Scenes that gave you fetishes

Post scenes that gave you fetishes

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Other urls found in this thread:

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this is a new one

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The 80s TMNT was strange

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I won’t.

This and any other combination of tummy growls gave me this dumb stomach growling fetish.

Attached: tumb.gif (156x180, 501.95K)

Drunk kids, or just drunkenness?

This is a judgement free zone

Drunkenness in general

That said it doesn't happen to cute girls very often

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Interesting! I like drunkeness a lot too, super cute to see a cute girl so happy and silly. What was it about the scene you posted that you liked?

Mostly the happiness, silliness, and speed of how it hit him. Plus the hiccuping was nice. My BIGGEST scene as a kid wasn't Yas Forums though. How about you?

Attached: Aad8FAqCIAAfZMh.jpg (600x337, 19.33K)

Drunkenness? I didn't acquire it till later when I saw IRL how honest and happy and everything it made people. You can DEFINITELY tell who's into you and there's so much cuddling, just the absolute best.


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[Insert Kaa Pic here]
Minus the vore naturally.

Woah Woah Woah, the greenlit this in the 90s?

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None. I don't suffer from autism, so I never developed any fetishes from cartoons.

I don't get it, does her stomach explode or something? or is it just the idea of her being strapped down? is she pregnant? what is the fetish?

Good thing i only watched anime so i'm not a retarded degenerate like everyone else ITT.
God, Western shit is truly sub human.

Attached: weebchad.jpg (1080x1331, 357.06K)

What are you doing here then

Is she turning into a duck?

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Attached: tales from the darkside.gif (500x271, 1.46M)

>Ain't looking that shit up

This, but plus the vore

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I think a pig, it is hard to tell

What's the fetish here

No, her lips are just inflating alongside her chest and ass.

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Black QT waifu to gargoyle TF if my memory serves.

No one with beats off to Spongebob's feet nibba

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Loretta is hot

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Mmmyes, I find this encounter very underrated. Not as strong as the second encounter from the first film, but what is?

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*No one with a fucking brain i should say.

Rapid witchcraft induced pregnancy. She gives birth to a small shoggoth that acts as a cocoon for an evil warlock to reborn in.

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It's a liiittle bit gross

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I have several questions but I won't ask them

What's to question about Ursula? Straightforward BBW fetish

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>tfw garbage eating kink

no idea how it happened either, just love upset tummies and gross stuff

Ben's ability to transform always fascinated me. The thought of being able to do it was arousing.

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Doing it wrong: Mega babies.
Doing it right: My pet monster.
Too bad we couldn't have a return series of MPM.

Wait, for real? You get off from people eating disgusting stuff?

this is not what 'fetish' means

I mean, it's part of a larger overarching fetish for upset/loud stomachs, but yes.

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Man, you'd feel in paradise living on China.
>any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

Oh user?

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How was that Boku no Pico 'session'?

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on the real though, it's more about a combination of the person being so inhumanly hungry they'd eat that stuff combined with the wild upset tummy and gross noises that'd come from it that's lewd. Don't like disease or anything like that.