But what about dominant women?

But what about dominant women?

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They need to be dominated themselves by an Alpha Chad.

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Has anyone told emma dressing like a whore as a teacher and leader is frowned upon

only women and gay men

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Too rare

She can just psychically suppress her students' horniness until class is over

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But what about the droid attack on the wookies?

>Emma will never telepathically neuter you and then relentlessly tease you with her words and body knowing full well that you can't get an erection or act on your sexual urges.

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Women that pretend to be dominant but are actually subs

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Pete and Carol were really cute together.

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Only when they're dominating other women

If that's what you're into.

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I can just imagine Professor X (from any universe where he's decent) constantly suppressing an aneurysm while explaining to Emma what breach or violation she committed against psychic ethics THIS time


They are hot

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That's every fucking femdom doujin ever and I fucking hate it.

I want Rapunzel to dominate me and infect me with Coronavirus.

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Who's that cute boy Widow is holding?

Who's that cute boy Widow is holding?

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I want Rapunzel to step on me

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Poor Moonstone all she wanted was to be in a corruption/mindbreak doujin with Carol

Now post Carol stepping on her face and Karla begging for more

Women who are dominant in their day to day are usually the most submissive in bed.

It is the place where they want to lose all control and release their stress.

All 3D women are boring subs, user, that's why we don't discuss them.

I mentioned this because many believe that Emma is inside the femdom when in reality she is likely to be submissive in bed.

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Based Emma.

I want to be hunted down like an animal by Rapunzel and hanged by the balls

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>But what about dominant women?
In Marvel Comics or MCU?
women there can't even wear swimsuit what they will say about being dominant

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Women don’t like submissive men. Women aren’t dominant. Men are.

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only the best

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Emma is dominant, intelligent, gorgeous, AND she makes you straight. How perfect can one woman be, bros?

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>gay men

Isn't Emma like the anti-Jean Grey? Isn't she out straightening all the fags?

I am very turned on and would like context

No way fattie

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The best kind.

Not every but yeah it's shit.

Carol just took Karla's moonstone, and Karla is telling Carol to stop being a bitch to put her out of her misery.

And Carol just leaves her there drenched like the alpha bitch she is.

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Literally the worst thing ever. Especially when you don't find out until you're in the bedroom. Every SJW I've ever slept with is this.

I want to lick her boot

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Of course

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The god tier ones start with her being completly dominant the first doujin, then falling for dick in the second and then being dominant again in the third

I should crop it but I'm busy flipping through this art book atm.

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then carol told her to reform or die by leaving her moonstone at her mum's grave
of course, karla chose neither and punched out the grave

Do you have any evidence to back that up?


it's just his head cannon, all evidence in the books shows her being the dom.

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>be me
>go through the Sjw's looking for a dominant
>They're all subs looking for a daddy
>get absolutely No where fast
>NOTHING to do but do

Straight sexually-dominant women don't exist IRL.

The most bossiest of bitches still wants to get subbed by a man, they're just pickier about the man.

>Someone with this low tier highschool level art style got a job at Marvel comics
What the fuck?