably be into s&m.

the kikes from Netflix did ruin everything right? do they ever stop?

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DMC and Resident Evil are next

Did they just remove season 1 from Netflix?

It hurts.

Weird glitch, it looks like. It's showing just episode 1 and 4.

I can't see season one at all either.

Neat, looking forward to more, especially with how the third season ended.

Since it's vaguely related, is this show any good? I don't think I ever heard much about it.

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it looks like shit honestly

I like the atmosphere and the action is way more entertaining. The drawback is that the characters are not as likable.

I wonder if they'll bring Dracula back. I miss him.

His voice actor has said hes really looking forward to working with the Castlevania team again, no idea when that might be though and if it'll be in the present storyline or just coming in for flashbacks.

Please share an on-screen kissu.
Hope this season concludes their story proper.
Much as I love both; they need to settle and at least have a wholesome wedding and child scene.

Just a faggot looking for attention.

Season 4 will be setting up Curse of Darkness and Trevor's a character in that, so I don't think he'll be gone till after Season 5.
I can also see him and Sypha having a son and then doing Belmont's Revenge after a timeskip. Even though that's from Christopher's era, I feel like the showrunners would rather skip to Simon or Richter.

They couldn't even get her back for OoE, which is why that game looked so fucking awful. People shit on DoS and PoR for having "generic" anime artstyles, but the godawful dime-store Kojima impersonator they got for OoE was way more jarring to me.

Do you like 70'slpotation/Grindhouse/Kung fu movies? You'll like it.
Just Silencio, but he's going to have a Kino arc for sure.

I don't mind OoE though it's very obviously just a case of the Fire Emblem guy being told to try and imitate Kojima. Those DoS and PoR designs really the ultimate in mediocrity, though.

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Can't wait for yet another season of fucking nothing happening.

Just to add to this, I think the best non-Kojima art the series ever had was Masaki Hirooka for Dracula X. Had the best version of kid Maria in and his Dracula looked fantastic.

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I hope this is the last season of the Dracula’s Curse era, lets get to a different Belmont already.

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Not really.

We didn't need the entire fucking season being inside the library.

I mean fuck, Just have them fight a few of the bosses from the game.

Castlevania is supposed to be this massive castle and then spent like ten seconds in it.

Cut-scenes seem to be channeling Mignola a bit, too. Influenced by his comic adaption of Coppola's Dracula, I suppose?

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Looks very Shin Megami Tensai, pretty good. But Kojima is the Yoshitaka Amano of Castlevania, you may get interesting other takes but she is THE Artstyle.

>he thinks Castlevania is the name of the castle

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Sorry, I phrased it wrong.

It's supposed to be ABOUT the massive castle. Dracula's castle is as much of a character as Dracula.

Does this series ever evolve past hours of talking and funny quipping with maybe 2 minutes of well-animated action per season?

Nah, we'll get 8 episodes of talking with two episodes of fighting and some sex scenes. And some PS2 tier cgi

it is retard, they clearly call they castle "castlevania" many times in the western adaptations of the games as far back as cv2
In japan the name "castlevania" didn't even exist before LoI, it was just akumajo dracula

Hope something fucking happens next season.

>Hector will never be the badass he was meant to be
fuck this gay earth

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That's kind of a relief. I've grown invested in this dumb series I wanna see where it goes. Maybe something will happen next season.

Can't wait for another season of walking and talking, vampire politics, and elementary school Warren Ellis tier jokes, and maybe 1 or 2 episodes that actually feel like a Castlevania show.

They really lost me after last season.

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