Do you have any hope for this show?

Do you have any hope for this show?

Also where is the fucking cast?
Doesnt this come out this year?

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Avatar was flawed to begin with, but everything that came after is just bad. The OG creators are too bluepilled right now, their brains are compromised. I wont trust them to do anything good.

>Do you have any hope for this show?
Not really. The creators' creative flaws have already been exposed in LoK and it reeks of the same kind of justifications that are bringing Disney movie to live action. Only without the same budget.

Also "Nick's blessing" isn't exactly a good sign. Basically they don't see any value in the property anymore.

>Also where is the fucking cast? Doesn't this come out this year?
You don't hire famous people for child actors in your TV show. I can't imagine publicizing that info would be a huge publicity boon.

Everyone wants to know who they're going to cast and everyone has an opinion on it.
And netflix is almost certainly going to hire a 100% POC cast, so if you don't think they wouldnt publicize that in a bid to get hype from the woke crowd, maybe you're not familiar with Netflix's reputation

>Everyone wants to know who they're going to cast and everyone has an opinion on it.
I've literally never seen anyone have an opinion on it beyond this thread and fantasy cast freaks on twitter.

Do you see OP's image asking who's playing Aang? No, most people just care about the nostalgia.

Thats ridiculous. After the controversy shitstorm that was the movie's cast, there is a lot of pressure and anticipation that the netflix cast is going to be completely and unrelentingly politically correct. A lot of people want to know.

I finished binging The Dragon Prince today, and I thought aaron ehasz was supposed to be the talent behind ATLA. Clearly he isn't because TDP is straight up terrible and the most bluepilled cartoon I've seen. There must be some other reason the original ATLA was so good it was able to overcome its many flaws. I really have no idea what it is because it seems like everyone at the executive level was completely talentless.

Netflix shows can be VERY hit-or-miss when it comes to their quality. You get some great stuff like Mindhunter and the Dark Crystal, but also a lot of junk.

Also, Mike and Bryan have kinda established themselves as not being as good with storytelling as we all originally thought, plus they've never worked in live-action before, so I doubt this will be very good.

Personally, I believe Avatar was lightning in a bottle. It had the perfect combination and balance of creative and executive control. The creative talent were able to tell their story, with solid people to polish and filter-out any bad ideas, with smart executives to make sure the story stayed its course and didn't get out of control.

Also worth noting is that it came out at the right time, years before woke political correctness and ridiculous commentary culture became a plague on media.

Aaron Ehasz was clearly only good at funny Sokka antics and comedy relief. In terms of plot he's clueless. I have no idea how the avatar crew created The Last Airbender. It must have been by accident because all of them have proven to be retarded on social media.

That's because they usually aren't the ones producing stuff. They're mostly a publisher of other peoples stuff

“On Netflix” is more of a red flag than a positive. Funny that they listed it twice

Man, I want to go back to the 2000s right before every god damn piece of media had to be a fucking soapbox.

Im trying to figure out why The Dragon Prince is such shit and I don't think its just because of the woke stuff either. take Soren and Claudia they are like analogues to Zuko and Azula yes they are nowhere near as interesting because they have no edge whatsoever. The characters are just boring and emotionless. For as childish as Avatar could get, watching bland ass TDP makes ATLA seem like a greek tragedy

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>the platform that doesn't allow to make money from the number of people who watch your shows

Did they get Justice Smith to play Aang, or is he playing Zuko?

Toph is going to be trans because of all the jokes of her being male.

>Man, I want to go back to the 2000s right before every god damn piece of media had to be a fucking soapbox.

Do you even remember the 2000s? Everything was either anti-Bush or being scared shitless about terrorists.

>Live Action

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It’s to remind you not to watch.

They were scared as shit of the brutal nick overlords who would break their foot in their ass if they pulled thier shit.

Also nick money and the korean studio doing like99.9% of the work is what made the series good.
They also ran out of anime to rip off.

>Toph is played by that 11yo drag queen
>Azula is Mindy Kaling

>Do you have any hope for this show?

Absolutely fucking none whatsoever.

Nah. Avatar only got popular and praised for being at the right time at the right place. Near the end of the anime boom and on Nick, where it had little to no competition. If it had been on CN, it would of had to try harder or be lost to other anime inspired shows or actual anime.

there is no 3DPD good enough to play azula.

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Did they learn nothing at all from that God awful live action adaptation film?

Dead on arrival.

Toph = trans
Sokka = gay
Zuko = black
Iroh = pedophile
Ozai = nazi
Azula = rape victim
ty lee = lesbian

>And netflix is almost certainly going to hire a 100% POC cast
Every character in Avatar is supposed to be Asian/from an Asian culture counterpart, you idiot

Asians aren't considered POC?

So fucking what, chang.
White people created the show and white people make up most of the audience.
You people can put as many poc in medieval european settings as you want and no one is allowed to question it.

they shouldnt be but of course they insist that they are, just so that they can also take advantage of the kindness of white countries

>Korra proved that they're mostly hacks without a large creative team
>Last live action adaptation was a disaster
>left wing politics have gotten worse and worse
>no way the budget is going to be good enough for all the fantastic locations, creatures, bending, etc.
>Retelling a story that was already told well, unnecessary
>Inherently missing the charm and liveliness of the animation and character design
It's going to really suck. Might even be worse than Korra. At least that had some decent stuff, this is just going to tarnish the original show.

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They will get the brownest Asians you can imagine. And black pipo just because .

>no way the budget is going to be good enough for all the fantastic locations, creatures, bending, etc.
I had heard they have a budget comparable to that of GoT if you can believe that. No amount of money can fix the foreseeable mess it will be, though.

>on netflix
>a recipe for success

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Netflix is extremely reckless with their budgets so im almost not surprised to hear that though it is more than i expected.

lol seething Yas Forumstard

>tranny flag on the background
It's shit.

It's not about the size of the budget it's where the money goes. If they blow half the funds to have Morgan Freeman as king bumi then most other areas are gonna be trash.

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>Do you have any hope for this show?
I have a very, very, very minuscule amount of hope for the show, considering that Nick shows that they shove on Netflix have actually been okay to good. Rocko and Invader Zim. Even the random continuations they made for the sake of it more than anything else, Hey Arnold, was pretty good and true to original.
So... small hope. Made all the smaller by FUCKING. LIVE. ACTION. Avatar found its niche in a mostly-serious animated setting. Even if they had a huge budget for the best shit, it would still look odd, strange, and downright unsatisfying in live action.

>Also where is the fucking cast?
The fact they've been very tight lipped about... mostly anything with the show is a bad sign. But the fact they have to use live action means child actors. No matter how good a child actor is, this show will suffer for it.

>Doesnt this come out this year?
Makes it worse, don't it?

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I really want to know the story behind this.
I imagine the earthbenders doing the hokey-pokey back there thought the CGI was going to have an avalanche of rocks fly out of the ground, and the singular guy was supposed to blast them all.

And the CGI is just laughing his ass off at this scene, while slowly dying inside that a scene like this managed to make its way into the movie at all.

What's the point? If the original was good, why would I want to see a reimagined version of it? If they change it too much, they tread on what fans loved. If they change it too little, it's pointless. We already have Avatar, and live action is not inherently better than animation. What problem is this show solving; what need is it fulfilling. If it was another show set in the same world with different characters, okay, I could get behind that.

Not in the US by people pushing for diverse casts at least, it's pretty weird when you're essentially told to sit down when people are asking for better representation in media

>original creators
I hope they don't mean the shit stains responsible for Korra. I want the old writer's back but I know that isn't who they're talking about

>I hope they don't mean the shit stains responsible for Korra. I want the old writer's back but I know that isn't who they're talking about
They mean just DiMartino and Konietzko. There also seems to be one of the music composers, but that's it.

Drink your choloroquine goy.

It's fulfilling the nostalgia itch that permeates this generation. The problem is they've been conditioned to believe cartoons are only for children. This they have to reimagine the series as live action and with a few updated references so people can better meme the show.


I seem to recall people being angry that Shyamalan's cast wasn't Asian.

It'll be Korra again.
I've already dropped it.

>Do you have any hope for this show?
No. American's need to stop treating live action adaptations as legitimatizing source material.

>live action
Wasn't the last movie bad enough?

(I'd rather have a toph, katara, azula, ty lee, mai, maybe yue-moon girl, and jin-tea girl adult movie, and by adult movie i mean 3 X's.)
And by 3 x's...idk...

Ehasz is great, though. He does good direction, good character writing, good dialogue. I don't know why everyone hates TDP so much.

I imagine AtLA was good because it had everyone working together as a team. One person alone doesn't do it. But Aaron's work on TDP (on a Netflix-style series) is still clearly above what Bryke did with Korra.

>real humans
I only care about animation

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Maybe enough talented minds balancing each other out. Maybe it was Dave Filoni, he worked on a bit of the show too. IMO season 3 was a slight decline and I think season 4 could have been weaker.

They are just as long as their brown or a tint of yellow, are oppressed and have a "lack of representation in media".

Just don't bring up the fact that there are white asians or the fact that they're the immigrant group that outperform whites in intelligence and wealth.

Major exaggeration, Korra is nowhere as good as TLA but holy shit, it was a decent show and better than 80% of the most popular shows at the time (and better than most shounen anime),and plus, TLA plot is literally already written, it's just adaptation at this point, they don't need to align all the stars and planets plus a ton of luck to accidentally write a good story again, it's already written down

Go back jacking off to the White Black Panther fanart,incel turd

>nostalgia itch that permeates This generation
Member Happy Days , boomer crusty cunt ?

Based truth teller making the bitches cry out in anger.

>Morgan Freeman as king bumi

>Do you have any hope for this show?

Absolutely none whatsoever.

>live action
When will this meme fucking die? If the story requires any serious measure of special effects, and you don't have Disney bucks, it (almost) always comes out laughable.

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ATLA was bluepilled from the first episode