>Oh my God grandpa, what happened to Ben?
Oh my God grandpa, what happened to Ben?
>Ben 10 AND Meatcanyon
finally, until you make a good job, Hal
JAWBREAKER worked because it was unexpected and absurdist. Everything since has just shown that the dude really only has one fucking joke.
Hi Hal!
Of you look at his earlier stuff, it has more variety, like that dying gay king one, but jawbreakers was so successful he just defaulted to falling back on that same joke for everything because it gets 1 millions views
Wabbit Season and Easy Down Ben were easily master pieces.
It's because you guys here just love EEnE so much it blinds you, you're terribly biased.
look, i can be funny as Meatcanyon too!
Do you like getting Btfo'd?
25 cents...
Those 2 animations are nothing like each other, youre the same guy doing this "one joke comment" every single time
Alien X
Nice work, Hal! I believed in ya!
Hal, can we put our rivalry aside for a moment?. My wrist hurt....A LOT.
Fuck off Meatcuck stop fucking posting
Shut the fuck up. He's just transforming to into a creepy, spooky, alien.
I thought co hated "Mario says the fuck word" type parodies, also Sick Animation is funnier
ben 10 makes anything better.
dont feed into his autism
I don't like a lot of meatcanyon's stuff, but I did enjoy his Yugioh parody.
Hals weakness is yellow
get fucked hal
I’m just saying hi
....Green Lanterns haven't been weak to yellow in decades, none of Ben 10's fans are old enough to have been around back in those days
back then yellow must have been game ending tier shit
previous GL was weak to wood, I honestly don't know which is dumber
to be fair, the wood was because his powers were based on magic
Based Hal autist shitting up Meatcanyon threads.
and nothing of value was lost
Jawbreaker didn't work, MeatCanyon has one joke and it is a joke that everyone on Newgrounds heard in 2008. He has the same humor as a Robot Chicken sketch in which a kiddy cartoon character starts cursing and killing
Just ignore him, he will simply repeat the same comment no matter how many times everyone btfo him.
I actually really liked the angle that Grundy was immune to the ring because his body had absorbed a bunch of decomposing wood during it's time in the swamp
Thats a cool concept, but one thing i wish, was a movie based on the JSA, the classic, Doctor Mid Night, Wildcat, The specture, and the first green lantern, and how they were around in WW2
You retarded Halposter samefag, now the thread will survive the entire day rather than dying after a couple of hours.
God, retards like you only make this board worse.
nice trips
Just sage if you don't want to bump you stupid cuck.
trips of truth
yugioh parodies are always god tier. Especially when they reference the actual game, which sucks now btw
Kys retard, you gave the thread a new topic, now people will keep discussing here about Green Lantern,Ben10 AND meatcanyon.
No I didn't, I just responded to the Hal poster.
sure Halposter, kys retard
Wabbit Season was so good Warner Bros took it away from us. The response video is good though.
maybe whining about it more will help you sad pathetic bastard
This feels like they tried to copy Rick and Morty. Just replace Ben with Morty and Grandpa with Rick and it doesn't really sound out of character, especially grandpa.
You and him know nothing will help so bitching is all that's left.
what kind of petulant child cries this much over a thread he doesn't like?
It's easy to make fun of an anime where everyone freak out due to cards, just like beyblade.
I would fucking love a JSA movie, apparently Hawkman, Stargirl and Atom Smasher are gonna be in the Black Adam movie if that ever actually ends up happening
this is some of the unfunniest shit I have seen in my life
>Meatcanyon subscribers - 700k
Holy shit last time I checked 2-3 months ago he was celebrating 100k views, this is surreal he's going from less than 100k to one million subscribers in a few months. Zero to Hero.
Seriously, how does this guy have fans? His content is just "make shit ugly and uncomfortable, give likes."
He's funny, he makes funny jokes about the show absurd premises and plots like this one being about saving the world being too much pressure to a 10 year old.
Meh. Pinocchio one was cheap
The one good bit from that one was how the nose grew when he said he couldn't wait any longer. That fuckin got me.
The muslim Jesus surely smiled upon him
I got a '93 Toyota Paseo in the parking lot. Let's get outta here.
What are the GOAT MeatCanyon videos?
OK shitposter
Looks about as attractive as the real Gwen.