Discuss what you expect to see? As for me, I've been having an increasingly disturbing desire for bulky Steven to hit and beat the fuck out of me.

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It doesn't end like the Simpsons where it doesn't end so it's good

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More of this pls

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I just want more Jasper and less talk-no-jitsu

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All of Steven's rage will disappear, when his Pearl starts milking his excess semen away like she was designed to do.

So what time is it airing?

Day time.

he will get out of beach city in his car and he will try to find his propouse as a human, another faggot end

cheap dragon ball z? neck yourself

Anyone else feel this shit has completely destroyed Steven as a character? Murdering Jasper and attempting to murder White Diamond literally a few hours back to back?

I predict singing.

Are you kidding? I want to see him go all out.

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However it ends, it will be available at Gurgens off Route 109, just as was foretold.

Steven ACCIDENTALLY murdering Jasper was a really cool moment of development for both characters. Steven intentionally trying to kill White right afterwards was stupid though.

Well personally I prefer thicc Steven and i want him to sit on my face.
Honestly I'm just hoping it doesn't feel rushed.

can we also permaban forever all the SUtrannies tomorrow?

Meh. She kinda had it coming. Neat to know he didn’t forgive her.

This is amazing news. Hopefully all the SU fags will go back to tumblr too.

>Anyone else feel this shit has completely destroyed Steven as a character?
Good. The more people turn on this liberal brainwashing machine the better.

You wish

I didn't say she didn't deserve it, I just thought it was ooc for Steven when he was in the middle of a guilt trip after just barely reviving Jasper

>Steven intentionally trying to kill White right afterwards was stupid though.
It was a PTSD attack and he lost control.


Oh man I remember the first episode I ever saw, all the hype and disappointing episodes, everyone discussing if Garnet was a fusion, Yellow Diamond, Rose being PD... I even remember supas with a bit of nostalgia now.
I love you guys, it's been a ride, fun for the most part.

That’s explicitly why. He was very emotionally unstable in that moment and physically being someone who hurt him caused a lapse in judgement

You say that as if half of Steven didn't beg the other half to stop

What we were seeing in that scene was what Steven was perceiving, it was White Diamond begging him to stop

Good. Could you faggots then finally fuck off and stop spamming the board?

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Okay, I understand the intent behind it and get that Steven's having a breakdown, but it could have been written better and wasn't really necessary when he did the same thing in the previous episode. Maybe if he had gone through killing Jasper, having her acknowledge him as her diamond, and feeling guilty a few episodes prior it would feel more believable, but in the show that and trying to kill White happened within the same day

Exactly why, too many episodes in between means the high and instability wears off

Oh, you sweet, summer child.

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>it was White Diamond begging him to stop
Nah. I considered this for a moment but I'm not really seeing it.

I hope the endings really bad.
like worse than last time we did this

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maybe after a few months

>it was White Diamond begging him to stop
It very clearly wasn't her

No matter what happens, we all lose.

Eh. Like I said I just think it could have been written better. Giving him time to start to recover from killing Jasper only for him to later get triggered by something else that causes him to have another PTSD episode and try to kill White would give the audience time to breathe and be a more realistic portrayal of what he's going through, it would make the development between accidental murder of a friend and the intentional murder of someone who hurt him more believable to me.

Sauce please!

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Honestly it's a little sad to watch you go to /trash/.
I didn't like the show but in a way SU was a staple of the board because it was kind of the only thing on that had a chance of finishing. What are we going to bitch about ruining the board, now?

I'm not ready for this show to end. I don't really like any of the new cartoons that have come out recently. I'm afraid this might be the last cartoon I ever really have an appreciation for.

I hope he leaves beach city and never returns.
no seriously, I want him to fuck off from everyone he knew and even end his relationship with connie.
if he leaves, maybe he'll understand why his parents ran away from their homes in an ironic way and maybe even understand his own mother.
just him leaving beach city behind and just find a way to be human, to be himself and not what others want him to be.

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>Discuss what you expect to see?
the mega
and maybe

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I do think that's a valid interpretation since Steven's voice was the one coming through White. I guess showing that his subconcious was what what wanted to kill her and that he had inhibitions still isn't enough to make it believable for me though, just for the fact that it happened so soon after his guilt trip over Jasper.

Based. Post more ryona.

is pink rage actually the murdercock trying to break free?

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steven needs a break and a long time to rest, even maybe discard his own gem in order for him to finally live and feel like a human being, start from zero.
him just being a guy named steven and not steven universe the son of pink diamond and the savior of the universe.
steven needs a new life away from the gems and a way to truly find himself.
because for all his life, he never had a chance to truly be steven, he was always expected to be someone he truly wasn't, he is lost because he never had a chance to form himself, his own essence and identity.
maybe steven wanting to be human is whats causing pink steven to corrupt because in a way, steven is rejecting his own gem, what he was all his life.
I hope steven get rid of his gem willingly and make pink steven become that monster.

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Greg was right about one thing, Steven needs to find out about the world he lives, but cutting contact with his friends and family is too much
>I hope steven get rid of his gem willingly and make pink steven become that monster.
dude, that will kill him

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That's exactly why it's going to happen.

Well, it's definitely been a minute since I've seen this show.

I hope they make a special epilogue episode after is over, something like 3 years later

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Stevens fucking based holy shit.

based as fuck

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This is the end of an era for Yas Forums. I remember people spamming Steven cuckoldry porn, Donald Trump posting, shipping bullshit, and people writing their pick up guides as soon as Kevin went on the big screen and hit on a tranny. Then there's all the torture porn where Steven gets thrown into a plantation or visits Auschwitz or some shit. SU, while incredible garbage, has been a shitposting den since it's inception and it will be missed.

That's more than I can say for any other cartoon in 2010. They all just sputtered and died.

This thread is pretty gay, so I’m glad SU is ending forever,

I love how it went from only weird chubby chaser shotacons wanting to fuck Steven to all of Yas Forums wanting to be fucked by Steven.


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Shut the fuck up Spinel

So they're seriously just not even going to address the origin of Gemkind? How come literally every single thing I wanted to see in this show didn't happen.

Steven shattering the CG's one by one

>dude, that will kill him
I have this feeling that the only way he can get rid of his gem without killing him is through him willingly rejecting the gem side of himself, literally disowning pink steven and throw him out of his life.
I think steven can discard his gem powers and gemstone but have the consequences of him no longer being able to become a hybrid again, literally steven losing what makes him special and that causing pink steven to slowly lose it.
like what happened when ruby and sapphire had that fight, they couldn't fuse.
rejecting and essencially throwing a part of himself will not be healthy, steven will need a lot of time to embrace back the very gem and side of himself that caused him all that suffering during his childhood and teenage years...
I don't know if you watched DB and DBZ but maybe we will see certain tragedy repeat again.

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>abusing the curry girl.

You mofos deserve the gulag.

He needs to accept he can’t be fully human. Both sides matter. They need to find the harmony.

thats dumb

Nah. Everyone was drawing Steven getting cuckolded by [insert character here]. Then Sugar decided to make everyone's shitty fanon canon: Greg is a deadbeat dad, Connie is a shitty person, the Gems suck, Steven is completely fucked. But did it so poorly even the hatedom hates the last season. I love it!