Steven Multiverse Thread

Steven Multiverse Thread

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>genderbent bugs bunny swoons at sunburnt boy doing racist Chinese impression

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God, I gotta admit, human Lapis can be cute, real shame it’s mostly dedicated to Lapidot

This is the most disrespectful shit ever.
Not only you're using a meme site for mocking 2 people's look.
But you're assuming that that joke site is a reliable source for how a kid may look like despite you putting the faces of 2 adults in it, of course 2 adults don't make the look of a baby
And not only you're being a lookist, but also a casual racist.
One thing is saying their cartoons are bad, the other, and it's worse on every sides, it's mock them for being not attractive for you and for this society's standards, and then there is the worst of the worst that is assuming their children would be abo*inations just and only for their look.
Don't be mean like this and you will be beautiful, because you're acting like an ugly person

is this a pasta?

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she a cute

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>not posting a superior version

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Lou Reed

holy shit, I can hear the nasal STEVEN in pearl's voice just looking at this image

Which Universe has Connie being raped and corrupted?

This is cute until you realize it means permanent death for all of them


>not posting the colored version

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>no humorous expressions that fit the character and their relationship with the protagonist
>nor color

Didn't want to make a new thread for this:
New promo and a new boarder team

>>Fragments and Homeworld Bound were scary!! Let's just go back to Season 1

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the best universe. shame the second one was never scanned.

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Plus one for I Am My Monster
>Both action boarders

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wait though didn't someone say that gems were able to birth non-halfbreed children without dying? I remember hearing that somewhere.

I feel like this is a reference to something

Thanks, honestly couldn't find the color version
>implying he didn't do it on purpose

he's about to snap
>no jasper
welp, we had a good run

I think you may be on to something

>the diamonds

Probably from an impregnation doujin you read so the readers wouldn't feel bad about starting whatever gem's death countdown self-inserting as steven.

I see Jasper is raising the kids like a cuck

>Everything's fine
>Steven looks like he is about to snap
It's going to be glorious

>no Steven
>no Jasper

Oh shiiit.

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cause they fused into corruption worm, look at the horns on her helmet and the worm

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Sugar confirmed it.

Pink could have survived, but chose for Steven to be the new Pink Diamond on purpose.

She sacrificed her form, but there’s too many hints that she transferred her spirit elsewhere.

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Okay but sauce?

>Exiled queens protecting Earth from their Communist former empire

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Why he looks like Luz Noceda

They know

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>Connie up front
oh no

>we are going to beat you to death

Don't mine me, I'm just stopping by to say I love Yellow Diamond from the Yellow Steven AU.

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I like Diamond AUs but I don't like it's still Steven, if that makes sense. Steven only exists because of Greg and Rose. I guess people are afraid of just making regular OCs.

Deepest lore

There is more than this, but this is the citation from the wiki.

tl;dr Gems use feminine pronouns by cultural osmosis since to humans they seem more feminine. Homeworld Gems unaware of sexual reproduction may label themselves either, not knowing or possibly caring the context and details.

Any Gem can shapeshift any gender if they’re aware of the mechanics, Amethyst as a wrestler is anatomically correct male because she’s weird like that. They don’t have to sacrifice their form by giving their Gem to their offspring, they can make a dick or a womb and maek babby if they feel like doing the gross parts of biology. Pink wanted Steven to inherit all her power, to be the new Pink.

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>but I don't like it's still Steven, if that makes sense.
Yeah I get what you mean but I can let it slide since it's still an enjoyable story. Especially the White Steven one.

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The only universe that matters is the one where Steven and Garnet are together.

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It seemed like that when it was just Rose.

But think about it; Steven only has early Pink Diamond memories of hers in him. Nothing on Earth.

The dream he had pointing him to talk to Pearl wasn’t a memory, it was a vision. Like when Pink Diamond left the Pink Diamond she took the real thing with him, and she had to send him a message pointing him to Pearl.

I’m thinking wherever she is, she can’t form again but is seeing and feeling what he does. Maybe only in dreams, but somehow aware.

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I imagine its just how things unfolded.

His Gem doesn’t have a complete mind based on how its only emotion was anger. I’d bet his Gem made light-based anatomy that his flesh never grew, like when separated from his Gem he’s missing synaptic connections between the brainstem and organs or entirely missing his kidneys or something. Maybe one lung.

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>Padparadscha predicting she's going to cum late

This is too fucking cute holy shit

Another promo, this time from the show's BG designer

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Wouldn't stevens stand look more like him. either that or a twink version of pink diamond


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Who the fuck are Maya and Amish?


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This is still a hype song after all these years

Maya (with Etienne Guignard) worked on:
>Snow Day
>In Dreams
>Together Forever

Amish (with multiple board partners) worked on:
>A Very Special Episode
>Why So Blue?
>Mr Universe

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Greg always produces a Steven since Steven is really mostly his dad. There's some gem mom influence, but they look quite alike.
Also, yeah, making normal OCs is old and stale, re-making Steven for the billionth time is the new hotness.

>tfw the only way you can get a Yellow Steven vs Pink Diamond fight scene is by hiring a fuckton of animators for your stupid idea or doing it yourself
It's almost enough to make a man go get a job

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