Who wins?
Who wins?
Which Superman and which Silver Surfer?
Silver Surfer.
My reasoning is that since Kryptonite is nothing more than
>A piece of Krypton hit with space radiation
The Surfer can use his cosmic awareness to discover where Superman is from and what his weakness is then attune his power cosmic to make kryptonite beams (Which both Metallo and Lex Luthor have used so they exist.)
I don't care who it is. I don't care about the context. My money's going to always be on Superman. He just finds ways to win.
Superman if the plot is jerking him off over being "Muh first super hero" or whatever.
Silver Surfer if you just go off power sets alone.
So does everybody. It’s called being a protagonist
Superman. The answer is almost always Superman.
No, I'm not a Superman fanboy. I'm a Goku fanboy.
neither as the protagonist and this not being a paid off death battle type scenario?
Silver Surfer.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard.
I dunno but they would make a hell of a team, since Surfer can now fire out suns as an attack, which means he could probably buff the shit out of Superman.
Silver jobber should win but won’t.
Who jobs worst, the flash or Sliver surfer?
Death battle threads are just an excuse for doing VS topics (and that’s a good thing, why isn’t VS it’s own interest subboard yet) So here are some matches for you to chew on.
Enterprise A (Star Trek) Vs imperial star destroyer (Star Wars)
Ultimate lifeform Kars (Jojo) Vs The Animorphs (Animorphs)
Yhwach (Bleach) Vs Kaguya (Naruto)
Daemon Primarch Magnus (40k) Vs the Simurgh (Parahumans)
Vin (Mistborn) Vs Harry Drenson (Harry Drenson)
The doctor (Dr who) Vs Lord English (Homestuck)
>bust through multiple universes and realities
>only a leave a crack on a planet
how does that make any sense
Whoever you don't think would win, OP, because you're a faggot and you're always wrong about everything.
this, by that same reasoning dora the explorer is just as powerful as superman
The guy he hit acted as a buffer and is apparently just that tough.
>Superman has permanent ultra instinct yet gets punched from weaker enemies.
His superpower is whatever the writers want.
Superfags don't care, they will just continue to wank off Superman.
Silver Surfer use cosmic awareness and discover that Superman is weak to kryptonite/red sun radiation. Silver Surfer generates either of those energies and easily defeats Superman. Kryptonite if he is going for the kill. Red sun radiation if he is wants to subdue and restrain Superman.
Already posted here
I think it was a planet beyond imagination or something
It was not even a real universe. Just a fake universe that was about to replace the real universe but never had the chance. And Forager was the focal point of it. By taking out Forager, the fake universe disappeared. Think of it as creating a new os within an existing os without saving your work. Destroy the computer and the existing os will remain while the unsaved new os will disappear. Forager is the computer that Superman knocked out.
>Yhwach (Bleach) Vs Kaguya (Naruto)
I hate anime vs anime, and hate Naruto vs Bleach the most. Two of the most anal ravaged fandoms fighting over fanfic bullshit, please no.
Superman powers through it anyway and farts on Silver Surfer, completely obliterating him effortlessly.
Surfer can handle being destroyed at the atomic level. He just drains Superman dry and beats him to death
Surfer can't survive being atomized by the likes of Galactus.
Super would one punch Galactus. Give it a rest please.
You wish. Superman would get wrecked by Galactus putting is any effort,
>use his cosmic awareness to discover where Superman is from and what his weakness is
You're honestly overthinking it, he can shut the sun off if he needs to.
>the pathetic state of Superfags
Finding out Superman is powered by the sun in the first place would also require cosmic awareness
Dark Souls battle Royale when
Come on, I hate when the threads die right after I post something.
Going to bother Gokufags’ excuse and just say ki control.
Well, Superman does know how to hold back. And he definitely didn’t want World Forger dead
Ultimately, Superman gets dragged into the astral plane.
That would be easily in the Surfer's ballpark physically, which is about 20% of his overall powers.
Who wins, a battle of wits, Butcher with 1 month of preptime or batman with 1 day of preptime?
Surfer can probably beat Gladiator so I expect he can beat Superman, especially since Superman has more obvious weaknesses.
Surfer unless he's jobbing. Which he does a lot, so probably Superman.
Well, to my opinion Goku wins.
Hes bear angel level with his killer Instinct mode.
Goku gets wrecked by either
Dajjal wins
He’s not that tough
>Daemon Primarch Magnus (40k) Vs the Simurgh (Parahumans)
Magnus *might* have more raw power, but I'm pretty certain the Simurgh outthinks him. And if her plan in Ward is any indication, se has multiverse scale precog.
>Vin (Mistborn) Vs Harry Drenson (Harry Drenson)
Did you mean Dresden? If so, Harry probably edges Vin out in durability, but given Mistborn magic-users have all kinds of bullshit and Vin would likely get all his equipment, he might be able to simply shank Harry to death.
>The doctor (Dr who) Vs Lord English (Homestuck)
In a straight fight, the Doctor probably dies. If he gets sufficient prep-time, he can possibly bullshit his way out, but I can't see him overpowering Lord English barring yeeting him into the Time Vortex.
The fat girl from New Warriors?
I'm fully convinced Superfags are hopelessly braindead. And I actually LIKE Superman and discussing his feats in threads like these.
Silver surfer would win, and your right, as a DC fan, He would win, superman is fucking weak to a goddamn rock, and I hear SS is omnipotent so he could summon kryptonite
People who jerk off superheros are generally retarded, and it is simple, SS would win easily, he could do what ever he does
I think Ywach has better mind shit
Every time I see somebody jack off to superheroes whilst shitting on fans of soemthing else (usually when they're providing actual feats for said things rather than just shitposting), it just furthers my resentment for the more obsessed capeshit fans.
But yeah, it's clear Silver Surfer wins this unless we're bringing in some other nonsensical version of Supes.
Superman, because he can touch red pots
Kaguya goes straight for the kill.
Mind shit though
Looks like a stalemate, if you ask me.
Both Kaguya and Ywhach are vague as fuck.
We still don't know fully how the Otsusuki work, we might get more info in the next Boruto chapter.
As for Ywhach it would be wise to wait for him to show up on the new anime too.
what stops Surfer from just pulling all the solar radiation out of Superman and flying off?
In a team or crossover situation definitely Flash.
Solo book Flash is nigh unstoppable to anyone in any universe. JLA/Crossover event Flash just kind of runs fast, but not as fast as his teammates for some reason, and is guaranteed to trip on anything in his path no matter what.
Flash, he is worthless when he is not acting in specifically a Flash story. Surfer tends to be the one that comes in and saves everyone else's collective asses and fucks off back to space when he is done. Unless it's a Starlin story, then he has to be worthless around Thanos or Warlock.