Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So Jennika is the turtles Older Sister Figure now that Splinter is dead. So they randomly killed off Splinter to replace him with Jennika. Now it makes sense why Jennika stuck like glue to Splinter and barely interacted with the turtles. It was to have Splinter pass his wisdom to her because he was in the middle of a falling out with his own sons and he never truly made up with them. What convoluted out of left field garbage. Jennika is a horrible mistake. She's doing what April does in some incarnations while the writers made room for Jennika by killing Splinter.

Anyone else hate all of this? Also that stupid retcon about Jennika liking that feral rat that could have had diseases? Bullshit again because she hated Splinter precisely because he was some sub-human freak who was replacing Shredder a human. They really are forcing Jennika.

Anyway TMNT thread.

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you on acid?

Jennika a shit. The only female turtles you need are the Turtles (male)

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Her comic blows

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Donnie is my favorite holy shit I love this user

Also does anyone have any recommendations on some decent new age TMNT comics? I know it’s relatively subjective from person to person but id like to hear what people have to say.

Never really jumped into any of the TMNT comics for that matter, I have just been watching the shows and movies.

How old is Jennika?

>So they randomly killed off Splinter to replace him with Jennika
No, they killed him off to replace him with Saki.

What could improve her character? I know little to nothing of her and her origin other than what Op has stated. I can see her being okay shipping material, maybe idk.

Makes me think of all the girls that were paired with the turtles in the 2012 nickelodeon TMNT

in her late 20s I guess.

Considering the turtles themselves like like 5 max, the Teenage part is a little redundant.

That would be kind of cool if written correctly, but still doesn't anyone find it off putting that the writers did the following:

"Randomly for no reason at all let's force the Dragon God near the end of this already convoluted City at War arc! This requires Splinter sacrificing himself!"

Mirage and Archie

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>That would be kind of cool if written correctly
Well we don't know exactly what's going to happen with Shredder now. I assume now that there is truce between the turtles and the foot.

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It's like you read the story while drunk and got your conclusions all wrong. Or you are set on hating a particular character and trying jard to find new reasons to keep your negative emotions buzzing.

As someone with a limited knowledge of tmnt.
This sounds like a crazy dream fiction.

think we'll see mutant versions of these two show up in 105?

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>Anyone else hate all of this?

Yes. I hate that this boring character who did nothing interesting for nearly five years and I could only remember when she was on panel, was suddenly turned into a repeat of what considered one of the biggest mistakes in the franchise's history, while also not fixing any of the problems she already had.

I know she'll probably get written off in some way sooner or later, so it's not she'll be around forever. Give it and she's cured of her mutation, or she's killed off, or she's put into stasis, or she becomes a mercenary in outer space, or just about anything that keeps her out of focus will happen. And that the worst case scenario when it comes to the larger franchise is probably the Batgirl scenario, in the sense that she shows up but is a minor character when she's around and typically gets ignored like the tacked on leech she is (seriously, to this day Batgirl's only live-action movie is B&R). But just because I can tolerate the notion of her being around for a while and maybe showing up in other stuff, that doesn't mean I think this character should be around.

Don't make another Ninja Turtle. The series is already about four characters who look almost identical and have the same abilities, we don't need a fifth one under any reasonable circumstance, especially not if she's boring as tar. If you're gonna make a new character for this franchise, literally make it anything but a mutant turtle with a ninja gimmick.

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Why is romance shittery always in turtles media
Aside from Casey and April it never fucking works and just comes off as melodramatic

your forgetting lita. if anything jennys going to be a mom figure later on for the next generation.

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>Her comic blows

Holy shit, that art is rock bottom.

I've seen worse.

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Only time Casey and April ever worked as in the 2k3 series.

I didn't forget about Lita. It's just that Lita is much more acceptable at this point, because she was just introduced and there signifigant deviations from the main group of turtles, such as being way smaller and not having a ninja gimmick. Wheter or not she'll continue to be fine is a matter of how she's developed down the line.

If she gets taller and becomes a ninja who joins the main group, then I'd probably get pissed off and condem her. If something else happens, like she mutates in bizarre ways or get a gimmick that is anything but the ninja schtick, then it would be OK. The fact that she's a turtle is still a bit of an issue regardless, but there is still more than enough to prevent her from just becoming another copy of the main group. I mean, why do you think they made Slash a snapping turtle and had him join a different group? It made him come across as different enough.

The problem with Jennika isn't just that that she's a mutant turtle with a ninja gimmick, even though that is a bad idea regardless, it's that the character is not interesting and she was just given a more important role for no reason. Keep in mind, she was introduced right after Splinter took over the Foot, perhaps even earlier given that her original uniform made her anonymous. And what did she do between then and turning into a mutant? Aside from a short attempt at a mutinity, she went on a few dates with Casey, acted as babysitter and was generally just a stern bodyguard, that's it. Druing this time, there was far more focus on characters like Bishop, Rat King, Leatherhead and even Krang. She was as forgettable as an eye blink.

There is an opportunity to something better with Lita, Jenny was fucked long before any of this mutant town shit.

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It basically is. It's Campbell's AU fan fiction shi came up with a few years ago come to life and now the comic has become this action book/slice of life SJW-Coded analogy about minority persecution, grieving, & woke culture wank.

Which really...is par for the course for TMNT. Once you get rid of Stockman, Shredder, The Foot, The Utroms, The Triceretons, Bishop & the rest (plus the obligatory fight with Usagi), any TMNT version just starts spinning their wheels until they end it all in one big fight against/with Shredder.

Yeah, the original Mirage stories moved past all the stuff most fans care about a long time ago, but by that point, it became an anthology-style book so up their own ass in self-importance & continuity that even Peter Laird got tired of it.

IDW TMNT has kinda stopped appealing to me way before they turned it into Jenny's book, but the good thing about TMNT is that there is always another version around the corner.

at least idws rereleasing the older hard to find stuff.

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a furries wet dream

I like them in the first TMNT movie too since Judith Hoag had chemistry with Elias Koteas and it was mostly some light flirting that didn't get in the way of the story.

IDW April and Casey are probably the worst version of that pairing (and they're not even together right now). I guess there's the Mirage Comics but I think that was also kind of the point.

There's also that drama with Jenni and Casey and Jenni saying he dumped her in the TMNT comics when they really only went on a few dates and nothing was able to come out of it before she got mutated.
Lita, Pepperoni, and the baby weasel. Honestly why are there too many cutesy sidekick baby characters being introduced?

I think donnies the only one of the turtles that might not have a weapon hidden on him, unless he has a collapsible staff that is.

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TMNT always skirted dangerously close on the furry shit considering the whole mutant animals thing but for the most part it was the Turtles fighting ninjas, gangs, evil corporations, sci-fi aliens, and ancient demons. This arc is focusing on the whole mutant town thing so the furry levels are high and I guess that's partially why Sophie is in charge of it while Waltz does that Ronin story with Peter and Laird.

Sure, OP. They totally wouldn't have killed Splinter if not for Jennika.
Hey, wanna buy a bridge in New York?

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>It's like you read the story while drunk and got your conclusions all wrong. Or you are set on hating a particular character and trying jard to find new reasons to keep your negative emotions buzzing.

We have a winner.

Kitsune doesn't deserve redemption.

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Jennika being a little older than the boys with some very screwy experience living on the margins of "the human world" does make her useful in some ways to the boys, but you'd have to be dangerously delusional and deranged to think that she's a Splinter substitute. She literally says she's hoping the boys can teach her shit, and its incredibly obvious that she lived for so long as a Foot soldier just following orders that she feels lost trying to live without a clan. Stop being stupid, OP, it's embarassing.

>it's embarassing.


Pot, kettle, black.

She didn't have a name, so that means she wasn't a human child that mutated with the bomb. She was a turtle that mutated.

>and its incredibly obvious that she lived for so long as a Foot soldier just following orders that she feels lost trying to live without a clan
Sounds like Alopex.

This is peak SOUL compared to straight lines and washed out colors.

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Wish we had a name for her.

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it's bea, campbell confirmed it last month.

>they really only went on a few dates

By Waltz standards that made them practically married. Waltz's idea of characterization was to do something twice and figure that everyone understood it was happening all the time. He had no page space to waste on more than that, he needed to get back to several other plots.

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Oh my, time to bash the IDW comic again already?

Where does the time go...

Not... really. Alopex wanted allies/friends after leaving the foot, because everyone wants some friends, and because the Foot would hunt her down more easily if she had nobody watching her back. She really wanted to leave the clan. Jennika's deal is that she ran away from a shitty home, ended up in a shitty relationship with a schmuck that abandoned her to get arrested, and then 100% committed herself to the Foot because she was desperate to belong to something and just get told what to do in order to stay safe and shit. Until Splinter came along and went "well that's still a bit shit." She's kinda on the needy side, looking to belong to something family-adjacent.

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I stand by what I said. Did she ever say she wanted the boys as a new family? I can definitely see them initially raising the possibility of going in that direction, but... well, it didn't go in that direction. She just got paired off with Angel and sent to live on D-Team island.

Part of me suspects they got skittish about using her more when a significant number of fans went "She's not based on Ninjara, you say? Uh huh. Pull the other one."

Only cuz the art sucks

Grandma squirrel from the Jennika issue is cute.

Just so we're clear what are the chances that this entire concert turns out horrible? Like maybe Hob shows up and ruins the festivity?

I hope she's babysitting the kids while everyones at the concert.

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Bout 50/50.

And this will forever be the problem with TMNT. It's a franchise. It has no linear story. Never did not even when the original creators worked on it. TMNT will forever be a random bunch of concepts. Purely a testing ground for differing ideas of whoever is the Head Writer. That's it. This isn't like Japanese manga where there is indeed a linear story and certain things will always be canon like how in Dragon Ball GT and also Super? The general assumption is that the whole entire Dragon Ball manga by the original creator is very much canon and did happen.

Are you implying Spider Man, Batman, or a million other superhero comics have a linear story?

Does anyone else suspect that this Lita character is going to turn out to be some magical Mary Sue or something like that? The only animal mutant that has unusual colors. I mean Slash is not a turtle like the main ones, but he manages to look adequate in color scheme. Anyway I don't think I like where this one seems to be coming from.

Anything that is a Western Comic Book property endures this very same issue. There is no story, just endless reboots of many many many types of ideas which is also how we get random things like Spiderman meets a universe of furries no matter how unfitting that is for Spiderman to cross dimensions into different worlds, what is he? Klonoa?

>Just so we're clear what are the chances that this entire concert turns out horrible? Like maybe Hob shows up and ruins the festivity?

Hob SHOULD show up. I refuse and reject that Hob accepts Sally's betrayal like that all of a sudden and within the same issue Sally relaxes at a music concert. Going by Hob's choice of words he never liked Sally one single little bit. And given how he doesn't like traitors either, Diamond, you know that the chances of he being vindictive enough to ruin Sally's good time are high. And if he can spoil the turtle's fun? Even better.

>Mary Sue
Everyone that uses that term seriously should be shot on sight. You are the death of literary discussion.

There's a good chance she'll be significant for some reason. No idea what reason.

>Going by Hob's choice of words he never liked Sally one single little bit.

Careful sounds like Hob is gay. And you don't want that with the current writers.

True, but I feel like Campbell might throw the boys a bit of a bone and, if there's any threat at all at the concert, make it something they can take care of easily. They've had it rough for a while now, nothing wrong with letting them have one good fucking night where they can just cut loose for once.

There's no way that shit with Hob isn't going to go south VERY fast though.

Hob is hatesexual. You're either someone he hates or someone he begrudgingly tolerates.

So did she die or not? I hope she died. It would make Hob incompetent to allow someone who by his own words said repeatedly caused him trouble even before Sally fired her.

>Anyone else hate all of this?
I know nothing other than what you've told me and already this smacks of "OMG LYK MAI OC TURTLES CHARACTER SHOULD BE OLDER AND WISER THAN THE TURTLE BOYS CAUSE OMG LYK GURLPOWER!"
shit. why is every god damn legacy series going through this bullshit with some SUPERgirl character who only exists to show how much better she is than everyone else?

Yes, the irony on my reaction image is not lost on me

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Rumor has it that there's a faction of Human Mutants who already reject Hob and are gaining assets just to resist the Mutanimals. If this is all true, I wonder what's their characterization. Would be nice to see the turtles befriend a warrior faction that isn't going to gun them down. You know similar to the Triceratons being nice.

>I know nothing other than what you've told me

How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe random anons on Yas Forums?

>Kennel Club
are they really naming the place this in all seriousness? its named after a goddamn furry convention style club.

If its a lie, that will come out in the weeks and months ahead. If true, which I dont doubt it at this point, then my current opinion will be validated
Really its just waiting to see if my pessimism is right or not. just another day

He's not wrong, Jennika in issue one hundred and one openly said about Raphael that he is her younger brother who gets into trouble when meeting Mona Lisa and in this latest issue Jennika in front of all the boys openly says that she is their Big Sister. So there you go. The whole Older Sister figure deal is very accurate. And she is also the character who spent the absolute most amount of time with Splinter during his Foot Clan reign especially so during the falling out where Leo and his brothers abandoned Splinter.

The retcon argument about Jennika at first hating Splinter for being an anthro animal freak but her latest comic explaining that she has empathy and liking towards feral animals like a common diseased rat? That is also true.

I only know Hellboy comic have linear storyline.

>that will come out in the weeks and months ahead

It's already blatantly a lie. Her "wisdom" is minimal, coming down to shit like "Jesus, you boys should talk to one another" and "a night out would do you guys some good." Meanwhile she's already said a couple of times that she wants them to help her through what's happened to her. She's not new-mommy or anything, user. And you have to be out of your Goddamn mind to think that killing off SPLINTER was done just to put her in.

>He's not wrong
Yeah, he is. I'll give you that she's set up as an "older sister," but the idea that she could replace Splinter, or that Splinter was killed off just to make room for her? You're off your rocker.

I'm confused what's furry? A universe of feral normal animals who become anthro OR a universe where anthros are already in existence and are normal (think like Bojack Horseman).

This is a dangerous rabbit hole you're poking your nose into.

If she's not replacing Splinter then Jennika is notably replacing April because notice how distant April has been for quite a while. Oh yeah she showed up in the latest issue, for a blink and you miss it silent appearance.

What about that anime, Brand New Animal? In there the animal anthros have the power to turn human at will. Is that furry?

April is busy with Baxter. Which is good, because she finally has a purpose for once.