Would you do this to play a game like it was new all over again?

would you do this to play a game like it was new all over again?


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Perfect. Now people can be treated for all those "negative thoughts" that cause them pain. Yes I would but for a game but I'd delete the memory of every finding this place.

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>believing anything chinese researchers claim

>>believing anything chinese researchers claim
Fuck off Yas Forums

t. Chang

When that mouse unlocks all those memories, she will be very angery.

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Oh man, I could lose my character development.

Since it's gene editing it'll never get those memories back. CRISPR is amazing and amazingly horrific at the same time. Several rich people have reportedly used it by importing doctors into 3rd world countries to bypass the laws to get rid of defects.

Defects in their children as fetuses. This is the first time I've heard of crispr being used out of utero though.

So could we make someone not gay?

Are they unlocked via word trigger?

>I'm getting fed up with this orgasm!

>thinking memories are stored locally

>Neither image or post have anything to do with comics and cartoons
Did you have the memory of what board you're on erased?

Cloud storage really is amazing.

Your brain is just bookmarks, coordinates. Actual memories are non-local.

Nice I just saw that last night on adult swim. Brainwashed Haley was kinda hot.

Please I would rather not get my memories erased namine

how about we never try this experiment again, yeah? i don't like the idea of scientists even being capable of altering memories

Chinese have no compassion.

I'd be worried about how pinpoint accurate it is. I mean so many of my memories are tied up with other parts of my life. Like if I forget I watched Superman vs. Batman do I forget about my cousin taking me to see it? Do I forget about every conversation I had concerning the movie or the one picture I drew of it?

Real Question can the technology be used to instantly teach a subject?

>i don't like the idea of scientists even being capable of altering memories
Well, corporations and governments do love the idea, and they have more power than any of us. We are all going to be mind-controlled slaves before the end of the century.

why are smurfs so evil?

After dealing with Gargamel for so long, they now have a grudge against humans.

China wants to make sure that anyone old enough to remember the Tiananmen square massacre doesn't.

i'd do it to erase all the memories of my mom molesting me as a child

Alright I'll bite. Explain to me your traumatic past. I swear I probably won't masturbate to it immediately at least.

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>find out you were a gay prostitute almost dying of AIDS but you had your memories, faggotry, and AIDS CRIPRed away
What do?

>to play a game like it was new all over again?
>Doesn't even pretend this wasn't a Yas Forums thread.
Waifu time.

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But what if it lead to you finding her, apologizing for losing touch when she'd never been anything but a wonderful mom, and then you have kids and she molests them too?

Faggotry comes mostly from experience, not the genes, otherwise if one twin was gay the other would be too.

I think if they had the memories erased but told afterwards that yes it happened, the separation from the trauma would make you see it as like a fictional event, but cautious of the danger.

i'll try to keep it short
>earliest memories are of my mom putting my penis in her mouth
>it was just a fun game she would like to play with me
>we would always bathe together and she would put my penis in her mouth after she cleaned it
>i remember her being excited when i got my first erection telling me that it means i'm getting closer to being a man
>a few days after my first erection she brought me to bed with her, laid me down, got me hard, and had sex with me
>it felt good, but she was finished before i could cum, if i even could cum yet, i was only 10 or 11
>this continued nearly everyday
>she'd suck me off in the bathroom, then bring me to bed and use me ass a personal dildo
>i eventually had my first orgasm with her in the bath, and after that she started forcing herself on me throughout the day making me cum inside her each time
>we were eventually having sex 2 or 3 times a day
>she also forbid me from hanging out with friends outside of school, or doing after school activities
>school ended and i would head straight home
>once i started showing interest in girls my age she forced me into chastity that way she knew i wasn't fooling around with other girls
>once i was in the cage the amount of sex we were having started to decrease
>i think she enjoyed watching me squirm after a week or two of not being able to cum
>eventually she started fingering my ass until i came
this is already longer than i wanted it to be, but this lasted until she passed away 3 years ago when i was 25.

But i want to keep all memories forever, imagine going through a library science/history/education sections, and knowing everything at any time forever.

she's no longer alive

okay, how is this even remotely Yas Forums? and don't even start with the amnesia thing.

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I really REALLY want to see the shitshow if this ends up happening.

>Didn't even bother to change the text from game
>the fuck does crispr manipulation have to do with Yas Forums
Dangerously based.

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Of course the fucking chinks would research literal fucking brainwashing.

media won't report it just like how they aren't reporting that birth control is making women crazy, or that the dna of every man that cums in a woman stays in the woman.

they can't blame you for any virus if they don't remember

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I don't know if I want this to be true or not.

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Of course China would be doing this kind of shit. This is the reason why the earth tried multiple times through famine and war to wipe you people out. Hell even China itself is trying to kill China.

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Chinese scientists are notorious for making shit up and doctoring results.

desu the benefits seem worth the existential horror.
far too often i've realized the only path to being a morally pure person is to be ignorant of facts that will corrupt your judgement.

>it's real becuase the chinese would do it because they are evil
>it's fake because the chinese would lie because they are evil

The chinese are evil enough to try it, incompetant enough to fail.

>never mentioned the Chinese at all only the concept is dangerous in itself
The problem now is I wish we had this right now so I could forget such stupid people like you exist.

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that is incredibly disrespectful to insects

china doesn't even exist you fucking boomer

>now rat, What was the name of your father?
>Oh god what have we done.

There isn't just one gene that codes for it and there a lot of other things that can cause some one to be gay in a developmental state. Men with more older brothers are statisically more likely to be gay, due to the mother's antibodies Slowly becoming better at fighting male hormones in the womb. this however is just one reasoning because not everything comes with a set explanation or even just one.

>government labels you a thought terrorist
>get captured in the dark of night and have all your memories replaced with government sanctioned ones
>your identity is changed and you are moved to a different state
>the government tells your family that you died in a car accident, and that your body was obliterated on impact

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Man what i would give to watch "The Dark Knight" for the first time again.
Shit was cash.

Jesus christ. Sorry user.

>would you do this to play a game like it was new all over again?
no, that whole argument is for retards. also why say a game on a comic board?

>our enemies are both very strong and pathetic at the same time.

they have strong military might but they also accidentally released a bioweapon on their own citizens

Shit. Was hoping to win the conservative vote. Ok plan B, can this make someone not a pedophile?

>kill all the old people in the word with the kung flu
>erase everyone’s memories and blame it on Drumpf
>become numbuh wan supah powah

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Thank whoever did it

>When the gene editing hits just right

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the birth of Yas Forums ?

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Why is it always Master Shake?