She's kind of cute

She's kind of cute

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"Stan and Wendy finally have sex" episode when?

Fuck off

I would prefer to see Stan get cucked my one of his friend. Kyle maybe!

Why user? You don't like Wendy? You're more of a Bebe kind of guy?


He's really cute.

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It would be really neat too see Wendy go with Kenny. We need a Wendy x Kenny episode, so Stan will have been cucked by each one of his friends.

They've already had sex

Huh, when?

why do we always get to see the boys' asses but never wendy's?

Reminder that they are all gonna get sloppy seconds from Cartman if that’s the case.

Stan was already cucked by Token and Cartman. They need to just kill him off because there is nothing interesting about him at all beyond being just a cuck.

He was cucked by Kyle, too. Literally one day of being with him and Wendy was already telling her friends how much better Kyle was than Stan. I hope he gets cucked by Kenny too. Butters even, why not?

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She's totally smoking hot

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She's canonically a landwhale though.

Marjorine >

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fucking based

You say that like it's a bad thing, user

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i love wendy. i want a wendy plushie so i can cuddle her. do you have a south park plushie?

Because it is.

She looked better in the emo episode.

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This. I love unhooded Kenny. I remember the Mr Jefferson episode being one of my favs, just so I could see Kenny talk without his hood.
It’s a shame his role is so minimal in the newer seasons.

would you molest an obese loli to save her life?
yes true

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People talk about shows with unfappable art styles, but I think South Park is the absolute worst when it comes to this.
The show itself isn’t ugly or anything, but the characters themselves aren’t very attractive, nor can they be. It’s probably the most popular series that I’ll never be able to fap to

Say this in your language, Yas Forums.

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these threads always remind me how god awful the people who like south park are

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its not his fault that Wendy is such a big whore and slut, remember that episode when she got implants just to get attention from boys?

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That's absolutely my favorite scene from South Park. The most based thing they've ever done.

wendy is the hottest girl in the class. all the boys want her....

Red is best girl

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It might just be because of the games, but I tend to lean more towards Annie.

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Do you think she 'uses' her Justin Bieber doll?

Season 24 can't come soon enough.

my boy anondive coming outta left field. good choice.

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do girls in the class snob wendy because she is so hot? so they like to make her feel bad because they're jealous?

Stop posting Wendy

Nah. Probably uses the new kid.

It's so cute seeing Tammy scream at the concert. I wish Wendy went too so we could see her scream!!

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Help me.

What's the episode where the boys don't want to do anything crazy? Like people keep coming up to them with these wacky things and they're just like, "No no no, we're not going to do this."

Not the guinea pig ones though.

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The Crips episode? Jimmy is mad that Christopher Reeves gets more attention as a later in life handicapped person overcoming adversity than him who was born that way. He joins The Crips thinking Crips is short hand for “crippled”. The main boys all decided to hang back and not be involved.

That was the one, thank you user.

>hard and oogy

Freaking implants...
A true breast lover etc etc...

Posting cutest south park girl
it's the tube top

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>implying cutest girl isn't nut gobbler

oooh, she's cute

Heidi Turner is cuter

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>a thread about South Park waifus
I thought Yas Forums cared a lot more for the shotas

did you ever do that one peanuts thing?

Tumblr really likes the shotas. Which is ironic, considering their stance on pedoshit. They're still happy to drool over their weird yaoi crack ships.

Good taste user

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does this still exist?

Does anyone have fanfiction of fanarts about abusing Wendy? Thanks in advance!

I would nut on her face ngl

It’s on my list, user. I have a gravity falls request and a rick and morty request before it though, but it will definitely get done.

anondive, you heard the man, the people demand Wendy abuse!


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What’s with Wendy torture? Is it like how Kyle had a bunch of greentexts of him getting raped by Cartman a few years back?

I'm not familiar with this. Is there an user who usually posts Wendy torture material? I would gladly read or see what you're talking about.

Well, there was this meme of her being a lombotimized amputee when S23 was airing

>how Kyle had a bunch of greentexts of him getting raped by Cartman a few years back
I unironically think those are really hot

Nice, was there a description of how she was lobotomized and mutilated? If you have some screenshots saved it would be neat!

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I was curious to know how they translated this in other languages' dubbing and was surprised to see that they managed to translate it and keep the puns in in Italian.