Who is the strongest of these five?
Who is the strongest of these five?
Did Kim kill people?
Ben and Danny.
But in different ways
>Ben 10
How pathetic
Why do you think they are looking all pissed at him
Ben, and by a large margin
I never saw ben 10, how come?
Jenny supposedly has the strength of a million and 70 men, though obviously being robotic has its downsides.
The ghost demon.
>Hal Jordan
How pathetic
Ben got a Nigh Omnipotent character based on Marvel Eternity and Lord Chaos/ Master Order called Alien X
Ben or Danny.
well then
>Cuts off his hand
Nothin' personal kid
He made one universe and that’s it. Couldn’t even get it right.
This breaks the arm of Halfags
I mean Jenny's dick IS biggest
I don't remember my Ben 10 lore that well but isn't Alien X crappy because Ben (who is a well known retard) can't play debate club with the other beings within it?
Ben or Danny
He got over that in Omniverse, the other voices just let him have full control.
Danny should be able to effectively kill them all while intangible.
Physically? Jenny
Most powerful? Ben
Least likely to be a fuck up? Kim
Not Ben
Ben can just de power him
I highly doubt the opening song is literal, but even if it is some of the aliens Ben can turn into completely invalidates physical strength.
That seem fucking dumb
to be fair, her powers and weaknesses are completely inconsistent.
Yeah, they will scale according the need of the episode. But anyway, regardless of what she can do Ben could do better with Upgrade taking over her body.
The green/black shirt dude.
Ben can outdo all the other members in any aspect
>Need a smart strategist?
Grey Mater
>Need a spedster?
>Need a heavy hitter?
Way big
>Need a tech guy?
>Need stealth?
Big Chill
This whole premise is autism
>>Need stealth?
>Big Chill
Danny call just literally turn invisible and walk through walls. Doesn't get more stealthy than that.
Ben or Jenny.
Better question; why is Kim always the leader in these crossovers?
well so can ben with ghostfreak, so there's that
That’s literally what Big Chill and Ghostfreak do.
I think you are right, Ben can do both of these, but not at the same time
You kinda have to throw Kim a bone since she's the only one with out powers kinda like how the league does with batman.
The point I was making is he doesn't do stealth better, just as effectively as Danny.
I did the math and that would only be around 33,190,000,000 joeles of energy so City Block level
He can also shrink and shit. All Ant-Man like
She does have the super suit which makes her probably on par with Jenny right?
No it doesn’t. Maybe Jake but not Jenny
Ben 10
Jenny > Danny > Jake > Kim > Ben
too much shading, I guess
Weren't they gonna make some sort of fan comics about this crossover, did it ever lead to anything?
Ben (even without Alien X, the likes of Way Big and Atomix puts him here) > Jenny = Danny (Jenny has strength, Danny has hax) > Jake > Kim
And of course, the only time when Hal shows up, is when the rest of the JL are out of the picture.
How does it feel to try and one up a bunch of teenagers, Hal?
He’s just here for the teenage robot pussy
Ben's powerlevel is the highest but he'd lose to Danny in any scenario where Danny had to absolutely end him.
The Omnitrix is still fast enough to protect him
Has Ben ever been possessed?
Ben, though only because he's the only one whose series has gone on long enough for him to get power creeped into oblivion
Hell, if we limit aliens and feats to the OS
Danny wins
That was Ghost Freak's whole plan back in og. So i think it's possible but the Omnitrix would likely save him from possession. I'm talking more about Ben enjoying Mr.Smoothie and all of a sudden his heart is phased shifted out of his chest.
These kids managed to fights supernatural threats on their own, Hal. They beated bruiser, toppled tyrants, wacked wizards, annilhated armies and made fun of mad scientists, all before reaching the end of their puberty. You? You cannot even defeat a villain without the help of your green spandex clad buddies, and most of the time you hardly succeed.
Yet you, a full grown adult, suddenly feels the need to show your strength at them.
Not being the only GL of earth anymore must hurt, huh? Or perhaps you are... Afraid?
Failsafe keeps him from dying, will turn him into NRG or Goop
>Bencels still traumatized
What a tragedy
I don't know how fast failsafe is suppose to be, but ok, let's say it's instant. Danny possess Gwen (her alien genes don't matter), Kevin, or Grandpa. He then says he will make them kill themselves unless Ben surrenders the Omnitrix. My point is that Ben has some glaring vulnerabilities both physical and familial when matched against a ghost power set.
Go Ghostfreak, get him out of their bodies. He can also just blow up Amity Park, so it’s not something he can do that Ben can’t.
>Showing off even more in response.
Yes... You are afraid. You are afraid of being weak, of being casted aside and being forgotten, while more competent lanterns such as John and Guy will be remembered due to their prowess and originality. To be forever considered the weakest member of the justice league. This scares you, tarnishes your self esteem, and your ego, in a desperate attempt to prove to yourself that you are worthy, imposed on yourself to come down from your quiet neat place in space and invade a thread you were never invited to, nor mentioned. You saw these amazing youths and their accomplishments, and out of envy, in a rush to try and save face, you show off to these kids your power. But the truth is, Hal Jordan, that the one you are trying to impress is just yourself, for your ego is wounded.
You could say that about any superhero. Ben could literally do the exact same thing. If surprise attacks count, as you stated, Kim could just kill them both in their sleep. I'm pretty sure the question was referring to an actual fight.
>More competent
Wow, Bencucks not knowing anything about comics. What a surprise. Give my regards to Xanshi